Friday, September 21, 2007

Post 32

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Now, of the first four scripture that I got concerning me, the last was Psalms 102:23 and I deemed only that verse in that chapter; it reads, “He weakened my strength in the way; he shortened my days.”

Some time later I received the decoding of Psalms 22, 23 and 24 which encodly had oodles of a possible purpose and myself. It was also timely because I was often contemplating the suckerer attempt of my purpose and things I had done by the Lord. Then verse 31 of Psalms 22 said plainly of the red fold in opposition to the suckerer attempt of my purpose thrown on another, “they shall come and declare that the Lord had done this through me.” I didn’t think much of this when first written but later encoding shows that this witness of me is vital. Verse 30 gave the identification of the “they”, “A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.” By now this is confusing for Psalms 22 had been also referenced to Christ and Psalms 23 is infamous. However, prophecy is encoded and can only be decoded by God to you at the time, so no matter what it cannot be figured out until the time. Plus God hinted that it was nothing for him to use his own Christ prophecies dually for something or someone else, as he did with Isaiah’s children and life. Now, verse 30 said, “A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.” A generation is often regarded as 40 years. The forty points to the time of my existence from this time forth (2005) given in the third scripture given to me of those 4 scripture personally given; this one being Daniel 12:11-12, which revealed the encoding on 45 years of box life (since 2000) revealed in the post, “Your 5 versus My 5 : The Pattern of 5.” The 40 years or generation couldn’t point to Christ because we had and always will serve him for all generations since AD 1 to present. It couldn’t point to Christ also, because he didn’t even live a generation or prophesied to live a generation – 30-33 years. Now verses 16 to 28 of Psalms 22 have overt elements of Christological prophecy, especially verse 18 (seen in Matt 27:35) and verse 28 (seen in Matt 2:6). But prophecy can be dual, especially when meant to be encoded. For instance, Ethan in Psalms 89:26-27 spoke clearly of David but the same thing was said of Christ also. Now, verse 18 of box, as I’d put it long before this, points to suckry, many stealing my stuff, purpose and redemptive outreach to all, a classic steal is the one that perpetrate red & purple, Pig. To which Psalm 23:3 said I would be restored. Verse 28 of Psalms 22 will be explained another time.

What I desire to explain is the seed that serve him in verse 30 of Psalms 22. Now, if “him” as in “seed shall serve him …generation” isn’t encoded Christ and points to after Christ or box, what seed could that be seeing any seed or the last seed in the line of Judeo-Christianity are the Christians? The speculation is that this seed is the fallen angels redeemed and if so, meant a justifying for them – “his righteousness” – this is sort of explained in Psalms 24 and from the opening line, Psalms 102:23.

Psalms 24:6 again mentioned a generation, “This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.” The implication of this are:

(1)     The word Jacob was used because he’s the father of Israel or the 12 children that became a nation and spawn Judaism. This is the first seed – Judaism. Then the second seed is the seed of Israel or seed of Judaism, which are the Christians (all other humans). What is there left to redeem that can make a third seed? Since men are saved through Jesus Christ, the only persons left to be redeemed by Christ are fallen angels. Which would make them the third seed or the seed that shall serve him in Psalms 22:30. The "him" there is crucial and why it was mentioned “that seek thy face Jacob.” This then bring us to the second implications.

(2)     Jacob was used because he started it in the true Abrahamic faiths, that is, one man produced a nation, Israel. Another man, Christ, produced a nation, Christians. Similarly, this “him” shall produce a new godly nation. Jacob by generation (sex) spawned the nation Israel and Judaism. Christ added to that nation the Gentiles by adoption and the encoded him in Psalms 22:30 will add to that group fallen angels by same adoption. Hence, the “him” there is box.

Psalms 102:18 back this up and again mention generation “This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.”  This would have pointed to the same salvation for the fallen angels which wasn’t apart of the godly common wealth but now “created” and shall serve God (Yah) again. This same chapter (Psalms 102) that I got one verse from the Lord about me – verse 22-23. But when I read it further I realized the entire chapter would seem to be about this, especially the last verse that said what was started will continue even when I die.

Now back to Psalms 24, what makes me further attribute this to fallen ones is verses 1-5, which states a return to heaven for them or entrance to God’s presence again, “hill of the LORD.” Remember, in the resurrection and after, we shall dwell on a new earth, so this instant return would be of the fallen one; verse 3 seems to hint heaven and that none of them can go there after their rebellion – even satan at one time walked up and down in the mount of God, this same place. Then verse 5 said “he,” redeemed, shall receive this access again by “righteousness from the God of his salvation.” When? “This is the generation,” which speaks of now. Notice that it said, “that seek thy face, O Jacob,” know of it and seek this third seed Jacob, which like the first Jacob that spawn a righteous nation, Israel, will spawn their righteousness. As Moses was to the Jews and Christ to Jews and Gentiles, so this man would be to them all (Rev 15:3) – spawning a third seed, by a third mediator, yet all from and of God (Isaiah 43:11). I had said this when first wrote this, “this might not be me, but I do speculate, especially with the OM scenario.” But since then, early 2000’s, much more such identification persist me, but I still use the referential box. If this is the time, then from the same Psalms 102, it might be hid under the contextual meaning of verse 13, “the time to favour her, yea, the set time is come;” verse 13, or 1/3 as in the 1/3 angels that fell with satan.


I had noted and rightly so, that the mere fact that God didn’t kill Adam and stifle Eve showed that he had compassion on humanity; with multitudes of examples throughout history (Noah, Lot, etc). The quintessential of this human compassion is Jesus Christ, who redeemed us all. Now, could the same rhetoric be applied to fallen angels? When they had rebelled at first, why didn’t he bound them in utter torment as what will be done to “all” at the last? Could it be there was a hope, as in there was a hope for man when he rebelled. Hence, God, all knowing, could have planned their redemption before their rebellion, as he did with humans (Adam & Eve) before they rebelled. For he could have destroyed Adam and Eve and start over, and he could have destroyed the 1/3 and start over. He saw man’s fall and let man live to redeem him and incorporate it in his making of man. Could this also apply, in a sense, to the 1/3? And also, seeing that all men wont be ultimately save at the last, so all of the 1/3 wont be redeemed, but a  remnant, “the proud he [GOD] knoweth afar off” (Psalms 138:6). Even that verse makes it plain that he knew their state afar off (before they rebelled), and if he wanted to destroy them, he would have done it already. Like humans, the mere fact they remain could be a sign of God’s grace to redeem as many as would turn to him. One might say God allowed them to be exiled from heaven on earth to be an example to the holy ones. But couldn’t that be said of the Lake of Fire to come, for both angels and human – destruction to all rebellious. And if man being redeemed to God is also an example or great show of his mercy to men, wouldn’t fallen angels redemption be an even greater example of God’s grace to men and an example of his grace to angels. If in one case a thing is applicable to humans only and not applicable to another being under the same jurisdiction, method and similitude, then in a sense there might be “bias,” but is there bias with God? Can he not do as he pleases? He will work and who will let it (Isa. 43:13)? I laud him for this greatly. But given the outline above, there might be grounds for clemency to be granted to the fallen ones that want to be redeemed. He can choose not to and still be just, for he is God. But at least, if this is “fallen” into my lap, I have a case.

As one scripture has said, “Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD” (Prov 20:10). From this, my rhetoric would be fallen man and fallen angel are alike and the same jurisdiction should be given to both. This could also be deemed another case of “Mary, Mary,” for if divers weight and divers measures are both dishonesty, both thieves, then in this case both creatures are fallen (man and angel) and hence both need redemption, not one. As with 'Mary Mary,' one might seem more sinful to us, but in God’s eyes, both were sinners needing redemption. In like manner, both fallen creatures are sinners needing redemption, not one, “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him” (Psalms 103:13) and all of Psalms 103.


If litigating the salvation of the fallen angels, a most important principle must come into play. That is, whatsoever is taught concerning them or this litigation cannot unbalance other established doctrines or any doctrines whatsoever. If it erode even one, throw it out!!! For example, it can’t change or erode any of these:

  1. The Godhead (one God not three or many).
  2. Salvation by faith, followed by Acts 2:38.
  3. Reverence only to God (Yah, Yahoshua) and be fellow brethren to the first, humans or Christians.
  4. Deity of Christ, Yahoshua, is ‘undefiable’ and undeniable (God came in flesh, termed the Son of God).
  5. Casting out of Devils (which are fallen angels, is still very much legitimate for possession is illegal across the board).
  6. Esteemed and inherent authenticity of the Word of God, though in a sense angels predate the Bible and rigorous interpolation therein.
  7. None reverence to angels now being made aware of. That is, because they are manifested with God’s glory humans are not to now give them reference, as if. We as humans are to treat them thus as under the Apostle Paul in Gal 1:8, “though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” And angels are to shun such, as under the angel in revelation in Rev 22:8-9, “I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.” Both angel and man are to have a mutual respect for each other, esteeming the other higher than themselves in the Lord, as in, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb 13:2). And all humans are to be aware, “Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels” (Col 2:18); as doing such is the theme of the New Age, shun the new age philosophies and lies, yet there is a thin line between truth and lies, so that this truth can be used to forward the New Age, so be aware and heed the scriptures above to give God (Yah) alone voluntary humility and worship and fear.

Basically what is being dealt with in this new fold is what was dealt with in the previous fold and the ones before that, sin. Having it or charges thereof remove, makes one saved and joined continually to God. Jesus Christ or Yahoshua Ha Mashiah is the best soap to deal with this, but it proves more complex for angels yet plausible. Why? According to my text, diplomatic immunity means, “immune from the jurisdiction of the country in which they are based” (Geography Text). Meaning, while on earth, as a heaven rep., I’m free from earth’s jurisdiction, that of Jewry and inherently, by being saved; I become justified. To the hopeful angels, if achieved, the charges of earth’s sins are washed away, but, is their sin from the earth? No. It seems from the 1/3 rebellion from heaven and not earth and so that needs to be covered in their salvation plan, as diplomatic immunity doesn’t in this sense, as it does earth born saints in the analogy thereof. Yet this would cover a possible horseman flock, which originated here. But as argued, sin is sin whether it be of earth or elsewhere and if pardoned for man can be pardoned for angels. And if joined to Christ’s spirit then can be diplomats of heaven again, seeing Christ is in heaven at the right hand of God as chief in Heaven and his wheels on earth, saints, are the heaven reps. Then again, a person never in the force, then trained and join the force can be more accepted (humans) than a person that was previously in the force and kicked out for criminal activities (angels). Why would one allow a dirty cop back in the force? Such charges would have to be cleared and that be the purpose of salvation to fallen angels and forthcoming with the doors in heaven opening (Prov 26:14) already for such. Ultimately it be God that decides and acquit such by really knowing the true intents of the heart, for some persons that were kick out of the force have set their hearts to be contrary to God and what be said of humans is more so applicable to them “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to RESERVE the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished” (2 Peter 2:9).

Christ didn’t necessarily came to save humans, but mankind or even more, any that is lost, he came to save that which was lost. (Matt 
18:11). Angels are lost too, even lost before humans were lost. So would come to save these that are lost too. For if a woman lost two children in the mall, would she put up a missing sign and announcement to find only one, even worse, leave the mall finding one and rejoicing, how much more God.

The Islam Suckry

This methodology is even harder to grasp with the presence of Islam, for as said in times pass, it be a suckry of this; and the tenets of suckry is that the dough is taken altogether, so one can’t make bread (angel salvation) with no dough, as in this case. From the piece/essay “Understanding Suckry,” it seems more potent that Islam is a suckry at the third seed especially that Muhammad “saw himself as the last in a line of prophets, and was the ‘seal of the prophets,’ for in him God’s revelation reached finality. The line stretched from Moses down to Jesus [and last him]” (Smart, “The Religious Experience,” 5th edition). If that line ends at him, then no salvation to fallen angels. Neo-Islam seems to be later crafted to dissuade this with the Imani dogma, which automatically makes it foreign to Islam itself and a different religion, for all follow “precept upon precept” and the foundation is the essence. When it was founded, the founder (satan, false prophet, etc) sent us an encoded warning, represented by the spirit to Muhammad, to discourage the potential or angel salvation; “we too will summon the guards of hell” (Smart, ibid). So Neo-Islam was created to mask this truth of the suckry and threat. The Abraham faith Muhammad claims and be the final prophet of, has the line or should be Jews (Moses), Humans (Jesus) and Angels (Box). Christ finished it for humanity (yet to a lesser extent, all, as the lamb slain before the foundation of the world). So you couldn’t have Jews (Moses), Humans (Jesus) and Humans (Muhammad). Other egg whites occur in his life, after taking the yoke (angel religion) in suckry of the possible angel salvation; which is displayed in the essay “Understanding Suckry-With Examples,” example, Gabriel confrontation, amongst many others. Moreover, there is not two salvation for man, Christianity (being born again) and Islam (being born again again); But this “man [CHRIST], after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God...For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified" (Heb 10:12&14). Though men in great religious piety are regarded by God, the heavens would not directly allow his influence to set off error, especially whilst Christianity was still young; this because the name Gabriel is tied to Islam. Example, Cornelius was man full of piety, yet unsaved. When he got the vision, it was clearly told him what to do – get the Christian man to come get you save, someone with the tenet correct. The same for Paul with Ananias. So it was in fact a satanic suckry on the 3rd seed and even giving a warning to the box to desist from messing with the, or more perfectly forward, his 1\3. But seeing they cannot see and hearing cannot hear. In a sense, this help the cause than damage it for “Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay” (Isa 29:16).

Jesus, according to Muhammad, “did not die on the cross, but some kind of appearance was substituted for him during the crucifixion and he was raised up to heaven” (The Religious Experience, Smart). This erroneous notion completely overthrow the purpose of Christ, the Christian faith and salvation of mankind. For Christ was the sacrificial lamb slain for all our sins. If the lamb, in normal sacrifice, didn’t die there would be no sacrifice. So if Christ didn’t die literally, there wouldn’t have been remission of sins to all, which set us free and spoiled principalities. This single act is what got the Devil mad, for it loosed humanity from his hand, while he was trying to stop the savior from doing that by killing him. So, in essence, his own effort was used to free us; or his own sword was used to kill him. This error in Islam makes it nothing of or near Christianity or the Abrahamic faith and couldn’t be inspired by the ‘Holy’ true but by satan and his like. For this statement attempts to undo the single most deed that destroyed him and freed us. Now he’s after the box to repeat history (or a first time, for he failed with the cross) to try and stop the mediator with death to prevent the mediation or salvation (Zech 3:1-2).

Note: There is another such organization that fosters a similar dangerous lie, which seems to be built by the same evil that built Islam for this lie off-set the lie of Islam, pacified in Neo-Islam. This organization is even within the confines of the dogma of Christianity, that is, Jehovah Witness. Their satanic lie is this, “The enthronement of Jesus Christ in 1914” (The Watchtower, March 15, 2007). A very dangerous lie, because Christ enthronement was upon his ascension and was verified with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Without this enthronement upon ascension then all saints before 1914 wouldn’t be saved, the day of Pentecost not real, including the lives of Peter, Paul, etc and all the miracles and demonstration of Christ’s power and spirit in the church. But those saints were saved and those miracles of Christ true. The enthronement is crucial to salvation that without it we cannot be saved, so for those before 1914 to be saved and us, Christ had to be enthroned; and it was after this enthronement that the Holy Spirit is even given and Jehovah Witness cannot deny that the Holy Spirit was given before 1914. This verse clears this up, "But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever [THE CROSS], sat down on the right hand of God [ENTHRONED IN HEAVEN UPON ASCENSION]; From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us [THAT HE WAS ENTHRONED]" (Heb 10:12-15). That verse is very clear and makes the Jehovah Witness 1914 lie very dangerous to overthrow the Christian faith and salvation subtly. But putting it with Islam shows the same author of both religious group. That is, having foreseen the Islam lie exposed, he made the Jehovah Witness lie to mask it, along with Neo-Islam. That is, if before 1914 Christ wasn’t enthroned, he figure would later be seen from this, man wasn’t saved, so if man wasn’t saved Islam wouldn’t be a lie and would be permissible to save man, another soap, since Christians weren’t really until 1914; hence, this would be true, Jews (Humans), Christians (Humans) and Muslims (Humans). Then he would add Neo-Islam, which contradicts Islam, with the doctrine of an Imani (Messiah) to offset that Muhammad was the last prophet. So by the time Christ was supposedly enthroned in 1914, the Imani doctrine was fully established, so Islam continued being seemingly disintegrated and concurrent with Christianity; and Christian truth of no other salvation to man continues now that Christ is enthroned in 1914. With the Imani, he can also use that to perpetrate and destroy the angel mediator and hence, their mediation. In either case from either path each of these religious group he created (Islam and Jehovah Witness) would cover up each lie and forward their first lie at the same time, if any lie is found out. But Heb 10:12-15 breaks this apart, as Christ was enthroned upon ascension, not 1914, and Islam cannot hold true as another soap or salvation or religiosity for man, since that was completed and finished with Christ for all human race about AD 1; “For by ONE offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified” (Heb 10:14). And, “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole...Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:10 & 12). If salvation is only by Christ after Judaism, then Islam couldn’t attest to concur with Christianity, since Christianity states that Islam is false; by Islam making another way or another salvation, other than Jesus Christ (Yahoshua Ha Mashiah), for man. “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). That time scheme lie of 1914 also possible used to a lesser extent to offset his other lies in thwarting the 1000 years per washed being in preaching, etc; which he deliberately delayed with man to have none other come in. This is explained or from the endnote in the post “Possible EA Triple Threat Theory;” though this lie to offset that would be weak or pathetic for it be obvious but still can throw a bone in it or dim the lie further.

Conclusion on ‘Methodology of Such A Case 1’

When in Florida, I was told not to start this for it is more than seeing but a “great search of heart,” so finish the already books/work, go north, ‘build your house’ and settle down first. The latter statement proves futile by the obvious, so doing and releasing an abridge form, though with it the intent should be gained with faith. Nevertheless, the details is needed, as Jesus to Nicodemus saying one thing, “born again,” but it be two things, “born of water and then born of the spirit.” Over time than present, such more details should be revealed with his spirit. At present, the doors should be opening by faith. Better a route 66 journey given without a car, than no route at all.

Basically, concerning the tenets of salvation to angels, it should be synonymous to that of Christians and epitomize in this verse and encoded of the Christian faith after Judaism that engulf them both, “one law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you” (Ex 12:49). All the details covered by salvation of Christ to humans are numerous beyond finding out (justification, no hell, no blackhead/cleave-hind, join to God and source again, peace, joy, hope, etc.), so instead of finding them out individually to apply them to angels who are redeemed, in the decree I would transfer all benefits applicable to human saints be applicable to angelic saints even proportionally; 100 pounds for humans is 10 pounds for angels, but commensurate to the same effect. For example, a saved angel can’t lift the empire state building (10 lbs to him) but with Christ can lift it. A save man with Christ can lift that same empire state building (100 lbs to him), so the benefits are commensurated according to the nature of the being, hence all have the same effect and intended output. Plus these new saints are joined to Christ’s seraphim line, cleave to him as human saints when to be raptured. This would mean they be born of the spirit as human saints are.

To be saved as an angel, you must first have the witness you already knowing the mediation/mediator on your behalf simply accept the acquittal verdict with the witness; if and when you believe this witness you will receive his spirit, becoming born of the spirit and from thence or prior, what hinder you to be water baptized in Christ’s name (Yahoshua) which is putting on his name or tangible work of faith. This of the witness is fully seen in post “New Testament Encodings 2” in the section and encoded expository on “1 John 2” to “Jude.” Though angels “infinite” in all knowledge of religions and wisdom of this world, to fully grasps this concept, you have to read and understand the true tenets of Christianity given in many books by many authors, the best and recommended compiled reference is a book called, “The Voice…” by Oneil McQuick (ISBN:
1419617303 and 978-1419617300).

However, having done such and receive God’s spirit by the witness, to identify such a new saint or their witness is harder to see. For human saints it is heavenly tongues Christ speaks in us. But they be from heaven and know tongues and so can fabricate such. So the greater witness is the universal application of love or the fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22, Eph 5:9) or his; you as angels should more know this witness within yourself, being familiar with wheeling, as against a human saint who speaks tongues Christ is automating in their lips by wheeling but don’t know the background of what is happening.


If the following proves true, the 3rd seed would actually be the 2nd seed. And this new seed be 3rd in the dispensation of grace to 3 sets of being, [1] Jews and Christians (all humans), [2] Angels and [3] Them. As said, if this proves true, the angels would be the real second seed and them the 3rd.

Before writing the above I didn’t realize another intelligent being that might cry salvation is horsemen, as ludicrous as that sounds. Unfortunately they are millions of them, possible billions, as ordinary humans. God said who comes to him in no wise he’ll refuse. But these cannot be saved, even if they follow the above methodology for (1) for they to exist a human has to die, hence be a murderer forever (2) For they to continue living they seems to need blood, another little dirty secret fallen angels foster, hence far allusions in the vampire movies of late, e.g. blade. Bible said that the life is in the blood (Lev 17:11), so to drink blood is to take life, making them not only murderers, but serial killers even if gotten from a blood bank, another stinking dirty secret. (3) Those that worship him, be saved, must do so in spirit and truth, humans have spirits, angels have spirits but not horsemen. (4) No one comes to the Lord except his spirit pulls them, for this to foster you have to have a spirit, as word is void without spirit; being born again is not only a fleshly thing but of spirit and water. Moreover, when the earth was created it was to wash spirit beings in flesh, horsemen are an anomaly to this tenure and hence cannot even be considered to come near to God till those washed beings are done, at the resurrection. So what will happen and should foster would be a “Horseman Holocaust” for their existence not only erode the purpose of the earth, but would wipe out the human race. Nonetheless, scripture seems to encodly point that after Christ return in the “Mad Max” states of the nations, they’ll exist when the washing is completed and saints/priest are resurrected. Having no spirit and would press to God seems the ideal intent for priest and in a sense seems more potent, for you and I are pulled to God by his spirit on our spirit (John 6:44; 14:17), then choose. While if they draw near they did it of their own free will.

But they are savages, murders, not real humans, serial killers and aliens if you will. But how did they come to this state and is it their fault, as sort of the case with a real human baby born into this world? Their creators must be blame, punished and stop!! It is only having experience Psalms 23 of thy rod and thy staff comfort me that such thoughts come into my head. Being grays they cannot live among humans and why would God create another planet civilization for them? Yet if any amount of pardon or exception is shown after the resurrection, the word grace would fully be realized, with its encode of gray-ce. That is not my point to argue or blasphemously look into, but things possible suggest a new bath water after the resurrection and why rubber ducky (yellow) would have been loosed a little in that 1000 year reign (Rev 20:3), as he was loosed from creation in that washing process. But more importantly why that final battle is called, “Gog and Magog.” May was the month I stepped from Florida, RA mat, obeast heaven in America, but more so the obeast grew up to my head and in a normal case should have killed me and taken over; whereby in one fasting that period the Lord seems to mention that it has reached up thy door or mouth. Each month of 2006 it came closer and closer, me getting sicker and more woven; each month meaning applied to each stage, March seem to suggest a March would have taken place of hopefuls to pull me from death by the creature and that south prison. April was the last stage before May and it was sure death, so I would have died but April signifies the Christ resurrection and hence would have been raised up. It seems to have tried in times pass with the evil ones pulling such. One point choking, and I said within, “this is it” and my neck was immediately swollen up and then retracted, this several times and then it ceased. To the point that at one point I fell exhausted on the couch, my heart stopped, within something beckoned to lay my hands on my heart and I did and no pulse whatsoever. Then something within from my abdomen physically moved up as on a wreath network up my belly, chest, neck, then lips like a kiss. I thought I was dead now and just closed my eyes and thinking I wont wake up again. Many such nights went to sleep thinking never to get up. Everything beckoning to me to get out I’m not going to make it; a T.V show at the time resonated this, the David Blain stunt in the water bubble in New York. But I didn’t die in April, but went out in May. By God’s grace I’m not consumed, but it didn’t kill me. May signifying, may I live and declare the wonderful works of God, may something that has never fostered be fostered to show forth a sign; and to my surprise, May Tricks? By this one incident in May being fully wrapped by the creature, like having my head in a lion’s mouth, we might have May-Gogs and Gogs. A separation of horsemen that exist in the resurrection, those willing to follow God as Magogs and the rest Gogs. By this act, it showed an intelligent choice not to be a murderer (but where will it get a body when Christ breaks it off); and surprisingly was divinely taught (Eze 4:7-17) to make its blood substitute from food I eat, in not being a serial killer. That clear some of the hurdles. Then one verse said, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come [JEWS]. And let him that heareth say, Come [CHRISTIANS]. And let him that is athirst come [ANGELS]. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely [ANYONE ELSE]” (Rev 22:17). “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me [THOSE WITH A SPIRIT]; and him that cometh to me [THOSE WITHOUT A SPIRIT] I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). However, no one can come to him without a spirit, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44). And so a contradiction occurs of not having a spirit for salvation to begin with in the first place.

Nonetheless, this is only a thought and questioning and at best blasphemous folly Paul admonishes us to avoid; even if trying to “far see,” certain knowledge can impede the body as stated here “through thy knowledge [NOT BAD OF ITSELF] shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ” (1 Cor 8:11-12); and personally, I don’t want ‘my’ other works to come in contempt. Even worse, horsemen has become a great evil to men and need to be cleanse and eradicated completely, as said in BT Magazine 4, at the least, the entire west, that would prevent any refreshing; and at best, to come, the entire world resulting in what the Bible calls Armageddon, a sublet thereof is the Horseman Holocaust with wormwood also, though humans too are the main object of Armageddon and all other beings. As of now, with them, this is not my call to look into and even though psalms 23 is fostered with the creature in me, every animal is still governed by Instinct. Yikes!!! Don’t try this at home!

Note: From the May experience I use the term May-Den, in another encoding from Proverbs 27:27 it said if I persisted or lived after Satan-EA removal and refreshing then should have enough money even for May-Dens for the “family” (Job 31:34) or 60 replacement horsemen that was spawned from Barb and Herod, "The lambs [ANGEL FOLD] are for thy clothing [1 COR 9:13], and the goats [OUTCAST & TARRYING] are the price of the field. And thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens [MAY-DEN] (Prov 27:26-27).

Before Aaron’s Rod That Budded Was Removed From The Ark

Barnabas seems to ask me a question that is crucial to not attempt preaching to this horseman fold but for that mediator; it showcase the stumbling block and separation he has to deal with of and why he comes and plus I have my hands full already. That is, she asked, though seems doing such, if to eat the eggs is a bad or good thing; as she’s always breeding, as in the paper trail of Aaron’s rod that budded. Before answering, this shows two things, the capacity of consciousness, to then have the ability to discern and ultimately choose good or evil. Secondly, concerning the variation of frogs encoded in Jeremiah 10, it contrast her consciousness with that of these, these stocks with or awaiting a spirit have no consciousness of their own. It reads of them, “they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to do good” (Jer 10:5). That is, they are alive, even with a spirit but are instinctive like animals, cannot discern good or evil or choose either. Such is needed for any sort of redemptive process in the 1000 year reign. The reasons are from the notes below, without a spirit their brains are programmed, hence a built-in consciousness to follow and with a spirit that consciousness is further locked in. There might be possibility for re-program and exorcism, but how and probably near impossible difficult and to non-horsemen, why? They are harvested as slave series for the end time encoded burning (spirit) bush (horseman) or really hybrid wheels of sinister seraphim. As a hybrid wheel it is the personage and consciousness of the seraphim, so the horseman is like raw material of a seraphim himself; yet they seems to operate individually as with intelligence, but intelligence is not consciousness; for example, most computers have intelligence or smarter than most humans but are they conscious beings. So as in the end time frog spirit and the miracle coat, they are programmed to go to the head of states, then once obtain the Head of State garment (flesh and/or spirit), the seraphim the frog spirit belongs to use it as they will, it being now their wheel; though attaining it via the frog spirit. In essence, these frog spirit though alive and intelligent cannot think for themselves; their existence is a script and seemingly no existence without, like an eye of a seraphim (the alt spread of the miracle coat seems by sale, as in miracle or lying wonders this can do for you, i.e., here’s a new upgraded obeast). Now, one of Ra’s spread of himself is not necessarily in frog spirit/miracle coat, but can jack the obeast pigment on a flesh without spirit, hence an existence without spirit; so the natural horseman can have the former consciousness of the dead left and separately think for themselves or own consciousness. Nonetheless, some of Ra’s horsemen could be scripted and frog spirit too, as Egyptians (dogs) can do the same. So preaching to hybrid wheels would be futile, this and many more reasons a mediator have to deal with. Individuality versus program shows their consciousness, example in the verse the Lord said of them when infected in Florida and refuse to acknowledge for obviously someone would call the Mad Asylum on me, hearing voices, i.e., “Shall not they [Barb/Roddy] teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart” (Job 8:10). I guess tenets of this conversation was foreseen, which would reveal EA hidden storage of horsemen slaves for satan’s army of hybrid wheels, and so wanted no “Solomon’s Porch” when moved North, or have the creature in, left to be taken out as time passes; or neither would have encoded Solomon even without the creature (Prov 26:13). “Solomon’s Porch,” for an encoding told me that it seems persons are not allowed to have obeasts in the North or present encoded Babylon (good for this human & angel flock) and even mine that can reproduce. So EA is after you about this and also justify his wrong dealings with you with this reason, when I’m dying and given whom the Lord graces me to be should have fostered “Solomon’s Porch” for such “conversation / interplay,” or me learning the tenets of the creature to factor it in or factor it out. But I guess once he’s satan, such reasoning toward the box is futile, but consumption of box, probably why he infected me with the rod; which with the intent that the rod would consume the staff that would foster such interplay and also consume me, as rods seem to be consuming and filling. This came after it was revealed to go up North and what would happen if stayed in Florida; the fold I pertain to is in the North, Obed-edom. This done to me yet in hypocrisy he has storage of horsemen, when mine is temporary as I die and one of the last ones to go in the west cleaning to den. The bad thing about the storage of horsemen for satan’s army and wheels is that it’s done in purple and blue. Then the nature of this burning bush is to put a split spirit or part-melted spirit on them then wait till it cleave, like an hour glass turned upside down; put spirit in then turn over hour glass till obeast fill spirit or spirate. The bad part is satan seems to fetch these spirits from the Abyss then shape them for his storage worldwide. An actual person re-melted for evil. The east (e.g. China) seems to have far more storage by comparison.

Kind of stray from the question of if Barb can eat eggs, but will stray again before answering it, because to us conscious men and the worry of Barb is if this act is cannibalism and wrong. Let me detail some more encodings on before the removal of the rod that budded or Samson’s Jawbone (mouth) of an ass (buttocks) from 1 Sam 5-6 and 10:27. Then I’ll answer the eat eggs from Ezekiel 4-5, however, the conclusion from this is like a “God said it,” as against waste/dung and menstrual cycle. Unknown, but possibly, the house of Dagon was the first place “housed” from Florida or just the entire North, don’t know.

1 Sam 5:2-3

When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon. And when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the LORD. And they took Dagon, and set him in his place again.”

Dagon for Dragon, which is satan. Here in the police man suit, personally could be at that place first stayed that was placarded with eagle emblems. Doubtful though. Though when leaving, overt tweety bird from a cleared room, possibly, ha, “I’m Sylvester too.” In this passage, it states, in the flesh Dagon fell before the ark (box), normally the presence of the Lord but this encoding was to highlight the obeasts in me. He fell down dead once, as encoded Peter in prison (the grave) and 7 thunders rescue him. Then he attempted something again, hopefully not the obvious of sodomy, and fell down again. This highlighted what took place in Florida unaware to me, as in the moving “Hill of Bashan,” people fell down by the fence or obeast, but people got up without my notice, now being a horseman. They know of the fence and present danger, but like Og proceeding to rape, dare to do blasphemous evil.

1 Sam 5:4

“And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.”

This highlights his dare, and the last sentence above. After he proceeded and proceeded then became a horseman or infected, only the stump left, suggest his body now a shell and locked out his spirit; similarly, what was said of Ra in encoded frame in Florida, it “rooted [him] out of his tabernacle [flesh]” (Job 18:14) by being infected then grew. Also, his immediate wheels about the place, “threshold.” So not that the creature on me is directly contagious but only persons that proceed to do evil to my person, as what happened to kir (Jer 46:11-12). Not that the 60 were absence but in the mix, as threshold there mentioned where they were encodly mentioned in Eze 9:2-5 “And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand…the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house
Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity.” Verse 7 seems they took me out from that threshold places, so they did the rings thing (Eze 1:18) of pure orange in rings round about from floor up and wherever I go and also cleaning, as the Lord commanded them. This was seen and where the Leave-behind of the “Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus” comes from, they be the ring brothers and Barnum for Barb them. These follow me where I be and Kir calling of troops in the valley of nut was ploy, hard to explain, to get into the times, moreover, to prevent dying for 23, etc., before attempted sitting again for pillar 2 or so.

1 Sam 5:6

“But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof.”

Also, this indirect usage of becoming contagious upon attacks, being besieged, is not me or someone else purposely using it, but the Lord using thus to smite the persons attacking. Emerods seems being infected by close wrestling or attack. Ashdod is the first place from Florida. The coast is Florida. Notice verse 7 “Dagon our god.” They were satan sluts or satan worshippers that this infection of mine spread to, obvious for lack of fear of God to proceed in attacks and even sodomy; they be also “cleave-hind” or Sons of Belial who rouse the people against me, as box being the operation of God’s hand and their spiritual benefit, a possible refreshing. “The children of Belial said, How shall this man save us? And they despised him, and brought him no presents. But he held his peace” (1 Sam
10:27); though this spoke of Saul in the context encoded.

1 Sam 5:9

“And it was so, that, after they had carried it about, the hand of the LORD was against the city with a very great destruction: and he smote the men of the city, both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret parts.”

Another example of the infection to the evil here by God’s causation. As Trident said in his unspoken plea of EA indirectly in “Detail Encodings In Job” chapter 31, did “the men of my tabernacle [EA wheels, eyes, and some followers] said not, Oh that we had of his flesh [sodomy]! we cannot be satisfied.” As in these nasty low life want to be the first man on the moon, no fear of God whatsoever. These and many such things warrantee an omega option, but this and other affliction allowed instead; as stated in the amber section from the post “Box Blues Defense,” that is, "They have [ALREADY] blown the trumpet [FOR THE END], even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath [SWORD, PESTILENCE, FAMINE] is upon all the multitude thereof [INSTEAD AND/OR TARRYING]. The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine within: he that is in the field shall die with the sword; and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him" (Eze
7:14-15). Because and until the “cry of the city went up to heaven” (1 Sam 5:12). The following encodly used but a frame encoding can tie in here, that is, Isaiah 49:19-21. The first he in verse 19 is the same last he in verse 21. Jordan swelling is the cleaning of the sea civilization, this he refers to Locusts; he didn’t take part directly but Jays and Mikes. However, from the swelling he eat a great many, now being loosed, satan removed. Now loosed and operational as chartered, with a belly full from cleaning since 2000, the last from the sea, he now looks to Edom (red) or America, pending cleaning or destruction. In these verses, the least of the flock should drive out the ungodly, or if the Locusts/Ab does it, “he shall make their habitation desolate with them.” The next verse, 21, shows such affliction as mass earthquakes.

1 Sam 6:4

“Then said they, What shall be the trespass offering which we shall return to him? They answered, Five golden emerods, and five golden mice, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords.”

Five golden emerods suggest a direct infection like an egg (jaw bone). Five golden mice suggest infant, mobile, that can move from the box to the direct attacker that fall down also by God’s presence, and they get up a horseman (of an ass). As in the Samson case, Jaw bone (mouth or contact) of an ass (possible release area of the golden mice); and possibility of amassing a 1000 stretch seraphim like line of wheels. This also unknown to box. In the contextual, this was the trespass offering to appease this affliction, 5 golden emerods and 5 golden mice, 5+5=10. However, it shows the nature of the obeast, RA’s former strength and his loosing this on the north Babylonians and world at will, hence 10 or 2010 should seal up all his domains that harvested this (his wheels of all flesh), and cure all as the wormwood star is released.

1 Sam 6:6

“Wherefore then do ye harden your hearts, as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? when he had wrought wonderfully among them, did they not let the people go, and they departed?”

Though I mention Ra’s usage and release upon the world, while in the coasts (his domain), with south Caribbean downward transferences, this affliction of the golden emerods and mice happened to him and his domain; and from it even rooted him from his flesh, the “master” of it and possible none of the Egyptian household left. This rooting out could dually suggest chased from his domain as the Horseman Rebellion and the horsemen took over. So I guess, with the golden mice and golden emerods and effects thereof, they got a taste of their own medicine.

1 Sam 6:7

“Now therefore make a new cart, and take two milch kine, on which there hath come no yoke, and tie the kine to the cart, and bring their calves home from them.”

A new cart is key. This infected me because Uzzah tried to catch the ark as it fell from the cart or he put it on to seemingly prevent death, as the ark falls. The ark referential I rendered the term box from. He shouldn’t have done it and died. However, when Uzzah, or King Uzziah really dies, his obeast train is broken and I see the Lord. Preventing death seems innocently caring, but so a farmer of his live stocks and now I cannot die, if to go up.

1 Sam 6:10

"And the men did so; and took two milch kine, and tied them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home."

The two milch kine suggest the two pillars to eventually carry the ark on the new cart and the calves their wheels, weaved about us at home or where I be, “shut up their calves at home.” The 60 do persevere and would be in that network weave, along with Mikes and the new incoming EA from heaven. This for the obvious dangerous reasons, “there are many adversaries” (1 Cor 16:9).

Now to if she can eat her own egg. Late 2006 I got Ezekiel 4 & 5 after leaving Florida, a console after leaving Florida. That is, remember Psalms 23, the creature won’t kill you or drink blood, possibly like the stocks here, I give it food daily. I muse on the food, thought how it was made, was my spittle residue of it? The answer of this blood substitute was decoded in Ezekiel 4. Eze 4:12, “dung that come out of a man.” I thought “Gucci” or literal dung, then Ezekiel’s plea not to eat man’s dung cleared it up. But rather, Ezekiel got to eat cow dung in Eze 4:15, “Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith.” I thought of dung or dodo only from Florida, because in a dual encoding while there it states, “His roots are wrapped about the heap” (Job 8:17), that is, as Ra them tried to make it arise and snuff me out or more so lock my spirit in, by arising for blood. But rather it refused and wrapped itself about the dung as in heap [stool], and the next clause of Job 8:17 dually encodly showed that it already grew and tapped in several antiquated (stones, of darkness, of goodness, of word, etc) and by choice could have already killed me if wanted to, “and seeth the place of stones;” also possibly farseeing to this methodology 2. Such exploit in prying the creature to defile the temple of God, box, with blood shows Ra and his regime a very very very real evil. Back to it, Ezekiel got cow dung, reason being, the cow has three stomachs and in one stomach it brings back up food and always seem to be eating as always chewing. So it’s not necessarily the literal dung but the food I eat after digestion. Upon digestion it is actually processed by the stomach acid and probably more nutritious than the literal intake, with all its impurities. Concerning the 3 stomachs in a cow, this food is at the middle stage or middle stomach before becoming dung. Clause 1 of Ezekiel 4:12, “thou shalt eat it as barley cake…bake it with dung.” So it seems she mix the eggs in it and from verse 11 water. This mixture or food is referred to as barley cakes as encoded in the name Barnabas, hence Bar-Ley cakes, cake or blood substitute Barb makes.

So from this the Lord allows the eating of eggs in proxy. I might contend, as she is concerned on that same sentiments, this is cannibalism, eating one’s own kind. Then she might cite the golden emerods and golden mice, emerods are the eggs not yet become a being and the mice an actual creature infant that if eaten then cannibalism can definitely be charged.  Then I would bring abortion arguments highlighted in an essay on the internet entitled, “Abortion is Murder and Wrong” ( and and apply it to this. When does life begin, infant (eyes, nose, etc) or eggs/fetus, the latter and she’ll loose the case and charged with cannibalism, foolishly speaking, as if. A break out she could use with eating eggs / dung is that human women pass out their eggs in a menstrual cycle each month, like waste, making it like dung. So if allowed to eat dung she can eat this dung, of unused eggs being passed out. Being troublesome, I might say this is not my dung but your dung. She then might contend two things, my dung is pass out at/with your dung, so it is your dung; secondly, Ezekiel was commanded to eat his own dung, how much more me. The first rebuttal of that last sentence can even be used to eat the golden mice that come out through my ass, hence dung. However, all this can be bypassed and a “God says so” sentiment is fostered, as what God says bypasses all jurisdiction (holding all things constant) and hence what he allows. This also seems normal rhetoric for animals, eating their young or eggs. But what makes this case different is that same animal stopping and thinking, hmmm, is this wrong or right? Imagine seeing a bird eating her eggs stop and say, hmmm, this is wrong, let me eat the leaf. It won’t happen, so what is cited here in this creature is that it is not like the other animals but an intelligent creature with the capacity of conscience to choose right from wrong, like humans and angels. Such will be the basis for any “redemptive” acceptance or washing to such a race. Even in the light of eating eggs, it possesses paternal instinct to provide for her 2 daughters and a rod, “the horseleach hath two daughters crying, give, give” (Pro 30:15). And at the same time, away from Florida where the siege was great and now with the armed men and mikes, hence less bodies and attacks, have enough intelligence to foster with any excess eggs. The four obeasts on me with seemingly different characters dissuade any argument that they derive their consciousness and character from my brain or that of humanity, for Barb is chief consoler, the two daughters cry for blood and to take my head, while Herod says “bring it on” to attackers. All different characters, as in the term Barabbas or Bar-Jesus, they being an evil and a seemingly good character with that of a Jesus character in me. Such ingredients make washing plausible for them; and with the program stocks this is cut off for them as programming their consciousness, which fosters a lack of choice but robots and even a further cutting that off with a spirit attachment.

Another reference drawn that might bring another paper trail for the encoded “lord of the sabbath” is this, cows have three stomachs making a great storage of food to bring up and eat, likewise camels with humps have a great storage of water to bring up for long journeys. For example, a very rare possibility, but an encoding left is that after several destruction to the Islands of the South, it can be a place for camels to graze, “And I will make Rabbah [THE ROBBERS PLACE, RA THEM IN CARIBBEAN] a stable for camels [HORSEMEN WITH THIS BLOOD SUBSTITUTE MECHANISM], and the Ammonites [FLORIDA] a couchingplace [WHERE WAS THE COUCH EXPERIENCE-AMOS 3:12, BE A RESTING PLACE AFTER CLEANING AND EVEN CLEARING OF HORSEMEN] for [THE ANGEL/HUMAN] flocks: and ye shall know that I am the LORD” (Eze 25:5).

I said only a possibility for all such horsemen is to be removed from the West, and even world in dens, so it was in the valley of vision. Nonetheless, this was brought up for the usage of camel, horsemen with this storage like Barb to have a blood substitute and not drink blood of flesh about them; yet even as such, some people buy Toyotas and some buy Lexus, so even if not needing it some person love luxury, blood, and personally I wouldn’t like to endanger the other flocks as thus. Nonetheless, for the horses to become camels means they have the ability to do what encoded Barnabas do, make food and blood substitute. This seems to be instated in them or the technique known, even void of eggs in the mix; as not to drink blood and be further defiled and marked for death. “Void of eggs in the mix” because if eggs are used in the blood substitute then sinister evils might use this to harvest more eggs and hence more horsemen and a further plague and make the cleaning thereof void (a.k.a horseman holocaust). So the blood substitute is either void of eggs or divinely blossom on the fearful. In BT Magazine 4, I contend every horseman makes eggs, but these ones, unlike Barb’s, are pseudo eggs that cannot become infants. So possible any eggs can do than real eggs, and so all have the capacity and only need the technique to be known with budget and discipline. Ezekiel 4:10 suggest Barb makes 20 eggs a day, so either technique was divinely imprinted or amount surpass average, though she would have 4 mouths to feed; also, jumping in my body to my mind for a possible technique or any reasons is not the way and cause for further destruction to annihilation of horsemen. They that wait on the Lord shall never be ashamed. To the present, in this hot dog age, blood substitute might be causally painful, as fasting often, as I do. Nonetheless, horseman is illegal worldwide for the contagious reaction and abundant blood drinkers that would make void other flocks (humanoids); so the horseman holocaust but with it, all the water can’t hold in the hand when scooped up from the tub and hence a possible refuge/escape with places mentioned in the post “Console To The World” in the section “Console to the Sea Civilization.” Such instances of the horseman holocaust is seen and felt, personally decoded from the next chapter below, Ezekiel 5:1-4.

Ezekiel 5:1

“And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard
[ finally, a removing of the creatures, Barb, etc. ] : then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair [ the hair, i.e., from Barb on me a flock of them has been spawn, the hair; I guess why someone termed the rabbit as Hare, I guess in ploy for one’s own evil. As said in Songs 4:1, ‘thy hair is a flock.’ ].”

Ezekiel 5:2

“Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city
[ a third of those hair, horseman flock from Barb, who tarry long in the city, the city being America, be threshed out. This is repeated in another encoded verse, “Gather up thy wares out of the land, O inhabitant of the fortress” (Jer 10:17). Reason being, not all the horseman flock remain faithful to the follow the piper to a may-den. That is, “thy hair is as a flock of goats” (Songs 6:5), but “Thy teeth are as a flock of sheep” (Songs 6:6). The ones that can be wheeled or join to the good-barb, teeth, and are non-violent, are sheep. ], when the days of the siege are fulfilled [ Burning of the spirit of the masses and removing the rebellious from the land takes places after what is mentioned in 1 Sam 5 previously is ended, a siege; all the evil are sling out of the land, including satan-EA, the sons of Belial, piglets and I’m not surrounded by bulls of Bashan with their calves for evil, faggots and a whole host confederate to take my life and part me. I would move into reality and not the present illusion. In describing the fence in the 2007 index from 2 Chron 16:1 it noted Baasha made a siege of King Asa; one noted point there was never to receive help of Ra, as I didn’t plan to, yet from this the creature acts in the capacity he would have fostered ]: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife [ In the burning of them, the knife here is contrasted with the fire. Those burnt with fire were those that cleave to a spirit and wear the spirit as a coat and only such can release the spirit or remove the obeast when it reaches this far. The ones cut with a knife are those that are fleshly and didn’t spirate and can relatively be easily removed. ]: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind [ Drive them out, also perhaps some might persist till their era if forth coming, being driven worldwide. Wind also is key, the place helped created by one wind that was a refugee haven might be a may-den; in contrast, another wind, Rain or Pig, was the one who scattered or cause such an escalation of the plague. ]; and I will draw out a sword after them [ Though scattered, there is the permanence, so follow up with the Horseman Holocaust and the reality to eradicate blood drinkers and human eaters and that which offends; because, of course, they are so many, some will escape. ].”

Ezekiel 5:3

“Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts [ This is hard to understand but suggest some persons close to me with it, more so some of the encoded mighty men of David or helpers of war. For instance, while in Florida one of the encoded mighty man of David, box blues, stayed till he was infected, then inadvertently had to fight with it like a sword, until it cleave to him or his spirit; that is, it spirated and locked to his spirit like pillar one. This is encoded in 2 Sam 23:9-10, he is referred to as the son of dodo, hence an ass deposit, so one of the golden mice from the dodo area or buttocks. I guess these men, though can loose, stay this way around me tending to my garment or flesh until it first be broken off me. My contention is Jack (Ra), he can jack them or any wearing an obeast; though mine is resistive and theirs also could be resistive being a wheel of Barb and me, this is secondary reason it was a sword, golden mice with residue of encoded river Euphrates water. It was one of these mice or emerods that snuffed Jack form his flesh. Nonetheless, with the fire around there is someone on hand to easily break such, as seen in the next verse but delayed…huh. ].”

Ezekiel 5:4

“Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel
[ Afterwards, of those in my skirt, burn them in the fire, that is, persons like Mikes who can re-melt a spirit or break a ‘cleave-hind’ at this level. This too all Israel or all hopefuls in America and possibly humans have to have done, for {1} this evolved level of the obeast Ra didn’t tell most, so when they cut it out, it was still on them spirated and hence he has access to them forever or as long as they unknowingly have it on their spirits. For example, in another decoding possibly in the post “Box Blue Defense,” Rizpah was used for the Pig, an indirect concubine of satan (Saul) which EA keep charging Ab for going into or having smoked Ham and so when she dies keeping raising her up on his network – 2 Sam 3:7-8. Her name in that encoding is key, Rizpah or Rise Pa in her, possibly while on the EA 7 thunder network. Now in 2 Sam 21:8-10 it shows a decoding that through Ma/Pig he spread the obeast on the 7 thunders and possible blue network and here, and why so easy to scatter a siege; they would utilize it temporarily, not knowing it remains forever if spirated. So “they fell all seven together and were put to <pseudo> death in the days of harvest, in the first days <when Ma first help with the network and> in the beginning of barley harvest <barley suggest the obeast in me, barb, as a time piece and so recently as well, possibly at the house of Dagon>” (2 Sam 21:9). Verse 10, through her RA spread it upon the rock, America from the beginning until wormwood star presently, “And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock <America network>, from the beginning of harvest <from the start> until water dropped upon them out of heaven <wormwood>, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night” (2 Sam 21:10). Verse 8 of 2 Sam 21 is also key, 2 of the 7 were of Rizpah, either he rose in the blackhead of encoded Nicholas and Nicanor or even with it they were cleaved. Then the 5 others were accounted to Michal, or Mike here, that either burnt them free from both (obeasts & cleave-hind) or hold them in proxy. {2} And two, this was purposely done by EA and Pig to all to make spices of them. The point is, all encoded Israel, hopefuls in Babylon with the refugees need to pass through the fire to have their spirated obeast broken, that most are seemingly unaware of.].”

Other Tenets of Aaron’s Rod That Budded Before It Was Removed From The Ark

  Lamentation 3 outlines Prince Herod, the rod, with Barnabas (Diana), the staff. Some things are key towards a possibility for them in the 1000 year reign. Lam 3:7, the staff is liken to a “chain”, while the rod fills the body like bread stuffing, “He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins” (Lam 3:13). Normally, Barb or Diana is up and run the show, while when things get hectic/dangerous, Herod comes up. This is exemplified in Lam 3:10, “He was unto me as a bear lying in wait, and as a lion in secret places.” The rod being like a bear and the lion the staff. If there be an encoded “Lord of The Sabbath,” horseman mediator in the Sabbath or 1000 year reign, then he too would be a Lion of Judah referential. This lineage could be gain from being an offspring of such, as was on the last Lion. We saw or will see that such a horseman is a rod, even so, from Herod the typified bear of the both he and staff, Barb; even so, one of the rods spawn from box body. So Herod might not be this horseman but one from his seed/genes; as I don’t know if he persists, but the verse dually suggest again, a persisting of at least one of his to be such, “as a lion in wait.” Didn’t want to write this for it might point to him being such when I don’t know and rods are not necessarily transplantable. “Elam bare the quiver [BAG OF ARROWS OR ARMORY, THE MORE ATTACK THAN STAFF]…kir uncovered the shield [VALLEY OF VISION, THE SEX PART DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THIS TIME {22:5} BECAUSE OF FIRST CLAUSE OF THIS FIRST, ELAM]” (Isaiah 22:6). That is, E-Lamb or Electric Lamb from his referential as Eragon; E also a play thereupon with Euphrates, as in Euphrates Lamb. But more importantly, from Lamentation 3:13, what Herod did to my blood, “He hath caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my reins [blood].” Though the “arrows of his quiver” could be a contagious substance that when people like kir attempt to rape me, they become infected and turn a rod type horseman. This is how other rods from Herod came to be, yet one of these is the E-Lamb or He “Lamb” of that race.

(2)  Though Holocaust and possible no sea “may-den” and Ra Habitations is not an option, if God said it or determine acceptance then it must materialize. With the horseman holocaust though not having God’s spirit, the true can still persist to the end, like the killing of the first born of each household, wildly killing by the beast but selective by God; who controls all, so God can preserve the “followers of that which is good.” “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?” (1 Peter 3:13), in this case follow Yahoshua or Judeo-Christian tenets. Whilst being orange, though one of the encoded might men of David, box blues, didn’t directly defend them (Horseman 60 replacement in Florida) he defended them by defending the ground and they survived when the philistines (EA Sons of Belial) came and the other angels fled, “And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory” (11 Sam 23:11-12). The Horseman 60 replacement in Florida are encoded here as “Lentiles,” they seem to be encoded under a reworked word “Lintel” in Exodus 12:21-23 with the same process or rhetoric of indirect defense that would foster persistence until the time of the figs. It reads, “Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the Passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning [SEEM SATAN, SUN, AGAIN UP OR ANOTHER RUBBER DUCKY TOY FOR A LIMITED WASH WHEN WASHING IS OVER]. For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you” (Ex 12:21-23).  Likewise, Eleazar, another encoded mighty man of David, in Florida, slew the Philistine until what happened to Pat, Ma and “one” happened to him; like the cleave-hind, the obeast cleave with his spirit, recorded in 2 Sam 23:9-10. The last verse highlighted the company of some allege hopefuls (not Sons of Belial) continuance here and felt there, “the people returned after him only to spoil [the box, suckry].”  He was the son of Dodo, seems rather than eggs (golden emerods), infants (golden mice) were deposited of the creature, that is mobile, with genes of river Euphrates water; as in with the Jaw bone (mouth-saliva or close contact wrestling, emerods infection) of an Ass (buttocks-dodo or creature in growth infection) encoded unknowingly and sort of have a seraphim stretch of 1000, represented in slewing 1000 philistines. The top mighty man of David have a 800 stretch, however, this 60 horseman replacement accidentally sprang up when infected by the enemy (RA, EA, PIG) to control and kill me, that budded divinely when the 60 were out; yet not to be used as such but rather God angel provision, but inadvertently allowed toward the intent of such a fold to come. These ‘Lentiles’ were defended and so such a May-den in the Horseman Holocaust can house such a defense, by defending it, not necessarily the encoded lentils there. Such May-Dens I thought to release the four only, from scripture, yet scripture also speak of a company of them, ‘the family’, I coined that term because as those four was on with even intellectual aid in completing literary works for all fold, it seems the company of them was there about me preventing death and removal from finishing those works while in Florida, “did the contempt of families terrify me, that I [EA] kept silence, and [BOX] went not out of the door [TILL FINISH]?” (Job 31:34). The only place I had in mind and thought to release there was what was seen in scripture of the sea civilization, only if I could bring a “double bridle” to Trident, pondering also the time that may come for them in the 1000 year reign, as the Holocaust spree on. The double bridle to trident for in the civil strife a plague of obeasts was release there, and those in expert knowledge of it, used it as a bridle to manipulate him as a dog on a leash, after such an experience who can bring anything of obeast to him again. However, not exactly knowing what to become thereof and this sort of fall in the jurisdiction of the new in coming Shepherd (EA) of the earth, to Barb & Herod, if follow that which is good, “ye are not come unto the mount that...burned with fire [THAT MOUNT WHICH IS THE EPITOME OF THE HORSEMAN HOLOCAUST, HORSEMAN SUPER SOLDIERS AS HYBRID WHEELS OF SATAN, AB AND FALSE PROPHET, OR MOST OF THAT 200 MILLION, MARCH TO ISRAEL THEN THE HURRICANE FIRE CONSUMED ALL], ...And the sound of a trumpet [AS IN SEVEN TRUMPETS IN REV 8 OF THE LAST DAYS WHICH SOUNDED ALSO THE HORSEMAN HOLOCAUST], and the voice of words; which voice they that heard intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more [WHEN THEY HEARD OF THE KILLING OF THEIR FELLOW KIND THEY, AS BEINGS WITH EMOTIONS, DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR ANY FURTHER, BUT.]...(For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast [SERAPHIM ARMIES OR ABYSS BULLS/CALVES] touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart [DEFENDED ALSO BY THE PRESENCE OF FIRE, BECAUSE NOW IT BECOMES HOLY GROUND]...But ye are come unto mount Sion [ZION ENCODLY IS THE SEA PLACE], and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels [SEEMS SEA HOPEFULS THERE AGAIN]" (Heb 12:18-22). The only concern with such a den is what also seems to be attempted to that encoded mighty man of David, Shammah, he was “son of Agee the Hararite.” Or, whilst defending the ground and infected he was the son of Agee or the Hog, the pig attempted what she did to me, cut the spirit bottle so the creature can spirate him into a spice, as she done worldwide with EA and RA. So if in the sea May-Dens, sinister evil would want to spoil them to tie them to spirit prematurely or kill them or use them as reserved stocks for hybrid wheels, however, the promise is that it would be defended as from heaven; by fire, presence of God by the presence of born again angels and being re-lined to the 4 beasts (accountants) or system. For those that rebel against the scheme of things, the lining is needed that God can give an account of you, this account is so precise that all the hairs on your head is literally number and why not one bird fall from the sky or animal dies except God knows or it is given account for. The 4 beasts are only accountants of that, not that they can manipulate the lines as they wish or take over like robots in the Matrix. You give your credit cards to company to process with personal info, actual people handle your account numbers there and your credit cards are not compromise, holding all things constant; but you wouldn’t give to any one. Likewise, actual angels tend to your souls and even handle your requests to heaven (vials of Rev 16, Rev 5:8 and Rev 8:3-5, when full a decision is made for the greater good, as by your vote in the matter, like EA removal doing evil to you as when he should be a Shepherd). So the fear of putting horsemen in the sea place as seen in the dare attempts on Shammah “son of Agee the Hararite,” might be quenched in this, that it is live and opened to the heavens. Also, notice “son of Agee the Hararite,” Ar-Ar-is-right, dually, this is a good reason they be for Ar as the pig/k being blasphemously evil to attempt such on even ‘horns of the altar’ and she also done such knowing they would be for Ar. What next, go to heaven bully and kill God because he appointed someone else, actually, that’s what she and EA them plotted and begun to do, my vial request is that this being cease to exist, completely cut off in all its form, cursed and destroyed forever, bound in hell’s forever and completed disintegrated! Especially that she knows the flock would be in those dens, “thou, O Solomon, must have a thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred” (Songs 8:12). So it seems to cut the spirit caps, she doesn’t necessarily have to sit on the network, as when came to Trident men in the sea and saw that he fitted them against such, “comely as Jerusalem [ENCODED SEA CIVILIZATION OR HERE AS TRIDENT], terrible as an army with banners [SOMETHING ATOP THEIR HEADS OF SPIRIT BOTTLE CAPS TO PREVENT CUTTING IT]” (Songs 6:4) and she wasn’t necessarily on that network. Aside from the Sons of Belial being burnt up in the sea by Mike, one encodings later showed of a garrison of men there awaiting my arrival for an uproar; it states quenching this. However, some wordings might be give clue to their set on, "GARrison of men", possible from the pig "GARden" there of spices and cleave-hinds about the wall, now pressed in, in the civil strife. Psalms 60:4, the 60 be of the 4 horns, "Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth.” So it is not because of a vain reason they be around me, but to defend the truth and even defend an antiquated of days.

(3)  Jeremiah 51:37-40 encodes the mad max America, which at the end of Armageddon the horsemen shall overflow in. As with the Last Lion and his whelps, they cry as young lions for redemption with/for the encoded “Lord of the Sabbath.”

(4)  It seems satan’s hybrid wheel (horsemen with split spirit) was a custom of the people and from the ten plagues (rod-to-snake, blood and frog) it seems Ra and Egyptians can do this as well, frog spirits or “spirits like frogs” (Rev 16:13). So horsemen seeking refugee in God would be told by evils, “salvation is in me, I give you what you desire, a soul, a spirit.” Flee this abomination or abnormality and look to the “father or spirits” (Heb 12:9) than forsake anything that might be coming; even if, why be an axle of evil!

(5)  The “Lord of the Sabbath” is Christ directly, coming back in the millennium reign. However, the encoded “lord of the sabbath” is a mediator in the time of rest after Christ return, which is suppose to be this 7th millennium; a sort of savior/arbiter to horsemen. He is not only a rod, than a staff, but still from the ‘root of Jesse’ or RA, still after RA demise and he be cut off. This rod is still of the root of Jesse (Ra, here) by virtue of being a stem of the branch or the last mediator in work time, box. There be many rods spawned from that incident, but one to persist as such in such a time, “there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots” (Isa 11:1). The branch [box] comes from the roots of Christ, but the stem [rod] comes from that branch. Under the post “Egypt - So Intentionally Good It Is Blatantly Bad” we had seen that the 3 major saviors came from Egypt, including the Last Lion from the literal south under Bozrah (south boss-man-ra); hence his term as Jesse for a lack of Bible paper trail. That post had read, “notice what Hoshea 11:1 states and how it is written, it has encoding in it. It said that God called his son out of Egypt. But we see in the New Testament that this spoke of Christ. ‘When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.’ So the savior came out of Egypt, that is, Jesus Christ the savior, not born there but that it should be said or fulfill prophecy that he came out of Egypt - Hoshea means savior, so the savior came out of Egypt. However, he was not the only savior that came out of Egypt, for Moses more came out of Egypt. Then the verse that says it is Hoshea 11:1 or 1+1+1 saviors came out of Egypt. But Israel had many saviors? This would speak of dispensational saviors, which they are two and possibly one pending. Jews, humanity and Angels.” Jeremiah 10:16 seems to have had his name or name meaning encoded but they covered over a name with a familiar title, so that name or name meaning lost forever. Jeremiah 10:16 reads, “[IN THE PRESENT HORSEMAN PLAGUE AND BRIDLING OF THOSE WHO HAVE SUCH EXPERTISE TO THOSE ENGULF IN THE OBEAST] The portion of Jacob [BOX] is not like them: for he is the former of all things [BEING AN ANTIQUATED OF DAYS]; and Israel is the rod [THE ROD HAS TAPPED INTO THIS AND RESISTIVE TO MANIPULATION] of his inheritance: The LORD of hosts is his name [OF THE ENCODED ‘LORD OF THE SABBATH’ TO COME FROM THIS ROD, SUCH MERCY SHOWN TO SUCH A FOLD ALSO BECAUSE THEY SHOWED THIS GRACE TO ME; ALSO COULD HAVE DIED BY IT, BUT WAS AT PEACE AND INADVERTENT AID].” Jer 10:16 reads without the encoded insertions, “The portion of Jacob is not like them: for he is the former of all things; and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: The LORD of hosts is his name.” This verse has 4 parts, the subsets are divided by the colon (:) and the two major parts are divided by the semi-colon (;), comprising 4 parts with two major parts of 2 subsets. Part (1a) has the subject of encoded Jacob here, box. Part (1b) has the description of the subject, “former of all things,” as explained in the post, “The Four Rivers.” Part (2a) has the subject as rod, or the rod in me. Part (2b) gave the name or name meaning of the rod mediator from one of the rods from me. But the names was bundled under titles and lost forever.

(6)  Israel escape Egypt at midnight, likewise a cure seems to come at midnight (sun or satan gone); EA seems this last strand to be removed for the moonlighting, “who [SATAN] lay on a bed [EA SERAPHIM NETWORK, WHICH ARE BLUES] at noon [WHEN THE SUN OR SATAN WAS HOTTEST]” (2 Sam 4:5). Hence, the heaven’s Engel curve quits out. That’s between now, 2007 and 2010, any time between. Hopefully not like, 400 years in Egypt but it was actually 430 or 40 days in the ark but then almost 100, etc. This cure would help the human flock, as horsemen would agree this has been a terrible plague, yet at the same time not thoroughly their fault. Also, man is not an ass cloth and respect given, though to you they seems pathetic, that with so much antiquated abilities in their brains they are so weak and fragile and far beneath “our” abilities.

(7)  I was cautioned not to venture into this as to factor and finalize it, whilst it still be only a possibility. It is also a complexity for another to factor in, in a life time of its own. Not that I intended to, but just in case with hinting of one or another King sent; in the 1000 year reign, hence, a “lord of the Sabbath” (dual usage of that term, here for preaching in that time). Me trying to ascertain or figure it out would be like what happened to my Mr. Erno Rubik. For of mediators (Neh 9:27, Isa 43:11) sent, acclaimed Kings or not, this verse sums up their mediation and them, “the heart of kings is unsearchable” (Pro 25:3). For instance, I perceive there is a fourth level encoding in the bible specifically for such, as books of the bible are books within a book or encoded. For instance, all dispensational mediators would be likened to Jacob, spawn a new breed of saints, so I perceive this verse would speak to him, “I am a worm [horseman], and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people” (Prov 22:6); that is, literally not a real man but like a worm or the snake that spawned them. Then having gotten that I would look for each instance of worm to man referential and see what it says of him. For instance, “Fear not, thou worm Jacob” (Isa 41:14). From this pattern I would probably get his life, exploits and endeavor to redeem. Though patterns are presented in bible, except it pertains to you, you most often cannot figure them out; many come close to pass ones and hence fabricate them, false prophet, and then fall in my Erno Rubik trap, having pieces and they’re not together or in sync and cannot put them together. For instance, in that pattern I could say this speak of him, "I have the worm, Thou art my mother, and my sister" (Job 17:14). Yet that didn’t appertain to him, but the Lord had used it to speak of the recent literal south silent plague of what happened to some family members. For instance, again, pertaining to “CSI:Horsemen” post and “A bullock & Wheeling Decree” post I would preach to the horsemen in the stocks in America and state to flee receiving the soul (a split spirit of satan, etc) and then state in addition, “why do you need a spirit to be alive, being alive is consciousness, are you not conscious and intelligent, remember the prophecy (of his abominable horseman army joined with split-spirits or cleave-hind to him), it’s only a trick.” First, I not remembering that the first preaching is to flee as the west is to be cleared of such. But then it dawned on me that the consciousness they have is derived from and in the brain they have, then it dawned on me, the stocks here are programmed in the brain and so their consciousness is their masters or programmers. Hence, preaching to them is futile, except un-programmed or re-programmed brains. This and many other things the encoded “Lord Of The Sabbath” would work out in his era. This is a reason it states that one from this bunch would arise as such, of the bunch from my obeast that presently seek box in the north, that they wont or can’t be gathered by the snake charmers to program and spirate them. Jeremiah 10 had revealed the blasphemy of the “purple and blue” preparing horsemen amongst us for satan’s end time army, satan himself as a silversmith (spirit-smith), prepare the split spirits elsewhere, “Silver spread into plates” (Jer 10:9). And with him is EA, “the hands of the founder: blue and purple is their clothing: they are all the work of cunning” (Jer 10:9). This in bible should culminate at a latter time to march on the world and heaven. Because the horsemen in the stock minds are like this, preaching to them is also a “doctrine of vanities” (Jer 10:8); being a witnessing machine, one would want to preach to everything that moves, even the grass. If a horseman acceptance is plausible or forthcoming, one of the end of such a faith would be to actually receive a spirit from heaven, as in the classic case of Pinocchio. However, musing the merger of spirit with obeast so far (frog spirit, miracle coat, spice, etc) and the bible paper trail of fig is used for obeast as seen in BT Magazine V4, one would say we jumped the gun in tying spirits to obeast, which would forfeit it. Revelation 6:13 was given as a time piece of the end, and it follows after Armageddon and reads, “And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind;” saying by this prophecy you’ll know the end. It then gave two encodings. [1] A support to a blue print decree and the verse that says can you “stay the bottles of heaven” (Job 38:37). That is, angels love to jump down eagerly and untimely without blue print, to their detriment. As such, they often attempt re-entry into heaven with a spirated obeast in their bottles of heaven or spirit bodies, unknown to them. Then this clause of the verse takes place, “the stars of heaven fell unto the earth,” they with the obeast or it alone blasted on re-entering. Because they went to earth not knowing this danger or the covering that a blue print provides. [2] And as it relates to horsemen, their purposeful merger with spirits are likened to being untimely, as in “untimely figs.” They got a spirit before it was given from God and hence in danger of the acceptance. Will these untimely encoded figs be accepted or destroyed or recoverable if burnt from a spirit or if still an individual entity with choice that can be washed? This and more their mediator has to sort out when he comes. As this procedure spoiled my seed with pillar one (Jer 10:20) through Kir, this could spoil theirs.

(8)  In the 2007 index we cited this third meaning of line:

Then from that latter explanation is a referential “to being on the line,” that is, we are all in God but he allowed us being accounted for by being streamed on the seraphim line of the 4 beasts. So in essence, all seraphim, all persons or all beings in existence are on the stream of the 4 beasts. They be the seraphim of that line, but those lines are the beings existing in God, but like accountants to a billionaire’s money, so these are like 4 accountants of the streams of God. All things came from God and cannot exist without him, so they are hooked over all these beings in existence as seraphim to their wheels, so once born you are on the line.

However, it seems only things with a soul are hooked to the 4 beasts; and something that might be new to me, learning the tenets of the horsemen in the 1000 year reign, animals seem to have deposits of a soul (encoded 1 Cor 15:39-47), and hence they too are accounted for; this same sentiments might also be applicable to plants and even though seems unlikely, the plant “The Venus Fly Trap” makes it plausible for the plant kingdom. Didn’t want to write that, because I said of such on the contrary wise, and an even worse thing came to mind was that satan as a silver shaper could access and manipulate these deposits of souls; as I thought he only and could only cleave-hind angels, as they are made hook-able and often hooked to a seraphim but found out he seems to do such to humans too (Zech 3:1-4). So from this also it seems things hooked to the 4 beasts not only have a soul, but all intelligent and/or instinctive beings and creatures directly created by God (Isa 45:9-12); yet all things in existence, even dirt, is in and hooked to God. With the horsemen case, this might be apart of “the acceptance,” being in the books (Rev 20:12) or on the system, to benefit from the system (Rev 7:16). With the Trident sea civilization case, it seems beings can get off-line, yet still in the confines of existence, so still in the confines of God and cannot hide. Hence, horsemen are a new phenomenon and anomaly to the system and creations of God, comparable to the spirit itself. Horsemen are not a creation of God in that scientist can cross breed animals, insects, etc, but the outcome is still an animal with instinct or online. The horseman creation comes from creation itself, but took on a life of its own, being and having intelligence not given from above or not necessarily of the host, as if something like the spirit itself, which they can possess. Typically, they can be considered somewhat “offline,” but spirits can also possess them and use such in a pseudo seraphim network even in the fleshly states. But as animals have their own deposits of a soul, something like this would have to be created for them, as such, for the first time from God the father of spirits, to be online (soul-cup) and to even receive God’s spirit (holy ghost-drink in cup). Not only for the first time, but the first kind of this glass “bottle of earth” as from the term “bottle of heaven” (Job 38:37). Each angel, each person, each animal or each being is created with a soul or glass bottle, “There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another” (1 Cor 15:40). But each bottle in heaven and earth is different for each other “There is one glory of the sun [USED HERE FOR ANGELS], and another glory of the moon [USED HERE FOR HUMANS], and another glory of the stars [USED HERE FOR ANIMALS]: for one star differeth from another star in glory [AND EACH SOUL DEPOSIT OR GLASS BOTTLES IN EACH ANIMAL DIFFERS, AS AGAINST ALL THE SAME IN ALL HUMANS]” (1 Cor 15:41); and I suppose those of the animals are just to make them accountable or be on the system. Though a soul then spirit comes from God the father of spirits, such bottles (souls) for different animals in heaven and earth are usually blown by the 9, and the 2 are considered the ‘purple and silver’ or master of glass blowing, that is, silver or spirit shaping. So what EA and the rest in this conspiracy has done was prematurely hook horsemen to bottles not of their own, as spices, which from the beginning would make any such for horsemen void. Notice how the spices are created, sown in the spirits of men and angels then bursts into a new creature, the former person ceases to exist as merely a cocoon, as when we leave our dead bodies upon death and it returns to dust; we humans would become a new glorified spirit beings like the angels, “when they shall rise from the dead…are as the angels which are in heaven” (Mark 12:25). Saying that to say, the same process probably was intended for horsemen, if acceptance is plausible, but with the spices someone jumped the gun for evil and sow them in a spirit to raise in a spiritual body as we are to be and at 1000 year end probably they would have been also or still will be, “It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body” (1 Cor 15:44). If EA is of one of those 7 of the 9, he would know such be plausible and would also have knowledge to blow such a specific glass bottle, so it seems ultimately that only God would foster such a new bottle, which he went ahead and perpetrated in leadership with the rest of the conspirators. This and other knowledge a horseman mediator is to sort out.

(9)  One last pattern encoding that the encoded "lord of the Sabbath" might find useful and expound on, and further give grounds to horsemen to abstain from blood and iniquities, hoping for a horseman acceptance. That is, the juxtaposition of man with son of man in a few verses has a potent horseman encodings, man versus horseman, in redemptive terms. Holding the contextual meaning constant, whereby the contextual is that son of man merely means humans created by God. For instance, this verse and others that follows:

Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man [HUMANS], that he should lie; neither the son of man [HORSEMEN], that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” Here and rest of verses, son of man is used for horseman; as horsemen, though seemingly stronger by tapping into the antiquated of man, is still an off-spring of man and have their existence as such, hence a sort of son of mankind. This frame encoding juxtapose them with man and this one is most key than them all. That is, man lies by choice and choose not to by choice, but it notes that horsemen have this capacity and though set on evil from its creation, can repent. That is the basic ingredients for a washing or redemption or in their case, acceptance. That is, the ability to discern between good and evil, and then to intelligently choose either; that’s the whole truth of the washing, thereafter accepted in the commonwealth of heaven. This was brought out and seen that they have such capacity with the question of eggs with Barb. This all other animals and plants lack and hence, here today, gone tomorrow. Also, if they can then repent from evil it should also mean that God can honor it; though God chooses to do as he pleases, yet bound by his word and in the tenets or the inherent bylaws of washing, this seemingly fit or constitute attention. Echoed in this verse, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any” (Prov 14:34). As most such, they are inherent principles that reap the same benefits for all. For instance, if one thing is applicable to a set of beings but by the virtue of nature of another set of beings it is not applicable, but something strange happened that the thing that made it applicable to the former beings is in effect to the latter beings, wouldn’t the latter beings now exercise the application of the former beings? For example, humans that have income, pay taxes on those incomes, dogs don’t pay taxes as not apart of such a society and earthly vicissitudes. But say tomorrow dogs began to speak, work and get incomes, would they also be taxed? Even if no spaces/provision were yet on the tax forms, when spending those monies they are taxed on it. Likewise, if horsemen can repent, they should eventual reap the benefits of repentances from choosing good over evil; the purpose and inherent tenets of washing. That’s one point, holding many variables constant and far more complex than tomorrow such is plausible immediately, but this is for that mediator to sort out when he comes.

Psalms 144:3, “LORD, what is man [HUMANS], that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man [HORSEMAN], that thou makest account of him!” As cited above, that persuasive argument alone can’t make the thing happen now or ever, other things come into play. For instance, to be “washed” or accepted, you must be on the line. The 4 beasts are termed accountants, as they are given to stream the entire creation in their seraphim line, to account for every being, even the number of hairs on your head. So for acceptance to take place or reaping the benefits of repentance, dogs paying taxes, you must be on the line and accounted for. This is another hurdle to be won over in a case, than just the first hurdle won in the previous persuasive argument. However, this son of man encoding seems to point that such is plausible or forthcoming, that is, take knowledge of man and will make account of the son of man or horsemen; which constitute being on the line, which at present they are offline.

Psalms 8:4, “What is man [HUMANS], that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man [HORSEMAN], that thou visitest him?” Being on the line is one thing, but it doesn’t end there, there is another hurdle, for all creation is on the line, but can the four footed animals be saved? Being on the line is having deposits of a soul. So having a soul and being on the line is one thing, but to be accepted and saved, that soul must be filled with God’s spirit; as what happens when a born again Christian is filled with the Holy Ghost. Hence, first “mindful of him” or on the line to give account of him and then after “visitest him” or filled him with God’s spirit, making him apart of the divine and commonwealth of God, accepted. Again, in the encoded pattern of this verse, it seems forthcoming, “the son of man [HORSEMAN], that thou visitest him [FILL HIS SOUL BOTTLE WITH GOD’S SPIRIT].” “Thou visitest him” is the impossible hurdle for horseman, based on Isaiah 45:9, “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd [GOD CREATED] strive with the potsherds of the earth [EARTH CREATED AND NOT LET THIS COME UP OR CAN, IN STRIVING WITH GOD].” That is, they are not created by God or on the line so not accounted for and a time of washing cannot be allotted to them, so when he is here through Christ, God becomes a potsherd of the earth that the potsherd of the earth can strive with the potsherd of the earth and the former God created potsherd of the earth strive with God his maker; but from this they would get a chance to strive with God directly as a potsherd of the earth. That is, in the New Jerusalem, horsemen can petition God whilst he’s on earth overcoming Isaiah 45:9, God becoming a potsherd of the earth through Christ; and I guess why this time is set apart for them.

Psalms 80:17, “Let thy hand be upon the man [HUMANS] of thy right hand, upon the son of man [HORSEMEN] whom thou madest strong for thyself.” This is a reason why I might be allowed to dabble in this. Box is an arm of God, fitted strong, even burnt with Mike’s fire at spirit conception when entering earth for the task ahead. Box is also a core river, so a good reason the purple and grey (that mediator) comes from the offshoot of my infection is that as I am made strong, this latter line of horsemen is made strong with tap into the strong and core “man of thy right hand.” Not suckry or deliberate tapping or making a suit of box, but the nature of the obeast is to grow up the brain and move to the antiquated lying in that person, being that box is an antiquated of days, makes that horseman stronger than most. And the genes of that horseman is passed to the off-springs, and it seems one on me can transmit to the rest telepathically (Songs 8:13), until broken off, than the rest proceed on me to do thus; and even others, as Zophar in the post “Detail Encoding In Job” wanting to by seeking me for “double to that which is!” (Job 11:6). This I didn’t realize, shunned and thought how at first when said to me in an encoding of Barb/Herod them on me, “It [OBEAST ON ME] is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth: But when it is sown, it groweth up, and becometh greater than all herbs [OBEASTS], and shooteth out great branches [IT OFFSPRINGS]; so that [SO GREAT TO THE POINT THAT] the fowls of the air [ANGELS ABOUT ME] may lodge under the shadow of it [‘s EXPLOITS]” (Mark 4:31-32). “Madest strong for thyself” is also key, God allowed such temporarily as the 60 blues were out in the latter part of being in Florida, and mostly orange if around; so it was inadvertently made strong for me, but worked out to strength to prepare such for any acceptance.

Psalms 146:3, “Put not your trust in princes [ANGELS], nor in the son of man [HORSEMEN], in whom there is no help.” With the above (Psalms 80:17), not that applying the obeast to humans is again or now legal, or to trust in it. This just happened. Put your trust in God and look to him alone. Even the strength of the creature in me and its exploits is by God and not of its self or my lines, whereby a valley of vision said adversely of Herod after a great victory because he didn’t give God the glory. This is the first time man and son of man not used, but princes and son of man, to offset the encoded expository above in Psalms 80:17, never put your trust in angels or any other creature, look to and trust God always. It is God that shows mercy!

Isaiah 51:12, “I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man [HUMANS] that shall die, and of the son of man [HORSEMEN] which shall be made as grass.” To again offset the encoded expository above in Psalms 80:17, this is given. That is, you should not be afraid of horsemen, no matter how big they become, fear God only and trust him. To juxtapose, without a soul and God’s spirit, they are different from man in that man dies but still is, in the spirit body form, but they perish and cease to exist. Look and fear only God, whereby all existence is in his hands. If and when horsemen receive a soul and God’s spirit, it seems simultaneously this will happen at the end of the 1000 year reign, so only those who have their mind exercise to choose good or evil and choose good will receive such. Saying this to say that with that soul they are made a silver, or can persist beyond death, as humans; which seemingly is not achievable in spices, as that is not their own spirit bottles. Therefore, if at this time, only those that choose good and wont be a terror to others would be made a silver. And with God’s spirit will be ensured not to be made a terror, but manifest godliness forever. It would be terrible to have this persisting if this big and evil. I guess also the same sentiment should be given to some angels that fell, like satan, as seeking to pseudo do in the wheeling decree; a halo blanking all wisdom of angels like satan seems a better thing to desist such, especially those privy to drink from the creation wells and fell, that is, to perish like grass or cease to exists. On the other hand, two things come to mind, one, with a soul and spirit to be made a silver, wasn’t that the case with Adam, he was made with a soul and God’s spirit, but sin cut that off from him and he persisted as merely a silver until Christ reconnected him to God again. This was the beginning point of the planet and washing. Does it then mean when this take place for horseman, would they be given their planet and foster the same history? Not really, if saved from the same lion of the tribe of Judah, Yahoshua, even coming off the old lion, then the tenets of Christ’s salvation is that once joined you cannot be unjoined, perfect forever and walk as thus, being a sort of wheel to Christ (Heb 10:14). This took place through mediation between man and God, whereby when first with God, through Adam and fell, man didn’t have a lawyer to advocate his reconnection until later, which is Christ. Horsemen would have their connection and reconnection at the same time from the line of Christ salvation to all. As such, having a planet isn’t necessary or if attaining one, going through possible millenniums to be washed would be avoided if use this one millennium in the Sabbath 1000 year reign to be somewhat “washed.” Two, advocacy by such a mediator horseman for a planet would only be won by being on the line, and from what was already said, this is won by such an acceptance in the 1000 year reign with a soul and God’s spirit. But such an advocacy for a planet in the first place would have been to separate horsemen from humans and because horsemen are not compatible with this planet’s life cycle being such to horsemen that all other primates are food and ‘hackable,’ even the spirits (spice) and would consume earth (Rev 11:18). Yet I surmise interplanetary travel/relocation is only gained through being washed, whereby you have exercise your mind to discern between good and evil and choose good, so when face with different variables on another planet, the outcome should be the same, choose good (liberty, love, fraternity). Hence, washed beings are really going through the citizenship process of heaven then allowed to roam or be. So relocation to another planet, if argued for, seems unattainable without being washed and the conundrum is, if being washed, then such beings are made compatible with this planet and can stay here (Isaiah 11:8) – won’t eat humans, drink blood, produce and turn babies into host of themselves to be the dominant race, etc; all opposite to co-existing beside another. But foster esteeming others greater than themselves and do unto others as if doing it to yourself and outright reverence, piety and obedience to God, which is loving him. Hence, Christ simplified what the washing is and is to do in his two new commandments, which were the same essence or thing tried under Jewry – love others as self and love God. If one can do this, then one can live and be anywhere in the galaxy, for though things change, these remain the same. For instance, going to a planet where the beings have no eyes, so if in front of their faces mock by pointing on them and saying to the next guy with eyes, “ha, you can smile he can’t see.” Is that still wrong, though he can’t see it or have the capacity to feel that hurt, as if doing it to yourself? Even worst, don’t love God by being the only person on the planet with eyes, so you foster the similar phrase that says, “in the country of the blind, the one eye man is ‘God’.” More complex than meet the eyes, but millions of variable, whereby a washing should have the principles set that is applicable across the board regardless of any variables; some times troubles brings out if those principles are instilled in you and make it instilled. Yet the better of us will fall short, as possibly only 144,000 made it out of million of Jews with the commandments to follow, and why Christ soap made us washed instantly without this rigor and his spirit in us help foster those two commandments across the board with all variables; and why Christians, though in a different situation, sometimes says to the other “this doesn’t feel right;” then desist and seek why, as Christ’s spirit pull on them. So Christ Yahoshua’s salvation is the thing to seek from the offshoot of such a forth coming mediator, for we will fall short; however, before that acceptance is that ‘exercising the mind to discern between good and evil’ of one’s own stride, then the reward with his spirit is to lock that in; and, also, those that don’t, get permanently locked out, as against humans, cease to exist. Another thing is if argue for a new planet, Christ wouldn’t be there or God come as a potsherd of the earth, for you to draw near; so if while he’s near in the 1000 year reign you argue for a planet first and get it, then relocate, you would put yourself away from the potsherd of the earth needed to pardon you. Then stuck on that planet with no God coming there and be eternally lost. If a planet is given without God’s spirit but to be there you need a soul bottle like Adam had after the fall, if reach that far with attaining God given soul bottle, why not go all the way whilst God is near and tarrying; with even possible asking of such much later. If on that planet with a soul only, God becomes mindful of you like man, as being on the line, but it took 4 millenniums to redeem man when intended much shorter. Why risk that for yourself when God is here then? The scripture says, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Man did that for 4 millenniums then rewarded with Christ’s salvation. Horsemen have one millennium to stride, even now, then those who persist get that lock in, “I have written unto you, young men [LAST FOLD], because ye are strong [THAN THE PREVIOUS FOLD TO RESIST SATAN], and [BUT NEED HIS SPIRIT FOR] the word of God [TO] abideth in you [TO REALLY LOCK THAT CHOICE IN], and ye have [AND TO REALLY] overcome the wicked one” (1 John 2:14) Likewise, those 144,000 who made it through Jewry will follow the Lamb wherever he goes to have this locked in, though they didn’t get that lock in with Jewry (Rev 14:1); which could mean literally following him in the resurrection or like us saints, have Christ’s spirit in us wherever we go, than just connect back to God. Rev 14:1 states that they have God’s name (Jesus father) written in their foreheads, not Christ’s, which we Christians have on, so they were connected to God without Christ, to that former state of pre-adamic fall through the washing which Jewry provided; but now need to follow the lamb (Rev 14:4). Could those 144,000 connect back to God be broken again like Adam’s connection at the first, yet in the resurrection and why they have to follow the lamb wherever he goes? I figure as much, and the sentiments for these 144,000 is the sentiment that will apply to horsemen that repent, that is, after such stride and years of piety from birth, one sin or offense can make them broken permanently from God, this is not right; like loosing a life saving with no insurance or government benefits, so following Christ lock in this stride forever. This is what Christ came to do in fulfilling the law, not removing it, that is, to the Jews, continue to stride but it would be foolish not to accept Christ and have that locked in; even worse, because he knows many will be this foolish, he disannulled that religion with the new in Christ, but could follow the traditions of Jewry as a way of life, even being peculiar. If so, acceptance through the Christ’s tenets and salvation stream is the thing to seek for horsemen than just acceptance on the line and connection to God. Nonetheless, why those 144,000 seems sealed with also following the lamb, is that the lamb was crucified from the foundation of the world and would have eventually covered all those washed by another soap for all human kind. Saying that to say, acceptance on the line with a soul and God’s spirit is good but without Christ, it seems to be breakable again like Adam and as such, start on a new planet with millenniums without his spirit and connect again permanently, as in being redeemed. So, for that mediator, do it good once. So in terms of planet, I guess in strict terms, it begins here and sort of ends here, if staying or relocating to another planet. Also, if baptism becomes apart of the bylaws as tenets of Christianity is, it would be good to be baptized in Yahoshua’s (Jesus) name for the security of the lock in, though the mediator’s name is a possible option, as those baptize in the sea through Moses (a soap – 1 Cor 10:2) and connected with God’s name in their fore-heads, but had to be incorporated into Christ soap for permanence of connection forever (Heb 10:14), so to such a mediator, do it all good at once.

Isaiah 56:2, “Blessed is the man [HUMANS] that doeth this, and the son of man [HORSEMEN] that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil.” That is, Blessed is box for making this known and more blessed is the horseman that keep the Sabbath or 1000 year Sabbath millennium from not polluting it with themselves or cease from doing the evil presented all around them and choose good, such will inherit acceptance in the commonwealth of God or the divine; as all other saints, with a soul filled with God’s spirit or in my analogy start paying taxes, that’s a little of the way and journey ahead of such a task to be fulfilled in such a mediator.

Job 25:6, “How much less man [HUMAN] that is a worm? and the son of man [HORSEMAN], which is a worm.” Though I daubed in this paper trail and the one of the worm earlier, it only gives a thesis to run with. If horsemen can now be categories as washable, capacity to discern and choose good or evil, it makes them equal to man in this regard; and even all those in this category. It also makes man equal to them, both a worm and both can be turned into butterflies (i.e. saints). More than fallen angels to be redeemed, this more than would be applied to them if accepted as such, "Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day" (Matt 20:12). Heat there is operative, a reason the sun WAS allowed in the washing, to present and stir/manifest the good choice versus evil, because he did real evil with that evil allowance, that heat now comes from Mike fires, “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun [SATAN]; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire [MIKE]” (Rev 16:8). He shouldn’t be able to rise in this capacity in the 1000 year reign (Rev 20:3) and possibly interpolation in scripture or valley of vision type prophecy, for Mike should still be the regent of destruction, which if satan comes up why have two doing the same thing, when Mike jurisdiction as such lasts in the 1000 year Sabbath or possible horseman ‘washing’, "And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire [MIKE]...And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles [1000 YEARS END] a thousand and six [666, LAST 6 IS ANGEL WASHING WHEN HE GOT THIS POSITION, PREVIOUS WERE JEWS THEN CHRISTIAN; 6 BEING THE NUMBER OF A MAN, SO ALL SAVED THROUGH MANKIND, NONETHELESS, SO WILL A HORSEMAN ACCEPTANCE]" (Rev 14:18-20). Not that Mike is less tolerant to execute judgment, but not deceitfully, like satan jumping on you silver shape you do the evil in/with your body, kill you and charge the evil to your account, as in you manifest the evil brought before you. His real desire is to kill, steal and destroy and not have any saved, while Mike have the same power to execute judgment but the desire is to save and as said, not tolerant to evil, stated here, “The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?” (Isaiah 33:14). And the following verse to Rev 16:8 did state, “And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not [YOU’LL STILL HAVE THESE THAT WILL BE THROWN INTO EVERLASTING BURNINGS OR CEASE TO EXISTS]” (Rev 16:9). Also, I guess if being fair with the encoded expository above of Isaiah 51:12, if both can be turned into butterflies, and the horseman ‘worm’ ceases to exist if not turn to butterfly, why the human ‘worm’ continue if not turn to butterfly, and persist in their spirit man form? Both should cease to exist? This also is more complex than meets the eye, but many questions often flood with all situations, but one thing is certain and must be respected and upheld regardless of, God does what he pleases, even with no reasons. He gives reasons because he cares and likewise withholds because he cares. In this instance, not necessarily the case, a reason could be man was made with limitations to grow that big (Gen 2:17; 3:22), as an insect with a lung apparatus that doesn’t grown as it grows which makes it stays insect size; and catastrophic if could grow further which would reach heights pass elephants with the same capacity to lift 10 times it weight. Other real reasons of such cause, is the human consciousness was before the creation of the human and the creation of the human is to put that consciousness in a body, with the same playing field of choosing good or evil; as in that consciousness before creation, good and evil streams were present. A good example is box, with stones of good and stones of darkness, fortunately, having been born, chose good and with Christ salvation, locked into good forever and cannot be made unjustified! Horsemen, create their own consciousness from within creation, in a sense, then with their own unique soul bottles, not yet created, that consciousness is uploaded and they given permanence as humans.

Don’t know if I said too much and not necessarily daubing in it, for a greater look reveals a greater or real revelatory encodings of such for such a mediator. And Isaiah 56:2 encoded expository above seems to give grounds for revealing thus. Beyond this book and posts, I’ll attempt ceasing from this subject but only if God alone and any of this fold should not attempt to question me on it; such a ones are/were given in dialogue temporarily and thereafter and presently, pertain to the fold to be birthed now and the one that was birthed 2 millenniums ago.

(10)  Though there is figuring outs and seeking God’s ways, there is a blue print and inherent blues, and following such patterns if optimal. Though getting the job done or achieve as we see fit in our eyes, following the blue print is best. Even Barb/Herod followed the blue print and “goeth on to meet the armed men” in the North in America. Though only those with the spirit or even have a spirit this verse can apply to, they certainly sort of erode that notion, “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom 8:14). On the other side, Samson’s 1000 encoded stretch in slewing a 1000 men with the Jaw bone of an Ass (both obeasts-Barb/Herod) echoed that last statement of possible pardon/acceptance in another time, that is, the 1000 year reign, because also, of her kindness to the King; Barnabas, meaning, “son of consolation” and though Prince Herod is more a defender, “thy rod and thy staff comfort me” (Psalms 23). Which while the 60 were out assumed the position of my angels; as they be considered “one of you” Songs of Solomon refer to them as if eyes of a seraphim to me, “Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me: thy hair [OBEASTS] is as a flock” (Songs of Solomon 6:5). The box blues or 60 are apples or of the teachers or has their line in the EA Word bull network, so an encoded rendering of this verse shows them returning, even with the Alt 60 beholding such, as in they led me to the armed men, “yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes [ALT 60 HORSEMEN] shall see thy teachers [BOX BLUES 60, TEACHERS]” (Isaiah 30:20).  

Note: {1} See “CSI: Horsemen” in “CSI: Heaven”. {2} For number 8 under the section “Other tenets of Aaron’s Rod That Budded Before it was removed from the Ark.” I say EA mostly in the spice doings, but harvesting spreads from RA, and the Pig is the gardener that see through the fruitarian or blossom of spices, they probably more than EA in all harvesting. But EA employ such, so they would harvest such great amounts for and with him, for gains; “But there was none like unto Ahab [RA], which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel [PIG] his wife stirred up” (1 Kings 21:25). Ra them is the expertise in it and would be considered leader, but EA is the Leader in this regards to utilize and gather such for a heaven attack. He has the coordinates or star gate to heaven and charge of the earth, so he would be the leader of this conspiracy, as you have to follow the leader. But these four Egyptian pillars (the Pig being the spoke person and “Sharon”), Satan, EA and possible his 7 thunders all leaders of this spice attack on heaven; not to mention inconsiderately and brightly in secret disintegrating all beings on earth for their spirits as raw materials for this, even under the guise of help!

Bless Be The “Sons of Joseph” (Heb 11:21)
{“Leaning upon the top of [my] staff [Barb/Herod]”}

The term Sons of Joseph is another paper trail in the bible the encoded ‘Lord of the Sabbath’ might find encodings thereof and From the Post, ‘New Testament Encoding 2’, Hebrews 12:
For horsemen in the Horseman Holocaust, “whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and [also] scourgeth every [new] son [potential horsemen] whom he receiveth…if ye endure…” (Heb 12:6-7). For horsemen and the Horseman Holocaust, all washable creatures went through it, “if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons” (Heb 12:8). Of course, “no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby” (Heb 12:11). But you have a little understanding of what he’s doing to you, example, removing the fake soul bottles, trust God and remember the prophecy of Armageddon whereby millions of horsemen still run to these evils to receive a spirit and forfeit their blessings, “rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?” (Heb 12:9). Remember, in and when out of those May Den, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb 12:14). Man is not an ‘ass colt’ (Job 11:12) for wearing or riding, have respect to where your existence sprang from and respect to those in authority; God hears without having a spirit and though with Isaiah 45:9 he can indirectly answer (2 Sam 23:11), moreover, the eyes go through the earth to reward righteousness of any. This was given concerning the “untimely figs” that marched to Armageddon and was burnt with fire from heaven, while musing in the mind prayerfully what would become of Barb them, “ye are not come unto the mount…and that burned with fire” (Heb 12:18); indirectly, seems they be persisting pass Armageddon and escape the Horseman Holocaust, stay in the May Dens provided, as all rebellious horsemen up and running wild will be gathered and burnt at that time or on the spot; “he for our [your] profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness” (Heb 12:10). While in the May Dens provided, don’t try to pro-create, spirate or seek “ass colt” for any reason, refuse all evils in the den; die if you must, though without a silver (spirit, always existing), if you believe, faith is the principle thing, God is able to bring anything back into existence. Just to help your faith, the spirit is made of light, some angels can burn and melt that light entity, even with fires that burn beyond feeling in the natural realm, as depicted in the burning bush. Likewise, sound can be so loud it cannot be heard by humans. Likewise, all substances, hard, soft, liquid or non-liquid, gases, anything basically, is pure light, made of light like the spirit. So spirit is like ice from water, but also flesh is also another level of ice from water, but the notions before stand true that both are of light; as in the cone (flesh or hard materials) and the ice cream (spirit or light) are the same, edible (made of light). But only God, even with skills of Pillar 1 and 2 or mike flames, only God can manipulate all in existence in light or that level; e.g., travel in light-years, which is simply molecular breakdown of hard materials that reforms as is. Only God can function far far beyond the example of light years, that everything is light and possess-able to him, hence, if you believe and stand firm, even your fleshly existence he can make come back into existence if die or burnt. The principles of Christ and salvation are the same for all, "broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matt 7:13-14). Choose the narrow path, live righteously, choose right and shun all evil!

The May-Dens: Concerning not coming to the mount that burn with fire, it also said, “nor unto blackness, and darkness and tempest” (Heb 12:18). Hence, it seems not dark, muggy, uncomfortable and evil. “Tempest,” a place where you are tempted to evil, even with often lack. Protected as in defending the Lentiles, “if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart” (Heb 12:20). Beasts for Ab’s, but more so, beasts (seraphim) seeking spare parts for pseudo wheels of the horsemen there. Hebrews 12:21 is the epitome, it is holy ground; and even seems defended there also by “an innumerable company of angels.” But beware also, as with Armageddon, when you are up, there is the similar battle of “God and Magog” at end of 1000 year Sabbath with satan or another evil again fooling you to receive the spirit, how will you discern between that and the real thing? In waiting, study to show thyself approved, believe, pray and live righteously. Resist evil, all evil, having your mind discerning good and evil, should be able to taste perverse things (Job 6:30). When such a time comes to leave the May-Den your sentiments should be, "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come" (Heb 13:13-14).

Conclusion on ‘Methodology of Such A Case 2’

The latter part of this post, Methodology of Such a Case 2, seems to contradict parts of a post before 2007, entitled "Obeast Synopsis," with the sub-section "Horsemen and Salvation." That post reads and rightly conclude or close the bracket on salvation to angels for earth's duration (time, times and half a time) as this time was allotted for the washing of all the intelligent inhabitants of the world he has made, his sons. That section was more so to me than anything else, i.e., ask of salvation or stuff of my sons, humans (already saved) and angels; it's not my place to ask of such for any other created intelligent beings. Because having learnt much, as played out in this section, I would opt to preach to all and look in all things, being anointed as such can figure out and tamper into things before time and release such; as started but these small bits allowable in "Methodology of Such A Case 2." A possible example of release before time are the ancient Babylonians under Nimrod, Sargon or the Acadians, even Osiris of Egypt making and working and actually set in motion as if the old Lion was to come in that time, which represent their angelic salvation; when at the time the young lions (Judaism) weren't even around, much more The Lion (Christ), wherewith only through The Lion the old lion get his prowess to make them free, so it would be putting the horse before the carriage. Notwithstanding, horsemen "redemption" is still only a possibility to be ironed out by another if plausible. So the bracket is close to them for earth's allotted washing, which means there is no more washing of any beings to take place. However, there after God does what he pleases by a potsherd of the earth to any other potsherd from them through grace. So until Christ return only Jews, Gentiles and Angels are in the commonwealth of salvation and anything else are outcasts, bastards and will be burnt up. They also cannot be saved, as the term salvation means God lost something and is now redeeming it back to himself, humans and angels he created perfect and they cut off themselves and were lost; horsemen are a new creature in the scheme of things and an anomaly to the washing. If anything that should come for them is acceptance in that commonwealth even with God's spirit, which would be the first time being joined to God, hence accepted not redeemed or saved. This seems to come when the washing of earth's inhabitants are done and the redeemed are resting, Sabbath; so it really would be going out of the way and really epitomize grayce! Again, I use the word if, "but that's just the way the father is, he'll be your friend when you're not his."

So the referential to the Time, Times and Half a time is for Jews, Humans and Angels. So angels are the third seed. Dan 12 and Rev 12 mentioned these three dispensational time for the redemption of these three flocks; to be ushered by the liberator bull, eagle and a new mediator-liberator for each dispensation and time, so such might follow if such is plausible for horsemen. But how do I know the time is ended at Armageddon and Christ return? First lets get the old and new testament references of these three times, "And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished" (Dan 12:7) and "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent" (Rev 12:14). Notice Eagle, the Shepherd bull is to usher in these times and he repeated Dan 12:7 and Rev 12:14 when he said, "And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer" (Rev 10:6). "Time no longer" means he would finish these three times or Shepherd these three folds to redemption, after which time is ended; for the earth was created for thus. After this Christ should return but at such time when these times end there shall be destruction as never seen before," And at that TIME shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt" (Dan 12:1-2). This took places in Rev 11:19 "And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail;" and Mike did this a little after the two witnesses prophecy, so it was at Christ return or Armageddon ends, especially notice the first resurrection time line in Daniel 12:1-2. This means the three times ended here and if so, the three times clearly meant Jew, Gentiles (humans) and angels. The sabbath is next and though a time, 1000 years, it is to rest; so not intended this way it came out as 6000 years (washing) and rest 1000 (rest/reward) as pattern in 6 days shalt thou work and the 7th to rest, so no washing can take place in the time of resting and would exclude all beings. However, there may be hope, "And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him? How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath" (Mark
2:24-27). That last verse might be an aid to such a horse-man mediator, that is, the Sabbath was made for man to rest and so the door closes for inherent human beings, but are the horsemen on sabbath? I leave it there for that mediator to work out. So though angels are the third seed, out of time and in the confines of earth, if an acceptance for horsemen is plausible, they could be considered a third seed as well, as in Human, Angels and Horsemen. Another thing such a mediator might advocate is a planet, but I would interject being on thrones then with the other saints and opt to leave it now, that is, the previous seed began their washing with a new planet, earth, and ended after 6 millenniums, while if you contend for a planet you might be contending for a drawn-out washing (with a history, trials, etc ) when in less than a 1000 years you can have that completed; which you might even be join to God then broken by an adversary and allowed to grope, desire then connect again (redeemed), when this is in your grasp now. However, if the fleshly conditions to which you exist now persist, why have one race beside another race which is food to them, or highly contagious by choice? Very tempting, I’ll leave it at for another.

Nonetheless, as said at the end of ‘Methodology Of Such A Case 1’, “Christ didn’t necessarily came to save humans, but mankind or even more, any that is lost, he came to save that which was lost’ (Matt 18:11). Angels are lost too, even lost before humans were lost. So would come to save these that are lost too. For if a woman lost two children in the mall, would she put up a missing sign and announcement to find only one, even worse, leave the mall finding one and rejoicing, how much more God.” But guess what, this would disqualify horsemen, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). They weren’t his to begin with, than to be lost, to be saved. However, Luke 19 then gave a parable of what might take place with them, “He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him” (Luke 19:12-26). That is, after coming to seek that which was lost and some reject him, he also added others which were not of those that can be considered lost. As a man inviting his friends, LOST, to a party and they said we are not coming we are going to the night-club; then he went on the street and give the food to the poor to eat in his house. This exact thing of coming to the lost (friends) to save them but also incorporating others not lost (strangers) is seen in the following verses in Luke 14. “Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden [LOST AND TO NOW RETURN], Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make excuse...And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room [FOR MORE TO BE SAVED, BUT I DID GATHERED ALL THOSE OF THE LOST THAT CHOOSE TO COME]. And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in [WHO MAY, WHICH WERE NOT IN THE CATEGORY OF LOST], that my house may be filled. For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden [LOST AND INVITED TO COME BACK IN] shall taste of my supper” (Luke 14:16-18 & 22-24).

Note: {1} Never want to touch it further, but keep opening can of worms. If a planet is plausible, a drawn-out washing might be side stepped in this and a quote: Ancient Aryan cities are complete with Bricks, as the Mayan, as the Aztecs, so "There was never a time any people on the earth was uncivilized, the term is just concocted, in my estimation, by the elite to feel superior to another or even hold in bondage. Example, at one point black men weren't considered men, even 3/5 of a man [holding all things constant], but today that is obviously ridiculous, yet until this time it was correct. The notion then of an uncivilized people is erroneous, societies choose to live how they want. For instance, some Amerindians built great cities, while some dwelt subsistently" (O. M, Author and Minister). I guess thus far the horsemen race dwelt not as a people, as humans and God placing angels here (even in governments, etc), so the history, trials, etc., the horsemen shared was that of the former, not their own, which a planet starting such a race might foster. Being civilized or not is not the issue to short-cut the drawn-out washing but the element of sin, the familiarity thereof, after which having one’s senses exercise to choose between good and evil; this is foster being left alone to exist as is, then have the option to choose a life of sin or not. As of now they have only existed as sublets or sub-entities of human and angel entities, as animals, yet possessing a human body, consciousness and intelligence; hence LACK “being left alone to exist as is, then have the option to choose.” Having gone into Dens then when the “Mad Max” world arise when Christ returns, and they run wild upon the rest of the earth, they would have a little history of their own, being sort of left alone, leading to the Battle of Gog and Magog. That might cut short the drawn out washing of a planet, yet since encoded in scripture (Diana, Jupiter, Barnabas, Acts 14:12, 19:35) a planet might still be plausible. Not only me shouldn’t touch it further, but anyone else and wait on that mediator; for example, EA saying to Barb come on close his eyes, must get the two pillar, for with them (silver and purple) you can get your ready made souls now. Shun all such that fabricate lies to do their own evils. Remember the prophecy. {2} Remember the prophecy, prophecy, prophecy "Abstain from all appearance of evil...I pray God your whole … body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ...Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thess 5:22-24). Remember, it be only a possibility by your actions and desire, God will always opt to prepare and make a way, but with or without sinister angels doing such, the individual being can forfeit by choice; though EA, Pig, etc would erode all this already by setting things off course with spices. So walk or strive like the saints to “walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called” as if it be so already, that is faith and faith is what moves God and unrighteousness and evil does the opposite, so ultimately it is still up to this sect then, horsemen, and nothing set in stones; for “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34), how much more horsemen (Isa 45:9). Universally, “To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Heb 3:15). The operative word there is “IF.”


Jesus didn't necessarily said he come to save humans only, but that which was lost (Matt 18:11). We don't know how that is comprised. Fallen Angels are lost too. However, if such is solved, "one law shall be to him that is homeborn [HUMANS] and unto the stranger [ANGELS, ETC,] that sojourneth among you" (Exodus 12:49); in essence, same Christendom.  Though being zealous, I have to also remember and caution myself of 2 Chronicles 19:2, "And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD." So if not reachable and God cuts off, reaching out to such is even woe to the person doing the outreach. To myself and others, pray, verify and make sure it be of God!


The following verse was personally giving concerning me for the works done, when faced with suckry/warp chi and if died, "A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this" (Psalms 22:30-31). That is, the angels in flesh about me would declare the things done by me and stolen, even stolen through suckry; that it was the hand of the Lord upon box that has done so, not the suckerer or thieves (even warped chi). At this time I hadn't gone in-depth with salvation to angels but having learnt tenets of suckry, intermingling with angel activities and suckerers stealing and pre-publishing works I'm doing and have done. This verse was a console to that; they would come and declare me the author of such works. I had deemed it like Luke 19:40 but later found out they be not just rocks that cry, but done so deliberately being that seed that served box because he had pertain to them, he not knowing until now. However, that verse is overt Christological or merely a Jesus Christ prophecy. So let’s look at it from Isaiah 53:8, "He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken" (Isa 53:8). From Easton Bible Dictionary we find, "Isaiah 53:8, 'Who shall declare his generation?' His manner of life who shall declare? or rather His race, posterity, shall be so numerous that no one shall be able to declare it." Now the encoded break down:

[CAME OUT OF HELL]=> He was taken from prison and from judgment:

[UNKNOWN]=> and who shall declare his generation?

[CAME OUT OF HELL BECAUSE HE DIED]=> for he was cut off out of the land of the living:

[HE DIED FOR MANKIND AND/OR JEWS]=> for the transgression of my people was he stricken

POSITION 1. Christ died and had no descendants.

POSITION 2. Christ died and couldn't further his work.

POSITION 3. Even if it means that others shall come and declare what he Christ did, that was not the case. For they went back fishing and he rose from the dead and began the apostolic age, first showing himself to 500 and preaching to many, which is a prophecy by Daniel that he confirmed the NEW covenant for one week, after he died. Then he arose in the 120 upper room folks through the Holy Spirit and continued the work through them and all believers since then, throughout all generation. So Christ himself declared his message when rose and also through them, his sort of wheels.

Let’s look at it from Psalms 49:19, Now the way in which generation is used here, that is with death, it might have the same meaning. Psalms 49:19 reads, "He shall go to the generation of his fathers." From Easton, “the dwelling of his fathers, i.e., the grave.” But generation here only means that because of the words used with it, "of his fathers." So then, by the context generation is tied to mean the grave. Let's see if that is the case with also Isaiah 53:8. The clause before and after generation deals directly with death, him being taking out of it and that he went to it and that he went to it for his people. So the context surrounds the grave, but in a rhetorical sense. That is, who shall declare his generation seeing that he was taken from prison and from judgment [DEATH]? Who else but him! He was taken from the GRAVE, so unlike other men who died and their message die with them and followers also, Christ rose and continued his message, his followers and his generation. Which is the essence of the rhetoric, that is, he can declare his message because he didn't stay in hell but rose from it, so more profoundly he shall declare his own generation. As taken in POSITION 3. Why? Because he rose from the dead as verified in Psalms 22 itself, verse 29, "none can keep alive his own soul;" so they would die with their message and followings, unlike Christ.

This also showed that the end of psalm 22 didn't necessarily speak of Christ, but directly or indirect or dually speak of box, if die the fold to which he pertains shall continue the work, distribution of literature left, etc.; for unlike Christ, I can't keep alive my own soul, Christ would have to raise me up and even after my time, I couldn't raise up myself or wheel my followers, so they would have to declare my generation. Yet still only if it pertains to me or else it dies with me (Acts 
5:36), even though they be angels and always on the surface. Moreover, with such a Christ salvation to them that should follow, God’s spirit would be with it and as such God would prompt to carry on the work. One love!