Friday, September 21, 2007

Post 40

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This post is especially for those who refuse to let your “shit come on my shit,” stay from my personal life, and the few left his (EA, Pig, Satan, etc) tentacle. Not even that the better of the argument is to be, but show the praise quality and choice of wife seen in Proverbs 31. Moreover, this is ludicrous for it is a nasty blasphemous thought for a man to have his mother to wife! Arrggghh!!!

It seems that Ar is one of the 4 winds, that is, the wind over the season winter. It seems that Ar is one of the 4 winds, i.e., winter. When left Florida, in encodings it had seem Ar and the winter wind was separate but another makes them seems the same. That is, this verse of Ar seeking me when I was first came north, “white as snow in Salmon” (Psalms 68:14). I likened Salmon to Ar only, as the fish that swims up stream, hence from the sea civilization she came seeking me, white as snow didn’t give being a wind until later. Snow I’d attributed here as separate, one of the 4 winds seeking me as well; seeking peace for by the couch, “Euroclydon,” that is, one of the winds fell but should be a wind and not a don, as Ab be, but that’s another long story. Nonetheless, as separate I considered her wooing as well, left behind in the seemingly paper trail of Snow White. Then from the above she was either Ar or with Ar in the sea, as a hopeful I surmise. This verse then hit me of Ar being winter after my first blog of her not to ever have been a man if to be a choice consort, “Out of whose womb came the ice [SNOW/AR]? and the hoary frost of heaven [SNOW/AR], who hath gendered it?” (Job 38:29). Job 38:31-32 seems to name the 4 winds by typified names and one has Ar in it. This was a shocker, too big and the rest of clause seems to mention if ever found fault, at least will you “guide Arcturus with his sons.” All Job 38 deals with wind/air/etc science contextually. Though this could suggest having been a wind as against currently being a wind; wouldn’t know, would have to ask her, emphasis her. Probably this position and not Trident there is still strength in his neck with her. There is also a paper trail in nature of Trident neck, his seraphim line, of her in it and box meeting with her. That is, the swan neck dance before nuptials, by it would know of any offending output, any strength still left in his neck; this only a loose leave-behind. If she be in this bull administration she might be too much for me to handle, needing like a Silas “help meet”, not necessarily house wife. All in all I know God will keep her and plentifully reward her faithfulness.

There was a story type leave-behind of such a union, from the term salmon in the Old Testament, then we jump to the new. The box as Paul, from the Peter/Paul conflict; encoded Barnabas is Barb the obeast therein; Silas for Ar, as in Salmon. Paul first walked with Barnabas and from the encoded names said previously, basically walking alone physically; but not alone, with another intelligent “Ar on.” Then Paul started walking with Silas, so start walking with Ar after nuptials. At that time Judas came on the scene with them, Judas being Kir, especially for the stigmas surrounding that name for the Judas that betrayed Christ. About the same time Judas went home concurrently because Paul had a contention with John Mark, of course the latter is an EA referential too; for the encoded stigmas surrounding that name too, because after the Peter (EA)/Paul (Box) conflict another conflict comes up surrounding Kir, and others would follow, hence mark John (Rom 16:17), as in John Mark. Silas was dormant for a while, then from Paul it was Silas and Timothy; Timothy encoded 1 of the 2 Pillars or children encoded Paul should have. In the encodings in the book of Timothy this is played out, also telling him not to be too hard in opposing science, because of the next person that joined them in the contextual with encoded meaning, that is, Erastus, 'Erase Must' or 'Erase toss' back up; Pillar 1 that prematurely came by science, it seem incubation with box sperms, science also in him being shelled as a turtle, as in obeasted. So by science it seems encoded Judas had cut out one of the two, but he was erased for many needful reasons. So it would be Paul (Box), Silas (Ar), Timothy (Son) and Erastus (Son). Then it seems the Lord knew I would pick up on this and also while in this state of being obeasted myself “Look not thou upon the wine [AR] when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup [AR BODILY], when it moveth itself aright” (Prov 23:31); but wait. For in another book in frames under story type encodings it seems “Paul+ Silas”, then “Paul + Silas + Timothy” and then “Paul + Silvanus + Timothy.” What happened there? Satan the silver shaper with some access somewhere, waited until Tim was born then with strength still in Trident’s neck; Ar attached to him, he slithers down and cleave-hind Ar or take her over to get Tim.

This intent is seen in why he wanted Erastus through K; and encoded in the story of the great woman, Ma, in 2 Kings 4. In that story satan caused the dearth as did in the sea, and Pig/k sucked on box, which he would foster with the two Pillars as well. This they did to buttress the argument of the theft, box here is the pot/vessels when Pillar 1 is brought in the picture, but he’s also the child in the first encodings given on it; the vessels of oil is his lines or sucked life used for sale, “And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest” (2 Kings 4:6-7). In this encoded story the child is Pillar 1, the woman is Pig/K and Elisha be Satan/EA, in this chapter alone, unlike the New Testament encodings of the above encoded names have frames in other books with their encoded meanings (Paul-box, etc). In this story the woman called Elisha (EA) because the child was sick, “My head, my head” (2 Kings 4:19). They put EA staff on him, that wheelock didn’t work. Then EA lay on the child and he awakens. EA is now satan, so satan lays on pillar 1 or a fillet of the 12 bulls. So he would cleave-hind Ar to get to the pillar and he would cleave-hind the pillars. A verse in this stands out, in the first encodings on it when the child was encoded box, the child cried “said unto his father [RA], My head, my head. And he said to a lad, Carry him to his mother [PIG]” (2 Kings 4:19). This gives rise to the case of the turtledove with Pillar one and the voice of the turtle (Pillar 1 obeasted and lock) heard in Ra land (Song 2:12), then wants to opt out that he’s not involved. Yet Pillar 1 obeasted there, then given to EA for him to descend upon him like a dove and glove him. Both of them doing that same thing, even seemingly agreeing. Ra can tap into the obeast and so will always have access/control, and with EA it seems there has to be a spirit there, which the child was also being spiced. So the two acted as a dove to glove the child, hence “My Head (Ra), My Head (Satan-EA).” With satan in the purple and blue coat he would be sleeping with satan with a condom, but exclaim he hasn’t commit fornication or really penetrated satan’s vagina with it on, which breaks apart any credence of the Heaven’s Engle Curve, a ploy waiting for the age of the use of “condoms”; another reason for not telling the dogs of the danger of the EA satanic lineage.

It seems when satan does this silver work of taking over spirits, on one knows the difference, even spirits. This would be more than catastrophic with Pillar 1 and/or Pillar 2 cleave-hind; being all bulls (not 9 out of 12 or so) are connected to the two Pillars. In the book on Silvanus, it started that book or previous (frame) with the rich man (Ra) and the sun (satan) both going down, because both are doing the same thing – taking over peoples, satan to wife and Ra to daughter/back up wife (never yet reveal the daughter encodings, personal). That frame encoding and book ending in Silvanus (silver shaper satan) and Marcus (sister’s son to Barnabas, allege Pillar 1). Concerning the latter, imagine how evil this can be used, so though good to you then, not just mark Satan-EA (John Mark), mark also Ra’s cloak over the world (Marcus). Possibly started out good, but ended that book (frames) with that the dog return to his vomit and the pig to her sow.

It also seems Ma/Kir is one of the 4 winds. In the typified names of the 4 winds in Job 38:31-32, one begins with Ma, i.e., Mazzaroth. In the encoded Job 9:9, 3 of the 4 winds stayed in the sea civilization with Trident as their father. The name not listed in Job 9:9 of those three are is Mazzaroth, she went Ra. She seems the rainy season, as Ar was identified with Job 38:29, she seems to be identified in verse 28 of Job 38 in going to live with Ra and not having Trident as father, “Hath the rain a father” (Job 38:28). From these she also seems one of the 4 winds. Eliphaz encoded as Elephant, Ma for mother. Then Mazzaroth encoded as Mammoth, the ancient ice age elephant, Ma. One of the 4 winds but a fat fallen seraphim, the pig. My own rendering, a cross between a pig and Elephant = Pelephant, first name. A cross between a Mazzaroth and Mammoth = Mazzmoth, last name. Pelephant Mazemoth! AKA Pigarus!

At one story typical encoding, the Lord was saying this to me, but I refused to digest it because how could the abominable (Pig) be in a position of authority in the earth and I never thought that of Ar either, both of the 12 Bulls; Ar only as being a little underwater ‘church’ girl (leader). The story the Lord uses to state this of Ma in the first frame is the woman with the issue of blood that drew virtue from Christ (Mark 5).

{1} She had the issue for 12 years, at the same time saying she’s of the 12.  {2} She had an “issue of [MY] blood” and with it blasphemously drew Pillar 1 to earth, allegedly; hence, when Tim comes, his opposition to science, because of this nasty Pig and hers.  {3} She touched Christ and drew virtue from him, yet many touched him. Saying, she keeps sucking on box, and a mainstay of the suckry epidemic; one of the worst evils know to man, explained in the essay, “Understanding Suckry.” Many persons touched Christ, that is, as an hopeful and angel, it might be the nature to know what a person is thinking; perceive thoughts of pass or future by contact or in the room. One might conclude there is nothing wrong with this if by the nature of the being, than diving, like a man walking and seeing down the road by natural innate sense. Suckry begins with diving, going into the person psychic to copy or cut pass things, future projections or innovations (preaching, songs, career achievements, inventions, character, style and more; exactly as the person would accomplish it). The sentence before the latter could be categories reading, don’t want to even mention such, for only a gateway to more or the same evil, trying to get around the first. If having done so by contact and do the same innovations/exploits, I would have done before me, holding all things constant, then it would be copying, a form of suckry. The worse form of suckry and more potent is cutting, so that he person don’t even come near to do, much more think they can do what, per say, a celebrity accomplished or a Nobel peace prize. Yet it was them that done it, yet didn’t do it. This Ma/K has done to the box and continue to do, categories a Pig for thus and why it is said of box, “he is not.” The Pig of herself and Pig shit (Kir) took everything. For example, Jacob created many wells for Israel; this well can be likened to lines, my lines. Collin Powell, could per say, be my P.O.W line, from recruit to possible president, all that would be ripped up from me, channeled to Collin and I left to die in a homeless shelter. Hence, this pig and suckry is adamantly wicked. This is what Christ encoded in her pulling “virtue” from him, in doing so to saints, humans and me, Ma/K is doing so to him. This allege “Reading” versus cutting was encoded to me of present with someone else and somehow I can feel what is unfelt. That is, “And it came to pass, that when Jehudi had read three or four leaves, he cut it with the penknife, and cast it into the fire that was on the hearth, until all the roll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth” (Jer 36:23). That is, while everyone (angel) who come in contact with box and allege things pop in the mind, one would say Reading a book, this King probably sees something of himself God is about to reveal through box and cut it out, “penknife,” so that nobody else sees it when it is cut. When Ma/K does this, she not only don’t want anyone to see it, but also not to have it or use it as with copying. Reason being, its for sale with her, if others see it, per say, the fresh revelation of T.D Jakes/Paul Crouch on TBN wouldn’t be marketable or stale, as everyone has that same Joke David Letterman is to be aired on his nightly broadcast. Likewise, a song per say of Celine Deon, it other suckers/divers/etc see it to her and such evils, it wouldn’t be marketable again or make money for the person she sells it to, as in not fresh, everybody has it. A very great evil to humanity from all levels and all angels. The pig does so, but her other self, Kir, is at the forefront. This of Kir is encoded in Acts 16, “And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel [KIR] possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying [SUCKRY]” (Acts 16:16). Hence, an “Odious woman” (Prov 30:23); always had been in my psychic fishing, “O – Dious” and never loved or cared, simply an overt suckerer. Penknife is key from earlier, while writing with the Penguins (two pillars) there must needs be a knife to prevent suckerers; as with the people building the second Jewish temple, plow in one hand and sword in the other. Another things is that this reading thing is blasphemous, even if outside you can smell the food cooking, per say. It is simply an excuse to do suckry, such persons that contend for such are not repentant but seek to do evil will be cast down and if reap immediate evil judgment for such it is their own faults and shouldn’t complain. True reds or hopeful or a true repentant person is seen in this verse on reading, “Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver” (Acts 19:19). In wanting only Christ and him crucified, would flee the very appearance of evil (1 Thess 5:22). After this, how ludicrous to have Ma/K with the Pen (Box) and Penguins (Two Pillars); from the series of black and white, Shepherd = Eagle, Mike = The Panda Bear, Two Pillars = Penguins, Ra = The Dalmatian Dog (the spots all over, suggests that in/out stances).

The story typical encoding continues with much info until the frame with Ar. He hint of being of the 12 Bulls is encoded in the girl of 12 years old who was raised up with her father Jairus in the room (Luke 8). Again, I didn’t digest her as a bull, but here she is. Had died in the contextual and seems encoded of recent as well. If so, in breaking her wheelock to Trident-Satan or from running on the fence or both. I could say from the fence, for kir had died too and EA raised her up, under the name Dorcas, meaning a deer, as in dare; not only dare pass the fence, but barefaced with her sentiments to continue after raise up and why such dares shouldn’t be raised up. From the Baasha fence reference, she be Og (hog) King of Bashan, encodly, foremost of the barefaced thieves (dares). Also, even scriptures give this pig these colorful renderings. Another thing, Og had a iron bed (Due 3:11) which when he lay on it his feet came off at the end. The Lord had used this to speak of Pig stretch, on irons (silvers, Wheelock skills), feet hanging off, that is, after stretching herself, still have space. As against Ar, a seraphim of similar proportions and a wind, yet as a girl on a bed; relatively not that much stretch and mainly concentrated on her job and piety than churn silver for evil wheeling. Also, her Dad was in the room, so Ar and Ma can fill a bed, but Trident can fill a room. This I found out in doing his profile, a very large administration, of water, which includes not only sitting on Ar but big Ma, 2 other winds, plus other water spirits; plus the four winds have many wheels of themselves. This is a reason, not thoroughly, why Ar was kept from Ma; as portrayed in the Disney animation on the Mermaid book, with Trident, Urchiel and Ariel; as the others interested here and elsewhere she often oust from flesh or beat up, or pushed aside from coming near. She with horsemen and cleave-hind army, Ra munitions. Very ‘bad mind’ she be to those interested, while she be refused. Hence, one reason for the verse after Trident died, encodly, from the cleaning "slay the dragon that is in the sea [TRIDENT-SATAN]. In that day sing ye unto her [AR], A vineyard of red wine [A TRUE RED HOPEFUL]. I the LORD do keep [HER]" (Isa 27:1-3). It seems he had done this not only from Pig, but satan and others. But if she defeated satan by not becoming black and prevented such of Trident, it means the Lord is her strength and if God be for you, who can be against you. Nonetheless, she also be a strong seraphim and as scripture encodes, with her munitions as well, “that fight against Ariel, even all that fight against her and her munitions” (Isa 29:7). With Trident’s wheelock to the 4 winds, I would say he is an anchor bull. Mike new position I surmise would be like this, wheelock to Death, Hell and the Grave.

Peter, encoded EA, is the one that raised up Dorcas, who is encoded Pig/K and Christ raised up Jairus daughter, who is encoded Ar, hmmm; why give space to someone who after multiple resurrections, fear not God and would want to overthrow God having no changes, “she…was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse” (Mark 5:26). Saying that to say, it seems their position as bulls is not what gives them that “get out of Jail free card” as I suppose, especially that they are 2nd and 3rd in command. Pig had a strong evil bull with connections, EA and a friend of Ab; and Ar by her righteousness/character, which seems to have gone through an inherent intangible legal channel of appeal by God himself alone council, seeking and working. But quite possibly their position keeps them a float from perishing. The latter might not only be the reason to remove such position from her, along with her overt evils to me (even with might jobs or would have), but scripture states her slothfulness, “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season” (Job 38:32). This of her is seen in her separation from the other 3 winds and Trident. But also the 4 winds seem under Trident even if not assigned a position. For instance, the bulls are from foundation, yet it never rained until Noah’s flood (Gen 2:5), so there wasn’t really a rain season much more a wind just for rain. So it means she was a water spirit under Trident, one of the chief of 4, and as time changes, dispensations or acts of God, he assigns and re-assigns, so she had to be wheelock to him or under him somehow. But she was like a rebellious teenager. For instance, when Christ returns, there will be like a hurricane of fire. A new phenomenon like Noah’s flood. For example, not necessarily the case, but now the clouds have to be tendered differently to now produce like a rain of fire (not hail), there might be a fire season in the resurrection, someone re-assigned and a specialist brought in. Where is the pig when changes take place? On my Ass*! This is needed to be ripped from her; Trident with the 2 needs to pick someone new and her rainy season spirit network purged, as “birds of a feather flock together” and “one bad apple spoil the bunch.” As such, the 2nd and 3rd in command and wheels of that season might be tainted with her as well. Later, even EA, though wouldn’t confess, in encodings shows his exhaustion of using her in his evils plots (Prov 26:15) with her delinquencies and would opt to just get the juice; see the endnote in CSI:The Grave, in the post “CSI:Heaven.”

Then I looked at Rain, Pig, though loose, the circles seems more potent and reads rain or Ra-in. Ra in Pig, which could point to the union of them both or he in the weather mix with knowledge/access from her or just solidify the departure from Trident to Ra as her father and lover with other lovers.

The following gives a final compare and contrast with Ar and Kir:



(1)  Both were encoded to have a dearth, satan caused this one in the sea to get Trident and them. In hope she formed a resistance, a separation, a church away from them that succumb to satan, from the head down.

(1)  Satan seems to use the same buffet tactic; it was decoded to me of what the Pig had done concerning me in the example of the woman with the jars of oil. She experienced a dearth, satan through EA here as Elijah, encourage her to escape the dearth by filling the jars with oil; that is, suck me/lines and sell them to survive. His tactic was 2 fold, get her to compromise and steal my million little pieces so my purpose wouldn’t come to pass, which was clearly in encodings said of her concerning me, “he is not” (Job 49:10); because of this. Fortunately God can “restoreth my soul” (Psalms 23:3).

(2)  Ar by her light in the sea, saved it from annihilation and prevented blackness of the head (cleave-hind) of Trident. See “CSI:Conclusion” in the post “CSI:Heaven.”

(2)  In contrast, Ma from ancient floods is the cause of the destruction of many domains and this time from encoded Job, the destruction of encoded Judah, “Island of the Innocent” (Job 22:30), Ra domain. Relative to Ra, liken to Jezebel and Ahab.

(3)  Encoded Job 31:1&18, Ar walked with many, including Trident and never got sexual.

(3)  Ma/k slept with Ra, Ra men, dogs, blues, captain of blues and even horsemen; encoded in Ezekiel 23.  In Ezekiel 23, Aholah and Aholiba, as example figures of Ma and Kir, both SISTERS.

(4)  Ar created a wall to push out the evil (Lam 2:18).

(4)  Kir sat on Ra’s wall as an informant to the North and did whoredom on it, encoded Ezekiel 23:14-16, though here as K the first verse, 14, states her name in the Ma mode, vermilion. As with Hazel in previous blog, she can’t hide. In encoded Job and in this Psalms she saying, “And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High?” (Psalms 73:11). Vermilion means bright color or red, so for the Babylonian to accept her as a spy, she claims red from the green territory, as k, for Ma is one of the 4 pillars of Egypt. As an informant to them, “sent messengers unto them in Chaldea” (Ezekiel 23:16). She literally slept with them, Eze 23:17-20, then want to come to me; notice verse 28. Later on I guess for her encoded name, Judas, is not only to me, not that I’m with that sect either, but she sold out the south. Ezekiel 23:14 also showed this wall to be by the Babylonians, as it is in the encoded Babylonian wall in the south; a wedge between the north and south, Ra and EA. Though one wonders if this sellout of Ma/k was a ploy of the 4, unlikely but worth the thought. Aholah and Aholiba in Ezekiel 23 has the same mother, but obviously not the case but seeing Ar and Kir are winds, one could interpret them as these two, sisters. However, in Job 38 encodings, it said, “hat the rain a father.” This points to Ma as not taking Trident as a father figure, as Ar did. Likewise, it said of Ar in Job 38, “out of whose womb came the ice,” which points to a separate mother figure for Ar. As the father figure in the previous verse is different (Ma/Kir to Ra and Ar to Trident) soothe mother figure is different in the next verse. So they don’t have the same mother. On the wall of Aholah, Eze 23:14, it states it was painted with Vermilion, which is Ma real name sake, Veremilyn. So, this shows Ma helped built that wall with Ra against the North, yet as Kir sold-out to the north. In contrast, Trident got corrupted, Ar separated but kept in mutual relations rather than become two-faced and sell out to their common enemy, while remain attached on the front face. Hypocrisy, I hate people who are not up front, regardless of choice of mates.

(5)  In the post “Travel Box Table” in the table of places or houses pulling to go, kir house was allowable. Prov 25:25-28. Though the nature of the visit is mostly “religious.” It even seems the Lord will force this visit, encoded in Isaiah 29:7&10.

(5)  In that said table in contrast, the Lord seems to dissuade ever going to kir or Ma houses, as in this verse, “It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house” (Prov 25:24). A good reason is given in Prov 23:27, “For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.”

(6)  Ar sentiment is encoded in Songs of Solomon towards box, “We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for? If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar. I am a wall, and my breasts like towers.” (Songs 8:8-10). Her sentiment was, “If not me sir, then if you want we have…but only if we have tried her and she be like me and not a mole.” This is God’s sentiments too, I mentioned her but it’s up to you for matrimony, all I’m asking, will you “guide Arcturus with his sons” (Job 38:32).

(6)  Kir sentiment is encoded in Revelations towards the box, “I sit a Queen and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow” (Rev 18:7). As in, “That’s mine, even God is nothing to me and I proceed to rape; die rather (Katharine of Russia), as nobody not getting it, even with murder, it’s mines along with my other trophy lovers.”

(7)  Ar has other responsibilities, the congregation in the sea, yet come out in her season in diligence to do her job as a wind.

(7)  Ma has other responsibilities but slothful and wont come out to do her job in her season, “Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season” (Job 38:32). I guess another bull to replace immediately, possibly recommended from Trident with 2; even an Ar suggestion.

(8)  The word Ark. Separate it and you get Ar and K. When sin abounds, Ar created an Ark in the sea, a holy escape by a God fearing woman. That’s the Ar in Ark.

(8)  On the other hand, from the Job encodings, K (ma) was the cause of the ancient floods, because of mass sinning she caused, which brings judgment to all. So that’s the K in Ark.


It seems some of David men slew Abner (Ab) in the fifth rib, after all written to leave him in; yet this seems cause and effect in reality. David washed his hand from this 2 Sam 3. Some of encoded David’s helpers of war or those in the fight are not purely box blues but mixed with wagonists, “Rebuke the company of spearmen, the multitude of the bulls, with the calves of the people, till every one submit himself with pieces of silver: scatter thou the people that delight in war” (Psalms 68:30). Clearly to rebuke the company of them all until they submit themselves with provisions than have the box in lack; done so but nothing! And have gained spoils from doing justice.

However, though satan removed from Ab these be men that rebel against the sun. Some of Ab’s men might proactively do harm to the box, etc. Though encoded David men be at bay knowing also the valley of vision of Ab, they have to react. One of Ab’s men, not wild, did something and the men of war can slew many of them, to outright war, to overthrow. Though Ab seems to be in peace, what has taken place and something that will have to be dealt with in America after EA removal is that some of his men became satan or cleave-hinds. That is, he has learnt to copy himself, with seeminglessly integrated in the spirit realm that cannot be detected, even by spirits, that is, cleave-hinds. So the head, Ab, was spared this, but some in his network not so fortunate. So though removed, satan still in the midst, not wheeling from above, but individually unknown to the rest of the network. Such an individual, like in Ab’s case, can cause hell to freeze over from his proactively doing harm when there is a caution and tenets of peace with that network, in deliberation. After David’s men slew Abner in 2 Sam 3, at the end of this chapter he said, “David sware, saying, So do God to me, and more also, if I taste bread, or ought else, till the sun be down” (2 Sam
3:35). Difficult to trust other men where any of them can be satan, though. The reason I wrote this was because of Ar, and Trident’s neck, Mike in encoded Job came to the Aid to loose those still in that hold. Here in 2 Sam 23 before listing the exploits of David’s men it showed what happened to Ab’s men, the nature of this cleave-hind and as the new head Seraphim in heaven of that regime, how he’s dealing with them or destroying the bad ones (satan) among them. Hence, likewise, if Ar by an unknown wheelock could turn Silvanus, he broke that long ago:

“But the sons of Belial [THOSE OF AB WHO BECAME CLEAVE-HINDS OF SATAN] shall be all of them as thorns thrust away, because they cannot be taken with hands [AS CLEAVE-HINDS THEY ARE HIM, HAVE TO BE THRUST OUT TO BE BROKEN OR IT CANNOT BE DETECTED, CAN’T BE HELD WITH HANDS OR BEHOLD, AND THIS IS SPIRITS]” (2 Sam 23:6).

The next verse reads, “But the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and the staff of a spear; and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place” (2 Sam 23:7). In contrast to hold with hands, one in the ranks of head of them or another seraphim of the earth can’t break them unless….; which involves something that suggest “Iron” (like steel, a system file, cannot be eradicated) and similar to that “staff of a spear” (obeast like, not it but someone that cannot die as the creature preserves life but not just a staff, spear, attacking). Hence, other system like files that when handling these sons of Belial, satan cannot copy on them individually and if such a handler is a seraphim, in their tentacle/wheels. Like handling a snake, the snake handlers are usually inoculated with anti-venom. It’s hard to grasp such a requirement, but the next clause shows Mike having such a skill and from heaven have access to that network and doing such, that is, “and they shall be utterly burned with fire [MIKE] in the same place.” So as the regent of destruction, with this ability of his, has to purge the “satans” from the destroyers, as with Aid in the sea.

Psalms 68:2 shows Mike at this, the nature of it, etc. It reads, “as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.” What satan has done with the Sons of Belial is far beyond wheelock or eyes, but like a potter to clay, or a silversmith to silver, so he proceeds to reshape the spirit of an angel to become himself, yet still indistinguishable from its original self. Another analogy is wax, hence, it has to be reshaped or melted by the fire; the fire here is Mike. However, this chapter is 68 or 6+8=14, so the 2 sevens possible can do thus; that is, the 7 spirits of God and 7 spirits of the Church. Also 2 in Psalms 68:2, possible the 2 that stand by the 7 spirits of God (9) can do thus and all should Aid Mike in breaking these worldwide. The first clause of Psalms 68:2 states, “as smoke is driven away, so drive them away.” That is, this is what is done by the box when they run into the fence, which is relatively easier and breaking the wheelocks of satan. Fanning smoke (wheelock breaks) as against melting wax (“cleave-hind” breaks). When they run on the fence or prayer blasted by faith, this happens to them, “those that seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the lower parts of the earth” (Psalms 63:9). The wheelock is broken because in the grave or hell’s fire “the servant [WHEEL] is free from his master [PERSON WHEELOCK TO]” (Job
3:11-19). Now, if falling down in hell breaks it and doesn’t for the “Sons of Belial,” it shows how potent this silver shaping of satan is (cleave-hinds), that even when the person dies and in hell, they are still satan or a cleave-hind; so it could be considered worse than death for angels; and if doing so to humans, even more so them. This evil like any real evil the doers would want to justify, as in the case with the locust Ab network, such a justification might be that of they also justifying smoked chi. As in, they might say, it stops the earth from seeing dead people they hold or prevent continued harassment like a ever rising dare as Pig; these would now be locked in a smoke chi, like the nature of the cleave-hind. Means don’t justify ends, as the case of not following blue prints, and this already marked as an evil by the Holy Spirit; yet more than enough space given to those in that network to repent. Even if seemingly useful, the door it opens gives way to a greater real evil, liken unto suckry and probable in usage already; that is, such smokers would first know a person is born, like Egyptians knew Christ is born by a star, then kill that baby to get is ‘chi’ smoked, then it pass as nothing for it is using dead resources. Like the EA next great attack on heaven is using dead resources! Sarcastically, so I guess using dead resources for real evil is alright. Even so, if satan justifies cleave-hinds as such, this folly of his real evil is clear in the nature of the cleave-hind itself, they be a ready army along with spices in the Abyss, he and EA would use from their umpteen attempt to attack heaven and take over the universe/galaxies; this time through an open Eye EA has over the netherworlds, though he be dead.

This is difficult of the sons of Belial and shows the difficulty we’ll have here in America even after the black head is gone. Probably God might cause us to find an easier way. Nonetheless, this Abner thing seems to be understood by the encoded Men of David of the sensitive situation presently with the locust network; knowing the valley of vision of Ab and also have to protect.

Though not a possibility, the daughter of Zidon, of the Ab network, could be a satan or son of Belial already. I guess this is why Absalom (Ab) had locks (obeasts) to his feet (wheel), attempted to lockout satan but gave up such to Ra unknowingly and beyond realization of extent. Jeremiah 18:1-6 speaks of God doing the impossible, even concerning the cleave-hinds; as this verse suggests we are clay in the potter’s hands and he can reverse such, “cannot I do with you as this potter?” (Jer 18:6). Nonetheless, concerning the possibilities and the daughter of Zidon though not a possibility, verse 14 of Jeremiah 18 states, “shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken?” Paper trails and repetitions seem to favor Ar.

Lastly, with Abner, the encoded Men of David need not fear for in Psalms 18 it was first told me if I was sucked into hell Mike would shake the foundations of hell and up, “he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind” (Psalms 18:10). This entire Psalms also occur just before the said exploits of the encoded Men of David, 2 Sam 23, that is 2 Sam 22; something Mike wanted from to do from age 22-23, out of the flesh for “7 up.” Before the exploits of the encoded men of David in 2 Sam 23 (verses 8-39) is the breaking of the cleave-hinds or sons of Belial (2 Sam 23:6), by Mike from encoded Abner men; the offending output that would trigger an outright war with the locust network. This was brought forward to explain Ar, K and Abigail thing, plus current dealing with Ab’s men; but it’s from second Samuel. In other words, when the second Sam is installed, you’ll face this same problem on that former network and in encoded Babylon. So that’s another clean up, hopefully one thing can erode, then weeding out corn, with the top of the ear gone. Nonetheless, it encodly said he comes with 10,000 of his, so probably relieve the former EA network to detoxify and start afresh. Nonetheless, should have skill with God’s help to work thus.

Note: I don’t know if with this set or the orange men, he is “dust of gold” (Job 28:6), i.e. Mike, like “Apples of Gold,” this set in the wordings seems to give Ab wheels (dust; of the ground or literally under it) the gold status. If so, it would seem even the orange me are attached to the blue bird (EA), as all angels to earth seemingly are; though blues are strictly “ministering spirits” and orange men “flame of fire” (Heb 1:7). Just an analogy, if Ab’s the Don, in analogy, he wouldn’t be attached to the police, even if a blue. I doubt he or any bulls are blue, except EA; yet being a gold in silver suggest such, but the gold could come from Mike’s new position being so in heaven and of God’s throne, a diplomat, 7, yet so was he of the orange men. I guess the orange me are blues in orange mode he watches over, as against strictly from heaven under him; as the blue Jays to their seraphim in heaven then detach from EA.


These depict two of I guess many. Sometimes that many is the same persons in wheels/eyes. But I get to understand it is 3 major choices pulling, even so, choice of the major groups of hopefuls. They are:

(A) Daughter of Judah (Lam 1:15)


Of encoded Judah or the south. Ra them or Egyptians. She’s also of Israel or North. EA them or Babylonians; land of Ham (Psalms 105:23-27). Though when I recall she had love to wear the color brown. I guess because of what Learnt of encoded Abigail from Nabal, Maon (1 Sam 25:2-3).

(B) Daughter of Zion (Lam 2:13)

= AR

Of encoded Jerusalem or sea civilization. Trident them. The red resistance there is called Zion, the wall; as literal Zion is at Jerusalem.

(C) Daughter of Zidon (Isa 23:12; see don)

= ?

A mafia girl from the Don, or Abaddon or the netherworlds. Would be a wheel or him, hence a locust. Though I don’t know her name, I would call her or refer to her as Abigail from the encoded Story in 1 Samuel 25.

Warning of C above =

Jeremiah 6:22-23, “Thus saith the LORD, Behold, a people cometh from the north country, and a great nation shall be raised from the sides of the earth. They shall lay hold on bow and spear; they are cruel, and have no mercy; their voice roareth like the sea; and they ride upon horses, set in array as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion.” In other words, this sect is merciless (hangmen), hence cannot get with box (plus the valley of vision with son/false prophet, Amen versus Abdomen, etc). The fight against Ar is not like the literal from Men of Kir-heiress or some encoded Babylonians distress Ariel. But rather, they present a sandwich, Abigail, when I have a sandwich coming from Ar already; if not then perish as is or tarry a while with the troops. Encoded Zidon is liken to encoded Zion for the same reasons; so I guess some hangmen wear a “Jesus Badge.” With being identified with Pig, might be pig on her as EA was on Kir; later will be seen this is a vice versa sharing, one on the other eye.

Warning of A above =

Jeremiah 6:26, “O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes: make thee mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation: for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.” A known judgment to her for her wicked cunning dealings, even to Ar (rouse the people). But also, her nastiness as in ancient hoods, bring destruction to the domains she sits on, here, “Island of the Innocent” or South (Sodom) and also when “Babylon is fallen” (Gomorrah), etc. Hence, the last clause of this verse, “for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us.” Not her alone but “us,” peoples she sit on and “the transgressors among men” (Prov 23:28).

Concerning of B above =

All of Isaiah 52, each verse explains a lot. Verse 1 Ar coming out with her well prepared sandwich “put on thy beautiful garments.” Verse 2 explains the strength that is still in Trident’s neck (Job 41:22, first clause), whereby it seems that even after satan is broken (Job 41:22, second clause) she herself is still locked to him, via his superb wheel care skills and now to be relieved from thence to nuptials so it such has to be loosed, “Shake thyself from the dust [COMING FROM THE GRAVE]; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem [TRIDENT]: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion [AR].” However, even as such previously with Trident-Satan, she is likened to the donkey the disciples loose for Jesus Triumphant walk in Jerusalem, as a donkey with ties/colts, stubborn to follow satan with others that are on her. Noteworthy of that donkey encoding is, “whereon never man sat” (Mark 11:12). Hence, from the first cut on Trident’s neck, with the strength left in it, it was possible to loose herself while still attached; or points to the “branches” from encoded Job. Verse 10, the man shooting from the couch, box, the Lord now showing him up. But verse 14, like Ar, hopefully he can put on beautiful garments too, rather than fat, black and ugly; being overtly marred or a walking corpse from the early 20’s. Nonetheless, verse 15, such suffering brought help to many.

I had put a question mark at the barren girl in Mike’s line in the sameness table from Proverbs 30, in the post, “Detailed Encodings in Job” chapter 26 where all is Mike. I was looking forward to at least know of this person. However, I found out she be the daughter of Zidon, an actual locust or mafia girl (see Don). The only person she came in Mike’s line presently, is not of originality, but Mike replaced satan and a godly avenger became Regent Of Destruction which gave a silent “7 sense” wheelock to Ab; which satan had and manipulated. The grave is Ab, so as Regent, Mike’s spirit wheelocks to Ab, hence all Ab’s wheels become in his line. Though for reasons explained, the daughter of Zidon is not a possibility. The narration and mention of her serves the intermediate purpose of the daughter of Zion to her people; a cause for not annihilating and giving attention from heaven to spare, rescue, aid and fill breaches. In proverbs 30 sameness encoding in the post “Detail Encodings In Job” chapter 26 it states of the daughter of Zidon, “a barren woman,” in the four that says it is not enough. Before getting to that, it says the fire says it’s not enough too. In other words, the fire is intolerable to sin and execute justice as much as the grave kill unrepentant sinners; but the fire, Mike, has self-control, hence, he’s often referred to a bear and “Hell and destruction are never full” (Prov 27:20). Revelations 15:1 shows a glass with fire, fire above and same beneath, a mirror, which explains what takes place, self-control. The following is an example of the bear in sleep mode so imagine if he gets up, “the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles” (Rev 14:20). Blood to the actual horse’s bridle (in mouth); the encoded suggests a retention of this position in the 1000 year reign also. Revelation 14 list the “good” five and the fire, Mike, is the incinerator of this 5. The bear will eat, and sleep all winter on those reserves. So Mike is a good wheelock for the grave to eat and be satisfied, as against satan creating an all-you-can-eat-buffet and had him malnutrition. Back to the daughter of Zidon, though not a possibility, she exert a quality that Kir doesn’t have, she didn’t force herself to rape or created a child from me, or attempted to, encoded in a “barren woman;” unlike the nature of whom she belongs to, the avaricious hangmen, locust. This seems to counteract an annihilation of her people, if, as in the capacity the daughter of Zion. Reason being, it would move to this in decree on the motion of them forcing the box to them, to become like them (killers), work with them, stay in their domain or as in the valley of vision smoke my chi with my death. She represents that there is a domain or sect in their domain like Zion (Arpad) and Jerusalem (entire sea civilization). Psalms 135 states a sort of house of Aaron (Zidon) and house of Levi (Ab domain), those name example were left in that Psalms to show the similarity Zion is mentioned there like Zidon. Up to now I can’t see hangmen with “Jesus T-shirt,” but could be categories as the men Paul met with inscription “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD” (Acts 17:23). My more serious caution is that from these the anti-Christ will appear and demand worship. In that Psalms, 135, it mentioned all the domains to be cleaned, this includes their domains sometime. Like all the previous domains they are the most fortunate, time and examples.

Not sure, but another contrast of the daughter of Zidon being even better than pig in not forcing, is seen in her boss, Abaddon. In the Hebrew he is Abaddon and the Greek Apollyon. Nothing to it yet. However, when Peter (EA) raised up Pig, in the Hebrew she is called Tabitha and in the Greek Dorcas. Then Apollos the preacher was encoded as Ab, from name referential Apollyon. So as Ab he is the destroyer, but as Apollyon the angel preacher, I guess why his horse was red in the five evil horses that rode out (Rev 6). Apollos was an eloquent man, likewise I supposed of the encoded, who only knows what the Shepard bull has taught of a forthcoming salvation to fallen angels. Polly meaning many, then Apollyon read A-many-on, via his seraphim network wheels; so as a preacher of such, he has a many on to preach to. Now the Pig is a wind, like as in the Hebrew scenario, but in the Greek, Dorcas, an ardent sinner; Dorcas meaning a deer. So while an evil bull would preach in his spare time, she does evil in hers and slothful in administration. Nonetheless, to balance this with the fact of from him the Anti-Christ comes and other evils is difficult and why I would write this; but concerning the Anti-Christ and other evils is difficult and why I would write this, but concerning the Anti-Christ we as humans don’t know he is an angel, all we know is what the bible states and can recognize him and reject that of him, that is, “that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (2 Thess 2:3). In the current state as Ab, his on earth “killings” are his administration, that is, “he eateth grass [THE FIRST PERSONAL EVIL BOX IDENTIFY ENGULFS THE WORLD] as an ox [BULL]” (Job 40:15). And as such “He is the chief of the ways of God” (Job 40:19); that is, purging the flock. When the time of the anti-Christ comes what takes place for him to be cast in the lake of fire is that at this time he moves from level 1 (his admin & spare time) to another level, “go into perdition” (Rev 17:8). After satan was removed from his head, they were three phases in his administration: (1) Eat every green thing, all the works of Ra that the whole world uses/does; not just suckry, as seen even in that EA bubble the skies over the flock. AKA Breakfast. (2) Then they are commanded not to eat any green thing but only those without God’s hand on them, “it was commanded them that they should not hurt…any green thing…but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads” (Rev 9:4). AKA Lunch.  (3) Phase 3 is dinner, but unlike cause and effect, Ab now decides to cook dinner and hence go into perdition with the mark of the Beast case. He is eventually cast into the lake of fire via Karma/WAM. Destroyer 2.0 then takes over the position of Ab, he is the angel with the key to the bottomless pit in revelations. However, as seen in those three phases, the Ab position is needed and tenets of pre-chartered evil and outfittings working the mystery of iniquity for good; sadly, angels in heaven would use such for real evil.

Note: Though this is the girl in Mike’s line, I used the fictitious name of Abigail (wife of David), David also had a wife name Michal. Though Mike replaces satan, satan left a mess of cleave-hinds of some locusts, which needs weeding out, I surmise Mike is working on such (2 Sam 23:6-7).  


The pig you know, the abominable herself. K is her other self used to seduce the box in a false love net. The boy be a potential Pillar one, possibly incarnated in recent times, they (Long John Silver) pull down by forcing, bullying, ingenuity and finally his will had to be broken, hence deceit; he should be released and come later to foster Erastus, 'Erase Must' or 'Erase toss' back up. It seems I keep finding more encodings in things that had encodings I used already or with revelation of other encodings elsewhere; so a second level personal encoding in some cases. This from the Songs of Solomon again and definitely justify “Operation: Pig.”

- SONGS 3:5
“I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.”

The pig has troops, as seem expected with her fat stretch on the world. But roe (meaning a dare) for rows of them and hinds for “cleave-hinds;” surprisingly, like satan, she cleave-hinds of spirits on earth and beneath. She be an evil like satan with similar silver shaping skills and why she, though independent, is considered his concubine. With these troops (eyes, wheels, cleave-hinds, frog spirits, horseman) she bully the nations. Specifically here, “daughter of Jerusalem” or sea girls that seek the box knowing the prophecy and would made/presented themselves, for she knows one of them would more than likely be box consort. As Sophia, the pig would justify this, saying she’s protecting the box with her troops. When in fact, (1) she wants to delete all girls interested and (2) prevent taking God’s ark from near her, which she use to merchandize for wealth and continue to seek such from. Songs of Solomon 3:7 would contradict this argument and even her surprise to rape when the 60 seemingly are out. Away from this, she would bully all in her way, sitting on most the world, including bulls and pillars. One encoding suggest a reason for Pillar one wanting to come, is to utilize the key of David, to get out persons as the rain or pig, a wind.

“He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.”

The pillars here are the 2 pillars, it states “he made.” That is, King Solomon fashioned the 12 bulls and pillars set in the temple, stated here too, “The two pillars, one sea, and twelve brasen bulls that were under the bases, which king Solomon had made” (Jer 52:20). Box encoded Solomon here, so it seems the pattern thereof was from the river box. This of box came up to juxtapose with the silver and purple of the pillars. Here it states the two Pillars are silver and purple, that is, they are the master of silver shaping, even more so than satan. Silver as in spirit shaping (split, melt, cleave, networking, re-melt, etc, to the umpteen corollary), so this is what their rivers is noted for, as they be 2 of the 4 major rivers. They stand by the 7 or God in heaven and seem to provide wheels, eyes, wheelocking, etc, to the 12 bulls. Moses, as a man from a man’s knowledge and universe, learnt how to split the spirit and manipulate it, and he is the other river or the 4. This of him seems simple, but encoded and likened to “the light parted” (Job 38:24), with such knowledge and capabilities could have taken over the world and universe; splitting the spirit is liken to cutting light, like splitting the atom. On one hand, in this clause, “the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem,” it shows Pillar one coming like a spy or undercover, in-the-mix, to get out Ma/K, a terror to others; here terrorizing the “daughters of Jerusalem.” She’s also a delinquent bull that won’t go and cleaving hinds of the innocent and spirits in the grave for ‘spices’ and spirated horseman. “Paved with love” for the sea girls could suggest the choice of Ar or daughters of Zion over K, with Ma/k terrorizing them so they don’t come near the box. As the master of silver shaping would possibly get close enough to her to stop her further evil. It’s hard to see and I don’t want to use this but it seems a super suckry, that is, the scene from the matrix of the kid (Pillar 1/spoon) in the oracle (Ma/k) care, saying, “you see this silver spoon…it is not the spoon that bends, it is you” (Paraphrase). On the other hand and first, it seems they indeed obtained a “fatted calf” for suckry, the master of the silver shaping; and being the prowess thereof doesn’t mean he can do this to Ma/k, for some of the exploits of Ra came from my lines, yet I can’t do the things Ra does. Later, if really came, he got locked in the flesh by the obeast like Kir. Though the latter could be such an exploits on the one hand to formulate a decree to “stay the bottles of heaven.” Nonetheless, the next verse seems to verify the first notion of, one on hand.

“Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.”

The now letting loose of the daughter of Zion, Ar and hers; after the “pave with love” in verse 10 of chapter 3. They are probably now not terrorized and broken cleaved-hinds. They left the sea and presently behold me with a crown by Ma/k. In finding out what this crown is, firstly it couldn’t be a good thing seeing her above evils; more like a crown of thorns of Christ. But how, seeing I don’t physically wear a crown of thorns? She did this because I was now espoused to someone else, of the daughter of Zion. Could the crown be the obeast? Not really. The staff was by Ra and the rod by EA through the Erno shell, from the Erno network branches. Yet is seems something with an obeast to further mar me she did. This is explained in an endnote in CSI: Earth, in the post “CSI:Heaven.” It seems she tried to mesh spirits (water) with my obeast (locks) like a miracle coat or frog spirit or spice. Hence, “jealousy is cruel as the grave [AB]” (Songs 8:6); her jealousy for me to have a godly wife than her lewd self. First, the water is used as spirit and as already known, locks for obeasts. Then as if I would of her, but an allusion to see what she had done, this verse, “I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night” (Songs 5:2). My head is filled with spirits she meshed with my obeast for it to cleave to it; spirits she splits, probably even of her self (like a frog/miracle coat) or later found out, opened my spirit bottle so that the obeast seep in, to turn me into a spice. The next verse from the above, Songs 5:3, showed a result of what happened to her with just the fleshly obeast from me, attempting to rape, “I have put off my coat [OBEAST]; how shall I put it on.” Songs 5:4-8 explained it, it spirated on her and she can’t get it out, it wheels her as she does to others and what took place of Trident by the collar of his coat. I should explain it when I reach those verses later down. Her mingling of spirit with my obeast would either make sure I die for the Catherine of Russia paper trail of Pig, that is, she get me in the grave (Songs 4:8) with death than let me be with another; and that abominable must exist! On one side, the locks attach to the spirit would then merge to it, snuff out my spirit and have its own spirit. Or, I now lock in so tight that I’m forever marred, alive and can’t marry; even so, knowing the prophecy of the sea visit to Ar upon death. Even out of the flesh, as a spice, could connect and/or pull me even from paradise bliss for more. Imagine if she did this to the 7 on EA network and the entire network itself.

- SONGS 4:6
“Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense.”

She has to flee until day break, that is, the rising of the sun (satan). Why? She flourishes in yellow and evil, as a rag of satan spreading filth. But Operation Pig needed of her residue. The lees know of her unrepentant and filth yet won’t drop it as I have and she bore me. All the lees and children of her need to read Isaiah 50:1-2, “Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away. Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? when I called, was there none to answer? Is my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? or have I no power to deliver? behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness: their fish stinketh, because there is no water, and dieth for thirst...” I press she put away forever!

- SONGS 4:7
“Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.”

As a satan rag on the world spreading filth, she was right there with me, bore me, yet “there is no spot in” me. Like having garbage poured on you and not stink. You can do the same. If I sat under the core filth, a great whore, and no spot through God’s mercies, how much more you.

- SONGS 4:8
“Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions' dens, from the mountains of the leopards.”

This shows her stretch on the world, sitting on all the continents. Lebanon is the grave or Ab’s place. Then the other places are on the earth’s surface, “from the top of.” Lion’s den is Ra domain where the old lion comes from. The clause “mountain of leopards” is key. Leopards suggest many spots or wheels, a seraphim. The world is motioned by wheels. If a principality has a mountain she helps them as a skilled wheel smith and sits on their seraphim network, which is most the world. Hence, the whore that sat on the 7 mountains (Rev 17:9). She also “siteth upon many waters” (Rev 17:1). Imagine if she, unknown to them, opened their spirit bottle caps and let the obeast seep in to create a spice, as a skilled silver smith; water encodly used for spirits, that she sits on. “O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.” (Jer 51:13).

- SONGS 4:9
Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.”

Seems Kir is an eye of Pig; Pig spirit in another entity of its own, as seraphim can do. Even if Kir were separate (a wheel), a whoring spirit like her with the intent of “I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me” (Songs 3:4).

“Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon.”

She likens me to grave. Lebanon encoded the grave (or Ab), suggests the garment of the dead; either being like a walking corpse even smell thereof or a miracle coat manifest from her work or Abs (
Rev 16:15). Or, flattery of hers, liken me to the grave (Ab), the euphemism of smell of the many dead persons that fought against and died, including herself. She uses this flattery in Songs 5:15, “his countenance is as Lebanon,” I guess Ab is very serious looking, as a killer he be, more fitting, like a mobster. Death appeals to her, hmmmm. If appear box appears thus at times, it’s because of the circumstances and yet don’t because “His mouth is most sweet” (Songs 5:16).

“A garden inclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.”

Water was encoded spirit earlier. Now a fountain is simply water springing up. So the obeast looked her spirit, as in water springing up her spirit leaps to break free and is shut down. As she has done to others.

“A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon.”

These verses suggest three places she or they that make frog spirits (spirated horsemen, miracle coat, spice, etc) get spirits to split and do so. (1) “fountain of gardens,” from the obeasts harvested and let loosed. That is, obeasts on arbitrary persons, lock those spirits, the gardeners, like Pig, then capture, split and re-use those spirit; or remove the spirit bottle cap and let the obeast spirate it. Than this process with humans happen arbitrarily, they have gardens of them. (2) “Well of Living waters,” if they are a seraphim they can cut off their own spirit and use it. It’s a well, as seraphim spirits are like the local water reservoir and ordinary angel or human spirits are like bottled water. (3) “Streams of Lebanon,” from previous, this is encoded as the grave or Ab’s place. Sadly the bag of spirits in hell is used this way, with even non-locusts having access to it; hopefully not sold for such. With satan at head then, this flourished and pig would have access.

“Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.”

It seems the ones in the gardens are held to be spirated, as stock of horsemen here to receive “silver [SPIRITS] in plates” to lock in, age like spices in a bottle, then spirated. It seems the North and South thresh these flesh (as John eating wild honey) and when the flesh dies, the spirit loose. The locked spirit is the spice, a spirated obeast. She presents these mostly to Ra. It seems an obeast in a flesh don’t normally spirate without tampering and that’s what she did to my head, crown of thorns. This is shown in the next verse, Songs 5:2, explained earlier.

- SONGS 5:3
“I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them?”

This said thing happened to her without external tampering, she cut it out but it’s still on, how could it spirate? Seems by God or the golden mice here.

- SONGS 5:4-8
“My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him. I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock. I opened to my beloved; but my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone: my soul failed when he spake: I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer. The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me. I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.”

That is, I drew near but more so my obeast had transference from me to her by the obeast on her from me, all such obeasted attackers seems to become a wheel. Hole is key, from the hole teaching in End Note 1 in this post, from woman with the issue of blood and suckry to me. The obeast can relay telepathically to the other obeast without the need of holes, like an ear or sense on the nerves of the buttocks; as with spirit transferences. She seems to have one of those from my obeast to the obeast on her, seems a wheel relay. This transference is felt on her spirit. Something Ma/k had done and why some dogs in the sea could wheel Trident at will, like a “collar of my coat,” mentioned in the post “Detail Encodings In Job” chapter 30. It seems the Egyptian in the sand might not be a mistake of dogs in the sea, possibly. The reaction of Moses is the reaction Trident has, “didn’t I help you!?” Hence, “who can come to him with his double bridle?” (Job 41:13).

- SONGS 5:5
“I rose up to open to my beloved; and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fingers with sweet smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the lock.”

When this transference from my obeast to hers took place, her spirit rose up to relay but it shut her down or lock her out, “upon the handles of the locks.”  Songs of Solomon 4:4 suggests she knew any obeast on me would reach this level, though temporary, so she mingled it with spirit or cutting the spirit bottle to cause it to spice, for permanence. As such, I guess even in the netherworlds I would be snuffed out from thence, a spice, and as such she can tap into me or find me, possibly even on the other side of paradise. In Songs of Solomon 4:4, “neck of David” could juxtapose with the encoded “mighty man of David.” Possibly attempted fixed so for me to lean on artificiality than God’s provision. An artificiality they can manipulate, and dominate the box, he as such being away from God. In Songs 4, “built for an armoury” could suggest also a conspiracy to take the seed or golden mice for their purpose if possible; if possible, for they seems resistive to them, obeasts that spawn free with tap into the antiquated of days.

- SONGS 5:6
“I opened to my beloved; but my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone: my soul failed when he spake: I sought him, but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer.”

It seems after locking her out with the transference, probably even her literal eyes out (as they often do to others) as with a possible case of rape again, the creature spake to her upon lock and her reaction was “my soul failed when he spake.” It couldn’t be me for in the encodings I was gone, “withdrawn himself.” She then responded to the creature, it gave no answer and she can’t find it on herself. A classic case of WAM or what Easterners call Karma.

- SONGS 5:7
“The watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they wounded me; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me.”

This is another case of karma/WAM, she was an informant to the Babylonian head (North) upon the wall in the South. Now the North watcher on the wall chastise her to remove the creature. They “took away my veil” or the fleshly manifestation of the creature in her.

- SONGS 5:8
“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.”

Even with Songs 5:7 and their removal of her veil, it is still there and now she cries in irony to the “Daughters of Jerusalem,” who she alienated from him with her troops violently; saying “if you find him please tell him I’m still sick!”

T   H   E     E   N   D

EXTRA: Part 1

- SONGS 2:9-14

Explanation: The above encoding is explained within the verses in the brackets given (i.e. “[ ]”). The underlined clauses are explained previously as obeasts harvesting, clearly paper trailed in figs, here. Noteworthy is the two lovers, not Euphemism, literally lovers of Pig/K, that is, Ra and EA. Not that these are the only two, but seek to be consort to whoever is prominent in the earth. In the post “Detail Encodings In Job” she was originally at Trident, but it showed her saying she left because she saw Trident’s fall, which seems to have the ancient dearth. In that said post, she then saw Ra’s end to whom she went to after Trident. Time up for Ra with wormwood, etc., and I guess she would have stayed if he wasn’t going to fall because it seems by invention he survived prominently over against EA (“my fair one,” as in “Fair weather cometh out of the north”-Job 37:22); but EA has the badge with heaven relay, that relay could have ousted any by jurisdiction if they were exercising real evil, but he couldn’t because he too was exercising real evil or had a secret like them. She probably started at Trident because by his position he should be the strongest in the earth having 2/3 the earth’s surface and all the skies with atmosphere with all water courses on lands, etc, etc.

So pig sold Ra to EA in the north, whereby after Ra’s fall the next prominent thing is EA; and would also inherit the dogs after he falls. If EA falls or simultaneously have box, she intend to do the same hopping to box with the two by him, through Kir. Then they want to shove this two timing whore on me! Not marriage or friend material, but a two timing whore, wan to always be in the spotlight. She be also close friend to Ab, see the post “Console To The World” in the endnotes of the section “Console To The Sea.”

Noteworthy also is that pillar one was obeasted locked from JA, so though now in box obeast offspring, the latter probably eat up the former, a green wheeled fig. As Moses staff turn snake eat two snakes of Pharaoh, this also could be encodly symbolic of the fact of one of the two pillars in play here. Therefore, from the verses above he wore “green figs” then mine came into play here,


Also noteworthy is that battle with EA network would push upward to heaven and his network spread the globe (magistrates), then battle with Ab in the underworld push upward to the surface, so seemingly, simultaneous battles would definitely bring the end! A double hit, push up dropping down on those pressed up from beneath and fighting on surface of all; so unnoticed beast wars would spill in end of world disasters, though victory for heaven. Sometimes the state of the world warrantees such, as in what would have happened at Armageddon ends in a hurricane fire. And such can be averted with small battles to remove the evils from a top these huge seraphim networks.


- SONGS 6:9
“My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her.”

Just the first clause, “my dove,” she knew a wife of box would be a “woman of tent,” but more so a seraphim that would foster Aaron or Ar - on; so she jumped to that as well. She calls EA her dove (Songs 2:14) because like the Ar-on, EA is on her, especially when she goes in the north to them from Ra land; dove as in the holy spirit descending on Christ like a dove. Then that corruption together, even additionally, satan, want to jump on box; Long John Silver in box!? Can you imagine any other injustice to humankind or beings in general!? With Ar-on, a wedlock is like a wheelock, perfect unity; a wedlock in wheelock. The “my dove” part is why they be so many Queens and concubines, they be would be on a prime antiquated stream of creation. So from all these possibilities, “My dove…is but one.”  

- SONGS 7:1
“How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman.”

She begins to see Ar and describe her, her description came in the same manner she got the description of the 60 around me, to do maliciously or harm; can never stop sinning. “Prince’s daughter” for being Trident’s daughter. “Thy feet” or her wheels, identifies she’s a seraphim. “With shoes,” they are well fitted, seems Trident did for her, noted for his wheel care skills, being like scales worn “His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered” (Job 41:15-17). Pig probably tried to cut their spirit bottle caps, spice them among many of her other evils, but he fitted them even sealing the spirit bottle caps with something like banners. This is another skill of Trident, hence in this Songs of Solomon verse noted of them being fitted this way “the work of the hands of a cunning workman.”

- SONGS 7:2
“Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies.”

From this verse, on Ar and her wheels Trident seems to devise a way to prevent obeast takeover; as Ra or those with such expertise, seem to have a lock mechanism on others wearing the obeast, to pop it and make the obeast take over. So if her or her wheels get infected, they cannot be taken over. The nature of this obeast prevention seems to prevent growth from infant infection, “a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor;” liquor seems a secret underground mechanism instituted in the mainstream world to also prevent infection. So if you eat a burger with obeast eggs, then they would drink a liquor to destroy those eggs, I guess the common sodas acts in this capacity. Here he made something attach to the belly, navel, that automatically kill the eggs and prevent growth or takeover of infant without mouth in-take, like liquor; I guess another reason Paul says, “use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities” (1 Tim
5:23). I say infant for the next clause says, “thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies.” So eggs (lilies) come in with food and began to sprout (wheat), the goblet seems to kill it automatically but they “heap up” in the belly; like always pregnant and never giving birth, that can be uncomfortable too. Possibly their flesh is different from surface humanoids and why the top hasn’t utilize it. They get infected for Pig/Ra has a garden there around the wall and all flesh worldwide subjected to such. So Pig found this out also when she went to manipulate the wheels, to infect them then remove their spirit bottle caps to turn them to spice, but found out their spirit bottle caps are fastened on tight by him; he seems to have some skill in silver and possibly know someone removing spirit bottle caps of wheels worldwide. Because his wheels and consequently Ar wheels are so well crafted from the way Pig manipulates and control the world, they are terrible to her. The only reason satan got to them was because when he stream to them, satan on him, stream with him; “By his neesings a light [SATAN] doth shine [ON THEM]” (Job 41:18). Even as such and to Pig and to others, before the recent cleaning/chaos, “Jerusalem [FOUNDER OF ENCODED JERUSALEM, SEA CIVILIZATION, SO TRIDENT] terrible as an army with banners” (Songs 6:4). Banners are on the head or over the head, so when to turn them to spice in recent time, she found their spirit bottle caps was sealed. Like her skills of silver shaping is rare, so is this, and he probably can work in silver. With this skill he outfitted Ar wheels. So if recent, with Trident “off”, having died, yet still the wheels still have this mechanism and strong against figs attack. Hence, for a truth “How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter” and “Who is she [AR]…terrible as an army with banners?” (Songs 6:10).

However, previously, they were so thigh that wheels, not eyes, were still connected to him in his death. Whereby a death do us part is fostered on wheels as in a marriage. The banner is key, for that’s where a Pig strength lies, if she can’t be at top like satan to cleave-hind the individual wheel, she can cut the spirit bottle cap and fill it with an obeast; then tap in and control the new being wearing the former if submissive. So the spice can be more dangerous than the cleave-hind. The cleave-hind twist the spirit, like an elongated air balloon in a circus, to whatever shape. But the spice is opening the spirit, re-open the air balloon, and filling it with the evolved obeast or helium in the balloon; then twist it to whatever shape and it flies.

- SONGS 7:3
“Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins.”

This part I like, he two breasts are liken to roes, which a roe is a deer, yet this is usage is opposite to Pig/k; it saying of her breasts, “touch them if you dare” to the onlookers. In other words, signifying her stances to live holy. Roes, as in plural, as in not only her but friends, rows of them with the said stances, be about her as accountability partners to try and live clean. Hence, reserved her self pure as keeping her two breasts unspotted, so I would opt to reserve twins to her if God be willing.

- SONGS 7:4
“Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus.”

Her neck is liken to the tower ivory, neck is passage way to her wheels/eyes, as in there was still strength in Trident’s neck (Job 41:22). So this passage way to her direct seraphim down line is likened to the uniqueness of ivory. Ivory is made of natural dentine, precisely like the walrus or elephant husks. So on her neck means she fortified her wheels/eyes or her direct seraphim down line from satan stream from her head (Trident) and any other, so she kept them clean in lifestyle and within. A husk proceed from the mammal, so something she produced or did from herself that is unique to her; heat from God with her godly exploits. A neck of Ivory means a solid substance and so not passage way down; as against normal necks with bone (Trident) veins (Wind 1), tubes (Wind 2), lung pipe (Wind 3), throat (Satan), etc. “Thine eyes like the fishpools in hesbon,” seems she has many eyes, but the intent might be all the wine in the bottle than a cup, so one cup big enough to fit all the wine in the bottle.

“Thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon,” nose from the holes teaching of suckry in this post endnote 1; that is, suckry with Ma and it channeled to the anus nerves/holes, each sense takes a hole channeled to the brain, but we are limited to 5 (eye, nose, ears, mouth, touch) so all others find the nearest nerve (groin/loins/anus area) and why to me suckry is felt there. Likewise when it spoke of Herod in that “the glory of his nostrils is terrible” (Job 39:20), he tapped into my holes, being an antiquated of days, and do the exploits gotten. So when it speaks of Ar “nose is as the tower of Lebanon” is a referential to her deepest thoughts that cannot be seen except automatically tapped in by a seraphim on her, it seems temporarily she’s in the care of head box blues and so he seems on; as such have access to her holes that automatically pops up when a seraphim is on. So her nose as the top of Lebanon (Lebanon for grave or Ab) is her utmost desire, her love longing to see and be with box are seen by the Jays, that is, as in the grave, hurry up and die for the sea visit and we be. She not wishing evil or attempting such, but they on would see something evil but not, she knowing the procedure and would love to see quickly happen and if possibly could hasten it. The second clause verify this, “toward Damascus,” that is, Paul was struck on the road to Damascus and blinded three days, likewise a similar procedure for a possible sea visit by box; falling down or “moon confounded.” The sea civilization encodings in Jeremiah 49:23, Isaiah 17:1, etc, are liken to Damascus as well. This was mentally juxtaposed of previous encodings of her when she would have been on, that is, just in case beware because this is the normal make up of seraphim with wheelock, in your case wedlock; that is, concerning your thoughts and a seraphim on, it is like, “As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man [BOX] to man [AR ON]” (Prov 27:19). With she be as such in the care of box blues, they know also if she be true. For example, SONGS 7:5, “the king is held in the galleries.” They on seeing images of me (text and/or pictorial) from her, her desire, her respect, etc. Not that this is needed, co-incidental of being in their care. If box blues are of the 4 horns, then they would already have her in their lines, hence, in the earth’s Arena (Ar-in-here).

- SONGS 7:7
“This thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes.”

It’s obvious she, Ar, is a seraphim; well fitted furnished too. Her wheels/eyes or accountability partners are mostly true too. For if her light burnt up to Trident’s head to prevent blackness, how much more down. As her breasts are like dares, “don’t touch” or the sentiment of chastity, the breasts of her wheels be dares too, the said sentiment of chastity, hence “clusters of grapes.”

- SONGS 7:8
“I said, I will go up to the palm tree [OFTEN USED IN ENCODINGS FOR SERAPHIM], I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples;”

This encoding is known from the post “For what it’s worth,” but more below:


- SONGS 7:9
“And the roof of thy mouth like the best wine for my beloved [EA], that goeth down sweetly, causing the lips of those that are asleep to speak.”

They be two ways dares to me get infected, golden emerods or golden mice. Barb breeds, so those would be the golden mice or mobile infant obeasts, staffs. The golden emerods are the rods, by blood, bite or contact. See the post "The Third or Second Seed" under the section "Methodology Of Such A Case 2" for more on the golden mice and golden emerods. Now wine was used for Ar filling a cup (flesh), so wine is an entity (spirit, angel) filling a body. Pig/K continue to narrates her and so her beloved here is EA at the house of Dagan; “goeth down sweetly…those that are asleep to speak” suggest someone dies, the obvious is Dagan. He died with the best wine, an obeast from my infection filling him. Best wine means the rod, so a close contact as in charging on me, probably while in sleep and probably forcing k or sodomy. The golden emerods are by close contact, the clause “thy mouth” also suggests this. “Roof” suggest the set up as decoded in the post “Detail Encodings In Job” chapter 39, that is, the staff as head and the rods comes up ever so often; the staff (Barb) prevents full control of the rod, who taps in more in the antiquated of box, “glory of his nostrils” and hence more deadly dynamics. So the staff keep things normal, as encoded Barnabas (Barb) is mostly a “Son of Consolation,” the rod also as such (Psalms 23) but more so as king Herod that took John’s head. Hence the clause “Roof of thy mouth,” he got up (proactive) as Barb is mostly passive reactive, but she still have to allow him to do dynamics. That set up was described in Lam 3:10, “He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places.” A bear and a Lion, Barb is the lion, likewise deadly to attackers and Herod is the bear, sleeping but comes in overwhelming danger. Hence, “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psalms 23). That set up was given and happened in proxy, but when done and in truth, the set up should be Box (Lion) and Mike (Bear). If Dagan is Satan-EA is seems Karma/WAM took place, as he was the one who infected me with the rod through the Erno shell network.

Note: Concerning previous posts and this on Dagan and the house thereof, the presence of green there is something I haven’t touch on, the hidden share-a-ton of box pillage by Ra/EA, but the outcome was the illusion of Tweety and Sylvester; as EA with Pig created spices to attack heaven. This be the possible reason for not smiting him on the cheek, inherently herald from heaven.  The Key point to the share-a-ton is Pig, as in she saying “I am the rose of Sharon [Share-a-ton]” (Songs 2:1). As from the south she be green (Songs 1:16) but in the north as Sharon, considered red, rose. Hence, inside that house could be of her (blue/red), as well as the outside (green/yellow), with all present but inside and out, but the Tweety bird type illusion was fostered to fool the people still. A reason Ra might not tell the dogs of Satan-EA of long ago, could be more than the plague of “you have a secret, I have a secret” but knowingly in dealership with the direct arch-enemy; yet already did so with sale of horseman and other green inventions to yellow.

- SONGS 7:11-13
“Come, my beloved, let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages. Let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud forth: there will I give thee my loves. The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved.”

She, Pig, noticing this interplay of the horsemen on and from me indirectly, encourages and desire to use such for evil in her obeast harvesting in the stocks of the world.

- SONGS 8:2
“I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.”

In that evil encouragement, she highlights the storage of spices, actual human spirits they have used as raw materials for horsemen spirated army.

- SONGS 8:5
“Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? I raised thee up under the apple tree: there thy mother brought thee forth: there she brought thee forth that bare thee.”

In this verse she, Pig/K, sees me coming from the sea visit with Ar leaning on me. I guess while there SONGS 8:6 first clause seems a seal was made between Box and Ar; “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm.” Pig/K sees thus and says it of herself, that verse consequently documents her inherent hatred, “bad mind” and blasphemy upon seeing thus; I guess not just for Ar but anyone in that capacity. “I raised thee up under the apple tree” suggests while growing up in danger in Ra Land, the “Apples of Gold” were there and I was raise up with them, Gorilla Unit (G-Unit) or classic Tarzan in the world’s Leave-Behind.   

“I am a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favour.”

Concerning breasts, it seems the Lord know I would like this of Ar, that is, the analogy of perpetual chastity in her breasts as roe (deer/dare); decoded above in Songs of Solomon 7:3. Hence, after finding that out, I would exhale (Ahhhh!), a clean one reserved and chaste for…unthinkable.

“Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon [BEL ON HAM ON THE HORSEMEN THERE, HENCE, THE PLACE IS ENCODED BABYLON IN THE NORTH]; he let out the vineyard unto keepers; every one for the fruit thereof was to bring a thousand pieces of silver.”

Encoded Solomon here is box, he has a vineyard, that is, of horsemen; he didn’t harvest them, but it happened with the infection. The juxtaposition was given of Baal-Hamon, that is, at this proportion it wasn’t bad or needed overt heaven intervention but Ham-on at Ra made it extensive and dangerous. Classic case of Jezebel and Ahab. Encoded Solomon “let out the vineyard unto keepers.” That is two meanings. {1} They from me go to May-Dens, “unto keepers,” possibly the new EA would see to such if in his blue prints. But beware of Ham or pigs like her to bring “a thousand pieces of silver;” silver for spirits, that is, whilst there in piety, such would opt to forfeit the piety of them by spiriting them (spices). This would also forfeit any looking to the 1000 year reign of a possible acceptance, which possibly the end of such is an actual soul and spirit from God (spirit). {2} They from me seems to have gone north or encoded Babylon, seemingly where I’m at, at the moment. That last part is strongly reaffirmed in this, “he let out the vineyard…every one for the fruit.” That is, each one for the fruit or apples of gold, that is, they still seemingly act in the capacity of the 60 box blues, as the 60 box blues horsemen replacement that indirectly happened in Florida, as mentioned earlier. This proves bad for EA them because, as mentioned elsewhere, namely the post “2006 Follow Up” on encoded Tabitha, the horsemen in encoded Babylon are spirated and used as spices and joined on network. That spice network is woven by Pig, even with EA’s 7 and then EA sits on that network of Spices as the head of that body, Pig fostered or be. That spice network was created for world domination and heaven attack. However, many encoded Babylonians have spices themselves, like pets, but are eventually and to call when the attack is ready, to join the greater network of spices EA fosters. So these horsemen here in encoded Babylon is a like a wrench in that engine, and foil the plot to amass a huge spirit-man army network to take over the universe and attack heaven. They not being spiced, not attainable, resistive, a different breed of golden mice/emerods and also in some cases foster the Bible paper trail of Moses snake eating up Pharaoh’s two snakes.

“My vineyard, which is mine, is before me: thou, O Solomon, must have a thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred.”

Yet still Pig woos to do evil with them, saying, I have plenty of vineyards, why must you have only a thousand Solomon? Come do evil with us, join up with my vineyards she made evil. We win, come on Mon: we have almost 3-4 seven eyes of God tree; almost the 4 major rivers of creation; the middle heaven is stopped by Mike, ruler thereof, but the EA tree rules the first heaven a possible Cassiel, we’ll make it up to God’s throne mon and take over; we have almost all the bulls and scripter bull; the bag with plenty of flowers (spices), and some back up bags; many moles all over heaven and in all networks in all the worlds; plenty plenty philistines mon; we sit round Christ seat when him return bout him get we out, through EA smart warp chi and other playing of the books; we win, our plots are fool proof, come on mon.

For reasons like these I pray and who don’t like it, saying I’m cold or anything like that, just join the rest of them forever and eternally perished beyond hell’s fire.

“Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken to thy voice: cause me to hear it.”

The horsemen in my gardens suggest here in encoded Babylon that is full of spices or gardens of them, even worldwide. The horsemen there seemingly listens to me, seems the vineyard from me now mingled among them. She seems to say, they know you by the broadcast from Barb/Herod telepathically. She being a witness to such, she says, that is, because she is locked in an obeast infection from me when attempting to rape, when it broadcast she heard it; because she still in it, here spirit, because it spirated on her not spiced her “cause me to hear it.” So I guess even without the wrench, such above average abilities from the golden mice/emerods entices here to want to use them, pull me to do thus and even harvest such from me.

Note: {1} This ability mentioned seems to be able to be performed by EA and others only when they are spiced, and possibly only Ra can tap into the obeast this way in its fleshly or natural states without spirit or evolution thereof. I guess it tapped into my physic so much that the offspring became like eyes to me or it on me and why this was possible. {2} It seems the 7 eyes of God are how God spread himself in 7 seraphim tree mingled among all creation, so I guess the EA tree saying if I have 4 of the 7 I have majority shares of God and can take over God. Seems ludicrous so far and only the seven eye of God tree EA belongs seems that he may be guilty thereof; see the post, “Possibly EA Triple Threat.”

“Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.”

She, Pig/k, now saying, come, hurry up and be like me, a dare, “roe or to a young hart;” a roe or hart is a deer. She is therefore a very bad fit for box, a core-all river (Psalms 87:7). As Jezebel to Ahab, she would pull box to do evil, wickedness and perverseness. Notice the height of her wickedness, not just in encoded Babylon (America) she has made a body for EA, but “upon the mountains of spices;” as in the 7 mountains are the 7 continent the whore sits on (Rev 17:9, 15), unknowingly to the human and angel race, spicing them in a new creature as raw material wheels for a big seraphim body to take over the universe and heaven. She working on those 7 continents with seraphim networks in aid, humans and angels, she open their spirit bottle caps, unknown to them or their superiors, and cause the obeast to spirate then fill them. I guess within the networks of the world she installed a second operating system that comes to life and take over spirits, she and EA tap into it by the obeast in their spirits; the obeast can take over and wear the spirit controlling the person of angel. Like a “cleave-hind” it is identifiable as the former persons, so this seems to be. Before the spirit bottle is burst after cutting the top, that is, the caterpillar spice turn to butterfly, the angel who had this done to them would often have obeast infection on their flesh, yet not infected; because the spirated obeast that seep into their spirit bottles can start manifesting fleshly, when they change flesh or incarnate. It seems they become spices by age in the spirit bottles (how long I don’t know) or most often burst by gloving or some other means. Who knows what other evils she has done to the networks, peoples and animals of the world. Hence, “all flesh is as grass [OBEASTED], and all the glory of man as the flower of grass [SPIRATED OBEAST, SPICES]” (1 Peter
1:24). The Jeremiah prophecy, chapter 51, spoke of her then of EA plot on heaven, so the encoding on this verse could be,

“The mighty men of [ENCODED] Babylon [RED & BLUE NETWORKS] have forborn [SPICED] to fight, they have remained in their holds [SPICE HELD IN]: their might hath failed; they [THEN] became as women [IN CHILD BEARING, A NEW CREATURE COMING FORTH; SPICES]…And that the passages are stopped [STAIRS TO HEAVEN OR STAR GATE CO-ORDINATES HE HAS TO HEAVEN], and the reeds [SPICES LIKE A VINE GROWING UP TO HEAVEN, HE PUSH UP IN THOSE STAIRS IN A PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE OR BIOLOGICAL WAREFARE] they have burned with fire [SOME IMMEDIATELY BURNT], and the men of war are affrighted [THE REST AND HIS FELLOW CONSPIRATORS].” (Jer 51:30).

From this it seems the spices can be held in then popped and starts wearing the spirit, a spice; popped like the former pop of the obeast lock on the flesh. Then EA would use these to storm heaven; “reeds.” From the Red and blue network, imagine a spiced seraphim, that is a powerful new creature, with millions to billions to septillion of them Satan-EA, Pig, etc control to propel to heaven with the co-ordinates EA has to heaven; though Ra seemingly is in the background, he fostered such, as the base or Ra material for such exploits. As spices, they are flawless and can travel as angels. Hence, if not the end (Yah throw), all Babylonians need to pass through the fire as burning a cleave-hind, to burn off spices. This seems the task of wormwood also, both the fleshly infestations and spices.

Box and the obeasts spawn from him went in the core of this in encoded Babylon, a wrench in this plot, hence the referential, “thy hair is as a flock of goats that appear from Gilead” (Songs 6:5). Then that is tied into Jeremiah 8:22, “Is there no balm [BOMB] in Gilead;” to dismantle this plot against the heavens/universe and stop this plague on earth. One way or the other, living or dead, this sinister harvesting must be stopped, as well as the plague. Since arrival, satan taken from the bag of spirits, the fire loosed on the world to help with wormwood, wormwood loosed, the Ab position loosed to eat all green things (base for such), Pig dead and dieth with Operation: Pig, Dog dead (dog to flea) and dieth with following operations, the EA situation wrapping up, etc.

END NOTE 1: Asterisk (*) at Ass Denotes: If suckry could be felt, it would be felt in the genital/buttocks area. Why? There is the most sensitive nerves, the fastest way to the brain. In truth, it’s from the brain this takes place, but how can someone reach the brain the quickest? By the most sensitive nerve, this is in the genital/buttocks area. For instance, the activity of hearing takes place with the brain. When I speak, I can’t see/feel the sound waves tracking to the brain or even to the ear (transmitter for such), but I know you receive the message. When an angel comes in contact with a human and they dive, they don’t know the mechanics of it, like a sound wave to the ear, but that they receive a sucked lined. The brain is guarded by the skull, so to reach it, two holes were punched in the head, ears. To reach the brain on suckry wise, the quickest way is through the most sensitive nerve/opening (or combo), this area was identified earlier and typified in a man touching his genitals and staggering by the power of the nerves located there, a most sensitive nerve area. The buttocks with wide opening also. The quickest way to receive smell is through the nose, two more holes, to receive brain activities. It would be too many holes for each thing or relay to life, so some substitutes beyond 5 senses was needed; no more holes, so the substitutes are point of contacts on the body already, some have holes too, example, buttocks. Even the 5 senses are limited, like the brain cannot receive sight of spirits, the average and above average eyes, that is. Likewise the woman with the issue of blood had a transfer from Christ’s spirit to her spirit, but she didn’t see the transfer because two new holes (with its transmitters) not punched in her or Christ’s head for such exchange or communication. Yet it took place, but only acknowledge through faith, with manifestations if applicable, sensed by the 5 senses later; e.g. healing as against motivation transferences. By the way, never ask to detect suckry.

END NOTE 2: The carnal minded ones here or those that fight against Ar, with nothing to rebut would foolishly say things like, “ah, as snow she’s the cause for the blizzards, etc.” You know how people think, especially because of Ma’s known slothfulness. However, the skies of encoded Babylon were bubbled by EA and as seen in table at the end of the post “Detail Encodings In Job” profiles, the 4 Winds are void in their administration against such ken labs invention, “Which alone spreadeth out the heavens” (Job 9:8). But in fact EA controls the weather here and determine how much is snowed or not, etc. One scripture encodings stated such, “the snow [LITERALLY  HERE] of Lebanon which cometh from the rock of the field [ROCK, PETER OR ENCODED EA; ROCK, AMERICA OR THE ADAMANT STANCE OF THAT SHEPARD BULL]” (Jer
18:14). When I first read this I thought wow, God might show me how to make snow from stones! Foolishly. But encodly here it means it means the snow here comes from here, when it should come from one of the 4 winds. In the contextual sense, the top of Lebanon is snow, so the rocks of that mountain have water flowing down from it; that gives another encoding by itself. As seen in the CSI:The Sea, Trident couldn’t say anything for he has his secret of the underwater bubble city sanctioned by EA at the beginning – something for something. Plus the whole world in the “green house,” using innovations from Ken labs. Ken (Ra) himself being the master of such not only can lock out wind treatments, as seen in Florida only snowed once ever, but also manipulate these canopies the world employs, double-bubble as in double bubble cities or a bubble city in a bubble city; hence making him even more powerful by craft. That’s why seeing the might of the little man Ra, like Trident, “Fair weather cometh out of the north [ENCODED BABYLON]” (Job 37:22). Now the Ab position loosed from satan, breakfast is greens (Rev 9:4); that is, all the evils from Ken Labs, more than just the obeasts. I guess the most important meal of the day should have some roughage in it for the rest of the day. Nevertheless, this first move was encoded to me in the term “Agabus” and in actually a Barb referential to the horseman holocaust. Agabus be the prophet that prophesied hurricanes and dearth, “And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar” (Acts 11:28). That is, with encoded Jezebel and Ahab, the Pig (Hog) caused him to mummify and wrap the world in green; as such Agabus speaking in the context of such forthcomings destructions of this wrap of the world in Ken labs inventions, the name Agabus used to signify the pig causation of such and the destruction typified in her, “Hog-A-bust,” that Hog is going to burst. Cleaning up her greed in dipping the world in the green goo for world domination/influence and filth. Strikingly, as seen in later posts, when EA and RA fall, Pig would seemingly survive with the two former networks of evil; like the dogs. In those networks those two could have countless eyes, so she alive or her vast network afloat after their death means their eyes up and secure, so they then open them, though under the pig then. A seemingly plot of pig to have the preeminence after their fall, as decoded, but also an inadvertent survival methods of theirs. As said in the blog post long ago, there is no green color in the list of colors, the works intent is just as yellow, black. Likewise, now yellow is separate from Ab who has many wheels and a kingdom, he would assume a color. In the times it was brown, for the color of the ground, but with the same rhetoric of green I didn’t ever write it. But as I choose not to include it for more confusion, it is in the times and came from my rendering, yet how it still remain in the times and I choose now in the actual present time not to include it? Ah! Green and brown does evil as is and hence any evil angel dealings in is yellow and all evil is black, but these are supposedly different evils. However, there is not color assigned to any though speak as if, all evil is black and all striving for good is white. So though allege green and brown might be different from satan and hence not yellow, there are no such colors, they be black until and if repentance. The colors striving for white are Blue, Red and White; and those of black, yellow, the root of all evil and liar from the start. Any angel fall in either category of colors still. Ha hah, only I remain above the influence! Just joking, I’m white as snow or white with snow or white from snow, any how, white as a human saint.

END NOTE 3: The phenomenon with Mike, that is, hurricane fire, seems to say also that this position of his with ousting of satan is new, the position itself; Regent of Destruction, as against satan having had it. With Pig slothfulness and the first phenomenon, Noah’s flood, which is caused by overt sinning, an epitome of her, her slothfulness in administration (Wind over Rainy season) could cause these as her sinfulness does. On the other hand, Ar’s faithfulness is seen in the Ark; while other winds would be reveling, she’d be building the Ark. And it was made Gopher wood, so her wheels are also faithful, as in like me in building, “go-for-wood” (gopher wood). It seems all this contrast the two, for I would be demanding no such abominable/slothful person as Pig be a bull. Likewise, if a bride, I might suggest a step down to Ar as a wind bull, to a Paul and Silas, position as suggested in Aaron the priest. There you have it, “dive in mi personal life, Mate!”

END NOTE 4: From chapter 12 encoding in the post “Detail Encodings in Job,” also CSI:The Grave and others, concerning the contrast of Pig’s daring evils of reading versus cutting, this was not to justify reading or give space to it, but show her continued forwardness. That is, if the box be one of the four rivers and an antiquated of days, even reading is dangerous and why 3 of the encoded Men of David were “the three keepers of the door” (Jer 52:24) to box the river. For instance, reading in a library that has books on how to make a bomb or even a hybrid seraphim, is dangerous.

END NOTE 5: Isaiah 15 and 16 is another Kir/Ar scripture with much info. Isaiah 15:1 speaks of cleaning those domain, execute judgment by encoded Joab (Yoab) and followed by the name sake of the realm in green, Moab; though I used the kir clause to speak of her fall sexually, as if that was something new to be known. Isaiah 15:2 speaks of the removal of the obeast usage/green-inventions in all Moab, “on all their heads shall be baldness, and every beard cut off.” Reason being Ra and some of his can manipulate for great evils and clog the system, this should culminate in a time explained in Isaiah 16:1-2. Isaiah 15:5, “his fugitives shall flee unto Zoar [SO-NOW-AR], an heifer of three years old.” By the time the sea fugitive come up and Ar to be with box, another reason Kir proceeded to rape was to prevent the SO-NOW-AR, yet with that said rape/science got a Pillar in flesh, “heifer.” That latter referential like a calf of a cash cow is a more potent reason to show their desire to take him to suck on him. A reason satan and Ea more lean to Kir is her lewdness, while Ar is relatively not, a donkey. To the point that 3 years old cross reference to the encodings in post “Box Blues Defense” of encoded box, Me-fi-boss, who was 5 years old when EA became black, head cut off to become purely satan or a cleaved-hinds of his. Likewise, at 3 years old of the stolen Pillar, Kir became black. Ironically, Ma and EA are the big seraphim that can withstand sun (satan) by strength, yet they became black and Ar, on the other hand, a pretty little red jewel in the sea by her light prevented blackness of herself and Trident and saved the sea civilization. Notice this table encodings of verses used elsewhere (contextual, prophetic, encoded) to depict the EA and Pig built to withstand satan, yet…

PIG – REV 12:1

EA – REV 10:1

CLAUSE: “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven”

RELATIVE DETAILS: Both are from heaven. Seems possibly from the same seraphim for the reasons outlined in the post “Possibly EA Triple Threat.”

CLAUSE: “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven”

RELATIVE DETAILS: Both are from heaven.

CLAUSE: “a woman clothed with the sun”

RELATIVE DETAILS: Seems able to withstand satan, the sun. But also got black regardless, seems her sum too, “clothed” as in Entirety, all that seraphim opened to thus. How. She opened her Kir eye, which was her prime back up self to inherit the residue of a fallen Ra with his dogs and a fallen Ea; plus to inherit the two by box.

Note: Revelations 
1:16 speaks of another that can withstand sun/satan, Christ, the man. The description, like Pig or EA, gave the position of the sun relative to him, not in his head like EA or clothed therewith like Pig, but it stood at bay about him (countenance), never entered or he becoming black "And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength" (Rev 1:16).

CLAUSE: “and his face was as it were the sun”

RELATIVE DETAILS: Likewise, seems made strong that he can withstand sun. But also became black, that seraphim in its entirety as well, but have sublets (eyes) bound in jurisdictions, like angels in the resurrection with warp chi that cannot become black because of Christ’s part in it and the Ab eye, because it was made by fire and fire now locked to it. These eyes can be opened later though, I suppose. So I guess as a bird out of nest, he gave up the EA self to satan moving down, etc, but reserved what was left. This gets more complex, for Pig would seems to be his back up that would un-cleave him in this plot as his 7 thunder pull him from the grave when fall down thence; but she became black and incapable of such. Then it seems satan was involved and would only foster the latter part of the plot and both retreat to hell if it fails; with satan taking some of his eyes on earth to still be up as well as him. Where and if double crossing comes in I don’t know; but EA seems to have too many positional selves for satan to now break partnership, especially co-ordinates to heaven and hell. And lastly, satan himself might be of that tree EA and Pig is of in heaven, yet satan fallen; like having a foot out the window that cannot come in. Such complexities are tackled in the post “Possibly EA Triple Threat.”

CLAUSE: “upon her head a crown of twelve stars”

RELATIVE DETAILS: She is encoded rain (Wind over rain season), I was wondering what she was doing above EA head, as Rainbow in the box to the right. But that document her working with his wheels/network, sitting there on as a seraphim to stack them. So on his head, the 7 thunders. Here she does the same for the 12 Bulls directly or indirectly or most and capable of all; as in a crown of 12 stars.

CLAUSE: “a rainbow was upon his head”

RELATIVE DETAILS: Rain is Pig, so she was in his network stacking his wheels, as in his bosom than over his head. He was a dove to her.

CLAUSE: “the moon under her feet”

RELATIVE DETAILS: This explains the box to the right, as I didn’t understand how the fire, Mike, pertain to EA feet. The moon under her feet, suggest, the Albert Einstein. That is I’ll birth the box. So the box came in the earth with her as mother (Jer 
8:22, Jer 46:11).

CLAUSE: “his feet as pillars of fire”

RELATIVE DETAILS: It seems even the orange men when they come into the earth have to still hook to the blue bird EA network; Like the box blues had to. So I guess when Mike attained the graves, he had a set free from and independent of EA, and became gold of dusts. Dust of the ground, the network there under.

This is likened to faith (Theory) without works (application) is dead, of both EA and Pig being a cleave-hind of satan. This is what should be looked to, for Isaiah 16:7 states, “the foundations of Kir-hareseth” or wanting to say from the foundations or in the times, K-was-already-set (Kir-hareseth); though there’s a way to manipulate the times. But faith without works is dead, professing and knowing of times yet she didn’t give attention to it, but lewd, lewd and I mention forever lewd and evil! She has no fear of God as a dare (deer-Dorcas) much more to have the heat of God that is needed, which noted of Ar in the post “CSI:Heaven” and mentioned in this verse, “if two lie together, then they have heat” (Ecc
4:11). Because of faith with works though Kir-hareseth, Isaiah 16:1-2 states encodly when EA dies then sea visit, which is also to see Ar in her glory, the daughter of Zion. Mentioning Kir-hareseth is not a violation of the blue print truth, if time would explain. Notice Isaiah 16:2 on this, as Satan-EA “a wandering bird cast out of the nest [SHEPHERD POSITION AND AMERICA], so the daughters of Moab shall be at the fords of Arnon [ENCODED MOAB GIRLS GOING ABOUT SEA GIRLS IN ARPAD KNOWING ONE WOULD BECOME BOX CONOSORT].” It seems the sea girls in Babylon as well as these, couldn’t be gathered because of Satan-EA, putting all out and forcing his other selves, K (black), and especially if by her has a rape child; even if by my unauthorized incubation, a rape child. Notice Isaiah 16:3, “Take counsel, execute judgment; make thy shadow as the night [MOONLIGHTING] in the midst of the noonday [WHEN SUN IS HOTTEST]; hide the outcasts; bewray not him that wandereth,” this seems to conclude the moonlighting and hopefully Mike with others break the “Sons of Belial.” Isaiah 16:4-5 is a little personal encoding of relation to the flock from the box. Jeremiah 16:6 speaks of Ra still “beating up his chest,” though potent as mention in the sleep thing in post “Box Blues Defense,” nonetheless, he over exaggerate on it and don’t be afraid of these lies, “but his lies shall not be so” (Isa 16:6). Moab (Ab please Mow it), green domains, begun and leave him less potent than before (1Sa 24:14), this is seen in Isaiah 15:6, “the grass faileth, there is no green thing.” Notice Isaiah 16:12, after the mowing reach up to his domains suspended above the earth, “high places,” then he comes to God and pray when it is too late, “And it shall come to pass, when it is seen that Moab is weary on the high place, that he shall come to his sanctuary to pray; but he shall not prevail;” retribution, but also it takes that for some people to repent. Notice Isaiah 16:14 of the former and never again necessary evil of the green one, that is, the three years point to the Pillar 1 locked in flesh, something that occurred in his land in his invention, with satan cleave-hind of the mother since then it was like offering the child as a sacrifice to him. Therefore, the plagues upon Ra and encoded Egypt or Moab are more than warranted, even encoded in the Bible plagues of Egypt itself, this one so perfectly captured in the last plague, ‘the death of the first born.’ Yet seems a molten, mole at ten, but the same observing of times as mentioned in the post “Possible EA Triple Threat.” Isaiah 17:1-2 repeats the sea visit, Damascus as in on that road to Damascus Paul (Box) encountered the bright light (Ar) and was blinded for 3 days and turned from Saul (Day) to Paul (Night). Isaiah 17:2 did state “The cities of Aroer [AR-O-IS-HERE] are forsaken: they shall be for flocks [], which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.” Flocks there is hopeful angels, with God only sanction, but also, if one can bring the “double bridle” to Trident, then a den (May-Den) for horsemen in wait for their possible time in the 1000 year reign attributed to them; especially that they are chased that they are chased out and not legal in the world, under the Horseman Holocaust. Personally on bringing that proposal of double-bridle to Trident, especially with the history of the place, my character is “fool-me-once-shame-on-me-if-you-fool-me-twice,” as why I can never accept Ra again. But encodings in Proverbs states Trident character, “Take his garment that is surety for a stranger [REFUGE FOR OUTCASTS], and take a pledge of him for a strange woman [YOU STILL WILL RELAY WITH HIM, BECAUSE OF AR FROM THERE, THAN PICKING A STRANGE ONE ELSEWHERE THAN HAVE NOT GIVEN THEMSELVES TO GOD’S FEAR]” (Prov 27:13).

Just to note to hopefuls if one can grasp such reading in encoded form, Isaiah chapter 15-18 begins the destruction, mowing or cleaning for the new Era, Moab, all green enabled territories in all the worlds and even sea civilization. Isaiah chapter 19-20 the cleaning of Egypt or green base territory, Sodom in the south. To Isaiah 21:9 at the end after leaving, “Gomarrah” (Go-marrow) or here in the north, present Babylon, America. To Isaiah
21:13, here under the earth, Ab’s place and saints in wait in paradise shall be threshed as well. Isaiah 21:16 speaks of the cleaning there, “For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail.” Notice, once arrive at the expected 45, then in a year; if it went that way. But notice the similar struggle, Kir is there, why not in the pool of spirits? Ah!? I say that without apology because the encoded name gives the unrepentant, God-hating, not God fearing and forward dare nature of Pig, Kedar or K-dare; as in the Catherine the great paper trail of Russia, “in life, if not I cause your death and there” (paraphrase). What is wrong with some people! Arrgghh!! Thank God if that is not taken care of now, as it is, in that one year, “And the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished: for the LORD God of Israel hath spoken it” (Isa 21:17). Archers is key, like the arrow of cupid, pushing pig even in the grave, now not necessarily Kir but the hour glass would be flipped as one in that locust network, possibly Abigail; hence, “The burden upon Arabia” (Isa 21:13) or Ar-in-Ab-Land, Arabia. When such same play upon words suggest Ar as in ARchers and Arrow and this same chapter suggests that if such was permissible in my lot in paradise, as the encoded mighty men of David brought Ar (water) then, they can do it there again (2 Sam 23:16). That is, Isaiah 21:14, “The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled.” That is, they did this impossible feat while in encoded Babylon, Ham land, the fat seraphim from the mount of God, “God came from Teman” (Hab 3:3).

END NOTE 6: From CSI:Earth, the ability to wheel the world and spirits through ‘spices’, etc, seems to be gained by my obeasts without all these added things done, hence, Pig/K encouragement to become a deer like her to do evil. Another thing was to pluck them out, i.e., my obeasts and make spirits for them; which would control them with the exploits reached, this control explained in the post “The Third or Second See” in the section of “Methodology of Such A Case 2.” Demetrius making silver shrines for Diana (Barb), is encodly giving her a spirit (silver) and luxury. Demetrius be satan, but with Pig in play, Demetrius can be the cold cut trio of Satan, Pig and EA; Demetrius reading, “Them-three-us.”

END NOTE 7: Songs of Solomon 2:9 displays Ma/K whoring with Ra and EA, beckoning to EA that she got Pillar 1 in a shell (turtle), ha, which coincide with encodings of the witch of Endor (Ma/K) the fat calf (pillar one) to Saul/Samuel scene (or satan/EA). Though Long John Silver or Ma/EA/Satan is to be blamed for this conspiracy with the worst of Judgments possible for such, Songs did state “Turtle in our land,” that is, in the south or Ra land Pillar 1 seems to be incarnated and locked later, so Ra could be apart or to be blamed also, though EA has many magistrates worldwide, including the south; example, “John on the Isle of Patmos.” Even so, though Long John Silver, the 10 plagues encoding of Ancient Egypt attributes this punishment to Ra or Ra land, as in the last plague of Moses, Death of the first born. Hence, also another referential to the Pig causing destruction of domains, from ancient floods, with avaricious sinning; this time the “Island of the innocent.” Then again, noting her fat stretch, she be like the internet, used to stream most seraphim networks (blue, green, yellow, red, etc), hence, the rain bow. So satan use it and so Ra also, both to spread their evil, once it’s on the internet, it’s everywhere; so Ra should also be held responsible for his action and part. She is a sort of consort to Ra, though she plays the whore and a concubine to all, very lewd. As such Ra had the advantage of having the backbone of the internet, also in a name use for her elsewhere, “Rizpah:” I guess ever so often rise in her, hence control the servers others use. Likewise, EA in Songs 2:9-14 sat on her, “O my dove,” and ever so often had the servers if has such skills. She herself knew the status gained and manipulated the websites or the world of seraphim networks and beings she sat on. Her immediate offspring (chain) or wheels/eyes, are like her, very lewd, with prominence as well. For example, the Kir figure inherit her immediate prominence, also being an informant to the encoded Babylonians in the North on the North/South wall (while sleeping with Ra) and now also, a ‘Lord of the Dogs‘ wanna be. An important lesson of never sleeping with satan or anyone sleeping with him, reason being, of all the parties involved, all became a cleave-hind of satan except Ra, as far as I know; that is, EA, MA/K, etc. Ra being the counterpart evil of satan, satan would have achieved a great feat in obtaining the “Bull Dogs,” as well as the internet.