Monday, January 23, 2006

Post 11

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"When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt" - Hosea 11:1

This verse is so encoded it is not funny. Hoshea means savior or salvation. But notice what Hoshea 11:1 states and how it is written, it has encoding in it. It said that God called his son out of Egypt. But we see in the New Testament that this spoke of Christ. "When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son." So the savior came out of Egypt, that is Christ the savior, not born there but that it should be said or fulfill prophecy that he came out of Egypt - Hoshea means savior, so the savior came out of Egypt. However, he was not the only savior that came out of Egypt, for Moses more came out of Egypt. Then the verse that says it is Hoshea 11:1 or 1+1+1 saviors came out of Egypt. But Israel had many saviors? This would speak of dispensational saviors, which they are two and possibly one pending. Jews, humanity and _______.

It is only later in 2005 I realized that where I come from can be considered Egypt, wherewith a place can be called Egypt as this verse typified - "which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8). But where I come from is called Egypt because the spirit rulers of Egypt run the place - that is, Middle America - the South of America, Islands, etc; to the point that the boss might be RA himself, as hinted in other encodings (Isa 63:1). To the point that what they did in Egypt in creating the obeast, they did there in creating a second stronger obeast. Wherewith the scripture could have said to me in encoded form, "The burden of the beasts of the south: into the land of trouble and anguish, from whence come the young [OTHNIEL 1 - first] and old lion [… 2 - last], the viper [OBEAST 1] and fiery flying serpent [OBEAST 2]" (Isa 30:6). Fortunately, their second obeast was known by Christ and mirrored in the first miracle Moses did. That is, Moses made his rod turn a snake. Then Pharaoh, not knowing what God intends to say, challenged him and made two rods turn snake. Then Moses snake eat up the two. The Obeast is often referred to as a snake, made from it and would seem that they with the inventors of it are trying to override their first curse of the snake to walk on it's belly. So it would be upright again, in a man, as a man. That's why you see in the Egyptian pictograph Egyptians holding a snake upright in several rows beside them and why the snake symbol is on the head - horse men - called so for they are riding a man as a jockey a horse, most often dead and so took over their body. So what Moses did was throw down his rod to signify God saying I'm going to make those horsemen (upright snakes) snakes again, walking on their bellies. But the two was brought into play to show the two that would arise.

Again, the three mediator in NAME also came out of Egypt, that is - Moses, Joshua which is the same as Jesus (really Yahoshua) and his successor and first Judge and first lion of Judah ruler of Israel as a nation.

Now, in the article Real Weapons Of Mass Destruction, I mention an upgrade to the obeast since Egypt - Nano docs. I wasn't saying this is a second obeast or the second obeast, but an evolution of the biological obeast ideology, which can create the same problem. At the time, I hadn't known there was a second type obeast, I hadn't gotten the personal encoded prophecy of Isaiah 30. Even further, like the supposed beginnings of the Nano docs, though completely different, the creation thereof could begin in innocents; though evil can't help but to be seen, just trying to give the benefit of the doubt because the creators (or chief handlers) thereof are supposedly of the hopefuls; their civilization and existence being a possible treasure in REAL darkness.

Concerning the young and old lion stuff:

Isaiah 41:4 jumped out at me because the Lord himself was dealing with me concerning my purpose and shockingly enough that reference of he being the first wasn't a reference of being God or exaltation of his divine attributes, but the first dispensational savior of the Tribe of Judah, that is, Christ of Nazareth; Moses was the only one before him that issued in a new era of God's grace, but he was not of Judah. From Isa 41:1, he is not the last either, that's why he said he is "with the last;" the last liberator from Judah. The liberators and Kings were to come from Judah, as Jacob prophesied. This first began to happen with Othniel, the first Judge of Israel, then David first King of Israel of Judah and God's real first choice of Kings, then the Kings thereafter to Christ, who is King of Kings. Yet, he is not the last, though the greatest and epitome or reason for the Lions of Judah; Othniel being the first young Lion and Last Lion being the Old Lion (Gen 49:9, Isa 30:6), of course, Christ is THE Lion, the middle or the Lion in his prime or prime age. He is the first Lion of Judah to usher in a new dispensation, grace as against Law, Moses being the first dispensational liberator but not of Judah. But there might be a last dispensational liberator and Lion of Judah. Jacob prophecy says, "Judah is a lion's whelp," a whelp means children or off-springs. So Judah will breed or furnish Israel with Lions. As said, this first began to happen with Othniel first Judge of Israel down to David then to Christ. Jacob continued, "he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up." That is, "he stooped down" means the young Lions; "he couched as a Lion" means The Lion Christ. "As an old Lion" means a last Lion to come after Christ. Let's go to another book. The book of Job tells us, "The roaring of the lion, and the voice of the fierce lion, and the teeth of the young lions, are broken. The old lion perisheth for lack of prey, and the stout lion's whelps are scattered abroad" (Job 4:10-11). The "teeth of the young lions" speak of all the Lions before Christ. The "stout Lion" speaks of Christ, stout meaning the Lion in his prime - heavy, solid. But it mentions something else, "the stout lion's whelps are scattered abroad," meaning this stout lion, Christ, has many young Lions that are Scattered abroad in the Earth; of course, these are the Christians where the scriptures says this stout Lion "hast made us unto our God kings and priests" (Rev 5:10). But at last it also said, "The old lion," meaning an Old Lion of all the Lions scattered abroad - many lions, but you have THE Lions; and because of the stout lion's whelps, which the old is of, the old Lion is overshadow, "or perisheth for lack of prey" because the others are eating them up - speaking in analogy, because it means by the zeal of all the lions all the prey (strong holds, devils, works of God) is being defeated greatly and the old Lion wouldn't seem as great by his works because of the many great works of the stout Lion's whelps, he would be more like a goldsmith putting on the beautifying finishing touches after Christ the carpenter laid the foundation, structure and entire building. However, Jacob said, "as an old lion; who shall rouse him up" (Gen 49:9)? This old Lion mentioning because he would be the last Lion or last "new era liberator" which Isa 41:4 alludes to: Or, the last Lion to breed more Lions or have whelps. Judah bred the Lions leading up to Christ, "Judah is a lion's whelp," then Christ bred the Lions leading up the Old Lion, "the stout lion's whelps are scattered abroad," and so a last Lion would be another King Lion who spawn another set of whelps. Notice the word whelps, could easily read helps in analogy. For Christ whelps were his helps to his cause and so the whelps before him to the cause of God.

I Had Written This Earlier, sent in 2005 to a few; as an Exert From A Possible University Text, "That relates to abortion."

Chapter X: The Theory of the Line and Possible Clones

I had pondered how a small place could have been the capital of the suckery epidemic but when I look back on a possible ***Islam suckery I realized that it is possible, even with 1 acre of land. Why? When satan attempted to suck the third seed and things around it, the mediator wasn't born for over 1600 years, but he had the line, so to speak, and it spawn a billion people and a powerful religiosity. In other words, the people or physical body is not needed for the line to be had, for the experts, they can spot it and capture it a far off. Now consider that. Suppose they have spotted and capture many lines, like the example of Islam, then they can sell those lines and create a marketeering around it. Hence, the physical person to whom the line belongs is not needed for suckery, to the expert. Therefore, persons from all walks of life, men of great renown, stars, etc, could have just bought a line from such a marketer of lines. Of course, when the person is born their thing is gone, wherever they are born. However, their is still the possibility of that person being revamped by God to be what they are and hence, the threat of *"Cowincidents" or a possible turning over the hour glass; see the "Understanding Suckery" PDF ^*. Therefore, it becomes possible to channel the used line into an "unfitting" soul, possible a person in a third world country in the East, who should be the President of United South America in the West. No chance of "redeeming the times." The line is the person and the person is the line, for you are your purpose and your purpose is you. However, there is still a possibility, like Asian Fugimori becoming a successful President in Peru. Hence, to further prevent redeeming of the times, used lines and those on a possible illegal market could be channeled into a clone - hence they getting a soul, which cannot be created, so channeled before birth into a clone - how they would do this or if they have reach this far in suckery, I don't know. But look at Muhammad, he wasn't the beneficiary of the line but it was channeled into him, a man, so it might be possible to do the same to a clone. This all sounds weird and hilarious to the point of fiction or fantasy, but that's why you're in the "School of *Echology" (SOE) and not just Salvation/Evangelism training/learning. And now that I'm thinking of it, the obeast was possible created not just to destroy and arbitrary control, but control the person to prevent redeeming of the times. Where it was known to be from prominently, Egypt, had on their picture writings Hoover crafts, helicopter look-a-like and other futuristic inventions; they could be possible lines they found. Hence, a cloning epidemic could be on going to the proportion as seen in the movie matrix, where humans are breed to be hooked on used lines. And if so, time would have catch up on them mopping up all the lines and breeding clones, to the point where sometime in history or the future, humans would have "reached the peak of our civilization;" as said in the film, a possible "Omwich" itself. However, that is holding all things constant, because other variables come into play, like God, the blue angels and the human will, to make it impossible for the inherent evil to bring humanity to this dismay.

Another note, given the current trends in abortions, legislatures might just be doing these evils a favor by legalizing abortion, destroying the beneficiary of a "used" line before they are born and hence preventing redemption of time, loss of "funds" and "cowincidents." That is, if the line has to be born for it to wasted, if so, conception in the womb is enough needed birth then aborting. Aborting would destroy or tie the line off, for the beneficiary would be dead and the sucker prospered and continues to prosper on that line. And they would have gotten away with this murder and thievery by saying it's not a baby until certain weeks old. That's why in the abortion piece I mentioned Cyrus and noting that a person's destiny is given long before birth and aborting the child is aborting that destiny. Or in suckery, stealing a line and preventing its redemption by a possible echo.

Where the humans that are needed come in, that I thought needed to be the capital of suckery, is that allowing that birth to take place would create more lines and even greater ones. Not saying this is the case, just for example purposes, which can be used for other example purposes. Saying a number 23 becoming a number 32 in basketball history, Jordan (arbitrary sucked) to a Shaquillee (precise sucked to tie the line; name, history, etc.). Same line, but the latter end has greatness in it too - two of the only players with icon symbols; the "jump man" and the "rim rackler". Others possible start popping up. Jordan the most unstoppable player in history and likewise, Shaq, The most unstoppable player, literally, in history; even with old like Wilt, given all the variables.

Given a real life scenario, with allowing a used line to be born, a person may very well have many lines, whether forced (pumped) to or inherently creative. As said in the piece, "^*Understanding Suckery," this is a great evil worth the full extent of force and I press on those involved to desist from so doing, especially if in hope****.


*Cowincident - Two persons on the same line with the same thing, the suckerer and the echo or real person.

** Echology - From the word Echo, the study (and redemption) thereof as it relates to suckery. Echo - a Human being who somehow redeemed the time, or did his thing thought it was sucked; if the sucker is alive and still in it, it would create a cowincident. Cow because when they take the line it is milk to them. The echo, if it be so, can be defined as a being who also redeemed the time; for you could have "Diet Pepsi" (many weird definitions are used to describe these phenomenon, all of them I can't explain now).

*** Another time I might explain the possible Islam suckery, if God be willing. Other possible third seed suckery attempt might include Mormons (More man, no angels), which in another language means the "Gates of Hell;" like the Islam one and the first oracles Muhammad received that if the true mediator doesn't stop he will arose the guardians of hell and ironically, a possible third seed is said to be pursuing for the "Gates of God" (the original meaning of the word Babylon, another time, if God be willing, might explain how that ties in). Also, I guess after seeing this hidden mean and it coming to the forefront rather than remain hidden and related in secret, it was changed to Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints. There is no latter day human saint; they are the same from its inception. But the name would have been applied to a possible third seed who would be THE "latter day saints;" first saints, Jews, second saints, all humans and so forth. Though changed to latter day saints, they still used the "Book of Mormons."

**** The last word received twice in fasting before writing this was "Woe to them that go down to Egypt," that is, to the hopefuls or all that do such. Egypt there metaphorically represents these sellers of lines that might be in the south of America today to the Islands - Pirates (if God be willing, I might explain this further). Egyptians, as mentioned above were Masters of the line; these current marketers of it are indeed Masters of the Line, if space and discretion would allow I'd give several examples to prove so.

^* Many of the articles or pieces mentioned can be found online at these links: