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The Question Was Posed To Satan By God Concerning Job
the Man.
Now The Question Is Posed Of Satan To A Man Going Through A Job Experience.
Before going into the thesis, let us get some background of what the world has garnered concerning satan and his works. The following taken from IBS by William Arnold.
ISBE-Satan, "adversary," from the verb satan, "to lie in wait" (as adversary); diabolos, "Devil," "adversary" or "accuser"
-Names and Titles:
Tempter (Mt 4:5; 1 Thess 3:5); Beelzebub (Mt 12:24); Enemy (Mt 13:39); Evil One (Mt 13:19,38; 1 Jn 2:13,14; 3:12, and particularly 5:18); Belial (2 Cor 6:15); Adversary (antidikos), (1 Pet 5:8); Deceiver (literally "the one who deceives") (Rev 12:9); Dragon (Great) (Rev 12:3); Father of Lies (Jn 8:44); Murderer (Jn 8:44); Sinner (1 Jn 3:8) [ISBE]
One of the "sons of God," ie. "angels" (Job 1:6)
Not created evil, in the garden of God, (Satan's fall?)
Never called an "archangel" as is commonly said
Pride was his downfall (1 Tim 3:6)-Nature and Character:
THE ENEMY - "Satan is consistently represented in the New Testament as the enemy both of God and man. . . . The fundamental moral description of Satan is given by our Lord when He describes Satan as the "evil one" (Mt 13:19,38; compare Isaiah's description of Yahweh as the "Holy One," Isa . 1:4 and often)" [ISBE]
THE TEMPTER - Satan is called "the tempter" a few times in scripture (Matt. 4:3; 1 Thess. 3:5). The Bible illustrates this device of his in the temptation of Jesus Christ (Matt. 4:1-11). From this we see: 1. He came at a time of weakness (when Jesus had been fasting), 2. He used the three channels of lust, greed and pride (1 John 2:16), 3. When resisted he left for a time (James 4:7)
THE DECIEVER - " . . . it is perfectly evident that Satan's power consists principally in his ability to deceive. It is interesting and characteristic that according to the Bible Satan is fundamentally a liar and his kingdom is a kingdom founded upon lies and deceit." [ISBE] Compare this to the Bible's emphasis on truth. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)
The first thing we see him doing is deceiving Eve in the garden of Eden. (Gen. 3:1-5) Notice here as well as in the temptation of Christ, it is not a complete lie (or who would believe it?) but rather he twists the truth. He appears as: "angel of light" 2 Cor 11:13-15, "god of this world" 2 Cor 4:4, "roaring lion" 1 Pet 5:8THE ACCUSER - Also, Satan is "the Accuser," hence diabolos "the Devil, Accuser" (Job 1:9; 2:4; Zech 3:1; Rev 12:10). He is like the "prosecuting attorney."
THE FAILURE - Satan is the biggest failure that ever lived. He has been defeated in everything he set out to do. (He backslid before there even was a devil!)
-Present Work:
"The world-wide and age-long works of Satan are to be traced to one predominant motive. He hates both God and man and does all that in him lies to defeat God's plan of grace and to establish and maintain a kingdom of evil, in the seduction and ruin of mankind." [ISBE]
Satan is said to have a kingdom (Matt. 12:26) which is not divided against itself. A hierarchy is given in Col 1:16 & Eph 6:12: Thrones, dominions, principalities, powers, rulers, spiritual wickedness. He is the prince (ie., leader) of the power of the air (Eph 2:2).
Apparently Satan can only do what God allows (Job 1&2, 1 Cor 10:13, 2 Cor 12:7)
Satan uses human agents (2 Cor 2:11; 11:13-15)-Present Status and Future:
He has been "disarmed" (Col 2:15)
Church is given power over him and his angels (Luke 10:19)
Jesus goal and purpose is to defeat Satan (Matt 25:41, Heb. 2:14, 1 John 3:8, Rev 20:1-3, 7-10)
These are the standard notions we have of him and many stretch of the truth, but the general universal knowledge of him is true - AN ADVERSARY - someone you don't want to be hanging out with or have any fellowship with. All this evil of him is known, but my contention with God is why is he allowed to exist, I see him fit for nothing and the problem why the earth is sinning against you, God. It would be good to rid him from it and that problem would be solve, which is still my contention - let nature takes it course on its own. But unlike our seeing, which is correct and should be so, "the darkness and the light are both alike to" God. Some of that I intend to expound on in this thesis.
1) Making the guilty found guilty, which Christ is the scapegoat. Satan being the leading prosecutor was kind of needed, as seen personally. Personally in that, in case of the Suckerers versus Oneil McQuick, the sucker claiming they wrote my books, while Oneil contends that he sat at the Lord's feet and wrote and can in no wise remember several 1 ½ sermons on T.V or by a pulpit or by a tape word for word, if pulled there for the prevention of redeeming the times. And that by virtue of their ability sucked tenets of what I would have written. Oneil would seem ridiculous, as even mentioning angels or something as intangible and not known as suckry. Then the suckerer would say who is Oneil, I'm a Doctor, Aged teacher, etc. and the first to say his stuff. The suckerer would win for all the evidence brought forward would be foreseen by the said suckerer who can foresee and hence counteracted before Oneil even comes to find the evidence to use. In the process Oneil can go crazy fighting things that somewhat cannot be fought, mental gymnastics in essence. The suckerer knows they sucked the thing and is robbing him blind all those years, but this cannot be proven and hence Oneil will always loose against the suckerer. Hence, these evildoers will always find an excuse for their evil and will always find ways to say they have done no wrong. God hates when you or I cover up sins. What God allows satan to do is make them guilty, you guilty and anybody he can find to accuse guilty; hence the statement God posed to him, "Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?" Or, what about him, have you found any fault in him, Mr. Lead Prosecutor? So after that satan went about to make him found guilty before God, which was God intent to bring this out. He wants us to know we are all guilty before him regardless of how good we are, as said in this verse, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Rom 3:23). So like me trying to show that so and so is a suckerer and I'm legit and the suckerers keep evading, likewise all people do with their sins. In such an event, an adversary or lead prosecutor is needed so no matter how hard we try we can't hide our sins, but fall flat on our face and say, "God, I'm guilty, I did so and so, please forgive me."
2) Making the lukewarm cold, most often by destruction or overt pulling to evil, you either have to be hot or cold or he'll spit you out. Hot is hot, cold he'll make you hot, but lukewarm is hypocritical and you prevent yourself from getting hot, which he allows satan to break up that fallow ground; that false religiosity and make you cold, most often so you can get hot. As seen in Jeremiah 3:10-11, "And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart, but feignedly, saith the LORD. And the LORD said unto me, The backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah." Israel was profoundly wicked over against Judah which was religious, but Judah wasn't fully turned to God and hence lukewarm. God hates this and says the overtly wicked Israel is more justified than Judah. So to break this up, satan is allowed. Notice Jeremiah 3:13, "Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the LORD." They were not only lukewarm but not acknowledging their sins or backsliding, which he would have brought out. This in itself (verse 13) is apart of being lukewarm. Whereby, by this they are prevented from going to hot and hence must go to cold first to go to hot. Hence the verse, "Break up your fallow ground" (Jer 4:3). Lukewarm is like the shower experience I had - the water was hot, cold, hot, cold, in, out, out, in, etc. Wherewith in this case the shower wouldn't be working so you demolish it and put in a new one. If it was working, when it is cold you turn the handle to hot, if near cold turn the handle. But a bad shower, not working as it should, is spued out. God warns of being this way, not to or else be destroyed complete, to prevent the complete destruction he allows satan to break up that by his evil doings and you fall flat on your face, being now cold, and cry out to God. Be either hot or cold, if cold you are working and that's normal, he'll just turn the handle. But if Lukewarm Jeremiah 6:8 says to take the destruction less in this state he departs.
There is a spin-off from the second purpose of him, which I learnt when I made this statement on my paranormal blog, "'While the G-Unit doing it, the Orangutan Clan can.' We are more familiar with angels in Orange mode, hence, we cannot conceive angels of God sinning, yet that is how the 1/3 fell and are rampantly sinning on earth. The orange unit is good, but without the true blues the system of the world wouldn't be. This capacity of angels prone to sin when exposed to the delights of the earth make it even more viable that an argument can be made for the redemption of hopefuls, being just like fallen man, needing God's grace." This cause me to also see some allowance for the existence of the evil one, that is, without the influence of evil we would love God, we have nothing to or know nothing of not loving God; so what satan existence does is create an avenue not to love God, and only those who truly love God or want to, would turn to God. If God wanted beings to worship him, he could make robots to praise him night and day, but everyone wants someone that would love them no matter what. How can you know someone loves you no matter what, when the "push-come-to-shove." If in the existence of our beings we never have the push-come-to-shove we would never know or experience true love. What God is looking for is mirrored in the married vows, "through thick and thin, for better or for worst." Except these things come and the person remains, we would never know if he or she truly loves you or the pretty face you furnish by your money being a millionaire. So when testing and tryings come, and God allows it, he's saying, do you love me, despite all this? This is one reason for the resurfacing of the evil one through Abaddon, a threshing; threshing only separate the wheat from the tare before consumption, or let the wheat be the wheat and the tare the tare. This is another reason for holding satan (before casting him in the lake of fire at the time of Abaddon, etc) for a thousand years then loosing him after it. People would be born in the New Millennium (amongst others) and having no tempter around, would insincerely love God and out of fear, when he loose the tempter they have an avenue not to love God and those who truly don't love God will take it; the hypocrites. Then they and him will be put away. If a being were truly an archrival to God, that being wouldn't exist the moment this occurs, for nothing can stand before God. Those who perpetrate to be are not eliminated because they can't do anything outside of God and whatever they do is only allowable by God, he working a mystery though they think they are the ones evil. Didn't God say, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things" (Isa 45:7). As in, in most human life cases we need someone to play the devil's advocate, not that that person is evil just for the sake of the case in question; as when God sent a lying spirit to fool the false prophets. We who are good hate playing the devil's advocate, but zealous to do the Lord's will, so the devil is proud in his ways and think he has a mind of his own, let the devil play the devil's advocate in life and when I'm done doing what I'm doing cast him out: Or, fins a solution to this.
These two things satan is
allowed to exist for, which he seems to be the best at it.
For 1) Christ came and dealt with number 1, which made satan ever mad with Israel since. Because to him and his, they are the cause of their lost influence, whereby he and his were watchers or devils that accuse the brethren daily, both accusing and laying the snare. Justice demands satisfaction and hence the accused is taken. What Christ did was make the accused go free and took away the need for accusation and hence his seat. Christ made it plain, no two ways about it, you're a sinner, but you can be justified. Still like a sinner, but through Justification cannot be accused or charged with the sin anymore. Tenets of the Law under Moses had heighten this, by clearly drawing the lines and boundaries to be overstepped, as against being inherent and variable since creation. So Christ already began to deal with this under the law, making sin more sinful and obvious and hence needed a relief from it, which was grace. Paul mentioned this a little, "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might [INCREASE] abound. But where sin [INCREASE] abounded, grace did much more [INCREASE] abound" (Rom 5:20). Now, satan, on the other hand, made sin obvious and brought it out to "kill, steal and destroy." But the need was there to simply bring it out. But Christ dealt with his latter part as well, instead of "kill, steal and destroy" after it is brought out, he gives life and justification to all. That's why satan hates the cross, having been kicked from his position in heaven, he is no longer needed, he then had a foothold in the lives of the believers he hates by his accusation and subsequencial destructive carry-out, but then lost that when Christ rose from the dead. It would seem God was in league with him in doing this wherewith we get the synopsis in Job and even dialogue between the two on doing this; and when satan got the chance to make Job sin you see what power the accusation carried. But not really so, the light and darkness are both alike unto God, but to us a mystery.
For 2) Christ took care
of 1, but he's still on earth doing evil, for 2, having found a solution for
2 he will no longer be needed. Like the first solution beginning from the Law,
if by an angel, the exploits might not be different from satan, as with the
angel that was a lying spirit to the false prophets to make them fall (1 Kings
22:22); but like the first solution, the intent would be to cut and heal, as
against cut and destroy. Concerning this solution here is a little synopsis,
The Need Is There
· Jer 5:10
· Jer 6:27, 11
· Jer 5:3The Mercy / Healing Is Needed Too
· Jer 5:18
· Jer 6:8Who It Applies To
· The only persons excluded from being made cold is born again Christians, for they cannot, having received the waters of life that shall be a well spring that will never run dry. But they are tormented by evil, but cannot be made cold. Why? The scripture said to try them, why try them if they are true and cannot be made untrue? I would say for that trueness to be true to them, as gold is refined in fire, not to be consumed. Is it necessary? If this allowance of his were replaced, would this "refining" still be needed? Somewhat, for you have fakes among the body. So it remains only the fallow grounds of the false religion and false Christians - hypocrites who are not saved - is needed. If that be the case, any qualified angel can do that, or even all angels upon a decree and even the extensive preaching of truth; yet it might involve some deceiving and destruction, so one to oversee. Hence, not accusing or persecuting the brethrens, but breaking up the false hope of the unsaved, unregenerated, so they too might be saved. Sometimes that may take physical destruction or wasting of the strongholds of the false hope (not only land but things to it). Not necessarily like him, but such an administrator (s) might seem separate from the gospel message, as not to obliterate the inherent message, but in league enough to resonate, "whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth" (Heb 12:6). If the purpose is cut and heal, then in such an effort, though sometimes seem impossible, innocent lives should not be lost; only chasten to repentance, except in the case of those the Lord know afar off who will not repent and even reserved for judgment. For the latter, distinguishing such a one has to be led by the Lord, for only he knows such afar off. At other times, he would just will / allow satan as he will without satan knowing he's been so intricately used by the Lord in his rage to only hurt or waste those whom the Lord wills. Hence something like this verse, "I have created the waster to destroy" (Isa 54:16), so not necessarily satan himself. So a replacement on the side of good might not be "puppeted" but work intelligently with God as the spirit in 1 Kings 22:22. The previous verse did say God has destroyers and even an example of one that can act in this capacity - example, the Spirit of Death that only killed the first born of Egypt. Having the ability to do more, but discipline and in league with God only to touch whom he wills on command. The blood of the lamb on the door post would more signifies the omission of saints from this new "destroyer" and would seem to punish the world following the Lord, breaking up their fallow grounds for them. Doing them a favor in essence. Of the five (haven't stated the patterns of five thingy yet) Michael would fit this, though a little overlaps in each, as for me and how it pertains to the tower the hopeful see in their vision feedback, I'm not that person but my purpose seen in Jeremiah 6:27. Though this can be any angel of God.
As concerning the extension of reason number two, in him creating an avenue not to love God, Christ sought of took care of that. First did so after the resurrection, lost any position to accuse man, they all know they are sinners and Christ died for sin once for all men. Hopefully he might lessen or obliterate his influence during our time until Abaddon and he'll definitely bound him during the 1000 years reign, but loose him again for a little season. As for me, I still can't concur with the need for an evil avenue, for what cause, to prove love or try them, because as Christ said on the cross, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do," we'll always choose the evil, but it is his grace that prevents us and carry out our hearts intent to love him.
If argued for an end of
his now role, which Paul mentioned (1 Cor 5:5). Having it ended doesn't mean
he is gone. His role as accuser of the Brethren was taken away by Christ but
he still exist thereafter, but he can't accuse the brethren no more. Likewise,
if he looses this unknown privilege to him, then he will still be around and
will be finally put down by Christ on his second return; but loose a little
at the end of the thousand year reign for he somewhat is still the best at arousing
the sin in you, either to be destroyed or now, since Christ, realize you are
guilty and turn to him. Hence, to try the new people born since the 1000 years,
so the hypocrites might not be with the true, they would have acted like the
truth because Christ would be ruling with a rod of iron.
Some "sloppy" work of satan noticed:
(comical twist to it, because it is a serious cause for concern)
1. The AIDS epidemic = if this was allow for the sin of the people, he possible created a disease that is still wiping out the innocent to this day. As with allege Malaria used on the first Eagle Landing in Europe. My assumption is he, and as against plagued, learnt a lesson and stopped - but the plague continues, even to the innocent.
2. Job Case = In trying to get to one man to sin or bring out a sin (curse God), as God challenged him. He killed the man's entire family; innocent lives need not be touched for one man. A replacement would have arouse the man Job only and leave him be, saying Lord he is faithful, even from the first reaction, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." If it was a cause like the flood, as to cleanse the Land and God's wrath outpoured, then... but this was one man.
3. The Case Of The All You Can Eat Buffet = The next section explains this.
Someone who cares for the
people is needed, but stern and I push forward the motion for Michael.
According to Jeremiah 9:21 encodly, some of the tenets said of satan seem to apply to death as well. I guess the difference would be avariciousness on satan's part, as against opportunistic on death's part - though all watchers or yellowrites would lay snares, which could equate temptations. Death could see the sin to bring out while satan creates the sin to be brought out. Avaricious to plan, create and destroy by sin. Opportunistic, as in, the land sins, it must pay the price of death. Hell does the same thing like death. So death comes with accusations to kill, but not as satan who made them sin and to further the cause. But rather, when the Land greatly sins and the opportunity to destroy comes, death activates, which justice demands satisfaction; and given human tendencies such opportunities will always come. But like satan, he doesn't care for the people, he just want to kill. Even after Christ's resurrection satan go constantly seeking and making the opportunity, though no audience to make an accusation; by his deceiving he causes the people to receive righteous judgments, which makes God somewhat moves his hands - as seen in the story of Job. Once that is done, destruction is carried out as much as the God's hand is moved - not that God gave him the right to do so. He used the law of cause and effect, knowing that Justice demands satisfaction, though he is no longer a Justice of Heaven. For instance, a prosecutor looses his license, but he knows the "Laws" and still set up people to be destroyed. He had always set up people and prosecutes them at the same time, now he just set up people and let them fall on the sword by cause and effect. Though Christ removed this for all those who believe in him, that is, dying eternally and being blameless before him - every disobedience sort of still receive a just recompense (mostly through ignorance), though with the upholding by Christ such recompense would seem as nothing to us saints and even further the cause. Moreover, upon dying one who believes in Christ is assured a place in paradise, as against the intent of capturing that soul in torment forever - hell. However, for those who don't believe in Christ at the moment, he still uses that cause and effect deceiving to make them suffer and die. No audience to prosecute but still set up people to die, he often doing that killing, stealing and destroying.
Now, death would seem automatic, persons die for sins and the evil of the Land. However, satan compliments death in that he provides the souls to die. While he may not be as wise to carryout the task to make people constantly fall on the sword, as satan does being the former chief prosecutor, he carries out or is the great help in carrying out the sentence; along with him, Hell. So satan cook the soup and Death and Hell drink it. Brawn is not the superiority here, but wisdom, whereby Death and Hell not only becomes partners to him, but also now depend on him - hence, wisdom reign supreme, as he would be the greater over them. However, though not avaricious to make people sin and die as satan, they would be avaricious in killing and destroying, for they don't need satan to carry out their inadvertent duties, he just make it like an all-You-Can-Buffet for them. Notice, when satan is ejected from the game in foul trouble pending the 1000 years reign, they still exist, yet presently they seem to depend on him. So they are not dependent on him, for people will continue to die and unfortunately, people will continue to sin and fall on the sword themselves. In a sort of way, upon loosing his prosecutor position, he exercises it through them; I guess wanting his own court. This I personally surmise is a lesser reason for the Islam suckry. Christ having taken away every requirement for justification or righteousness and resorted it to simply belief in him, he now recreates such a system. In other words, Christ removed the law and court over men's life, so all the prosecutors, judges, clerks and everybody were fired and he is that court; however, by faith. This put a lot of people out of Jobs, especially him, so he tried and seem to be successful in re-creating a court system. Firstly through the Catholic Church (which opt to pattern old Jewry *laws and even introduce clergy hierarchy, yet claiming Christ, but unknowingly removing what he had done) and secondly, Islam (creating a new religion itself with the said tenets of Laws and earthly requirement for Justification, even more, possibly sucking on the new religiosity that should be created of Christianity for angels and put this for humans, who were already free by Christ and hence Islam would nullify Christianity). These two religions is said to account for about 2.5 billion people, which in his wisdom, you see why he would make an all-you-can-eat-buffet for Death and Hell, plus the other watchers that lost their Jobs.
*Asterisk denotes, He's
not trying to set up tenets of the Laws in and of itself but the consequences
of the law as it pertains to sin and Justification, for the law is good, if
carried out in faith properly.
(But Later Rise Abaddon and The False Prophet)
It would seem in the times before Christ return satan is cast down. That is, his deceiving to make the earth cold and waxen from God and truth has gone too far and he was cast down. If needs be I would use several arguments, a lesser one is this (though I don't want to become an accuser myself):
When the opposition team (5) was introduced this was said,
"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held" (Rev 6:8-9).It was given to them to only work within the parameters of killing only a 1/4 or a quarter of the earth, but satan made a fiesta for them of 2.5 / 6 (in billions), hence .42 or nearly half of the world, theoretically. Not only that, verse 9 said they are killing the saints, which though said in many verses of martyrdom, not needed. Why pressure them or kill when they are already clean and cannot be made unclean, that's ludicrous and possible out of bounds to the "playing field." They might say to break up the fallow grounds of more lukewarm and cold persons - that's the purpose of any allowance to waste; along with the hypocrites. Not wanting to set up back some court system, but the riders were set loose and all things are inadvertently in the hands of God. So though I might not be able to change that, I can change and mention the fact of the case of the "All-you-can-eat-buffet." Whereby, satan roles of destroying is not needed, Death and hell can work on their own and righteous judgments can be administered by a chief replacement - my suggestion, Michael, whereby if and when destruction is administered it is cut and heal, as against cut and destroy.
Death and Hell can work on their own, with theirs, as might still be allowed because of the heighten sins of persons. Whereby, one versus had said to me encodly of they being "swifter than eagles." Eagles referring probably to the 7 thunders of The Eagle or Blue Angels. I had pondered, how comes they are swifter than Eagles, the best in the Earth. But it opened back up; they (adversaries - yellows) are not swifter than Eagles in Brains or Brawn, but in executing judgment. Not that they have this right, but someone with a heart might think twice before wasting, while these Yellows only want to kill people and destroy. That is, a territory and beings had come up and their sins more than reach up to heaven, some of the things can't not only be understood, but said. And the reason for imminent destruction was that they keep sinning and pseudo-stopping in this thing and repeating that over and over again - they were Lukewarm and cold beyond reheating, yet acclaim hope. In that acclaim of hope, eagles would be slower to correct with judgment of desolation. In this sense, satan is not needed, for he don't have to steer or bring out this sin, the perpetrators know of and continue pseudo-stopping, know they are guilt but... Hence, desolation the only solution. It is quickly and speedily needed to be taken care of, as God is "weary with repenting," Eagles can take of the job but would delay. When God is this angry, he let loose the worse thingy imaginable, as a man in rage that act rashly, so to speak. However, this might not be a good thing, as will be seen in the section "MOWING VERSUS GRASSHOPPERS;" for instance, wanting a hole in the ground "like yesterday," and an atomic bomb is used to make it, instead of waiting on the digging bulldozer to make the hole. Again, like fishing with dynamites, instead of using a net. The former is quicker, but the latter is safer - you wouldn't want to eat a fish with chemicals in it. However, God is in a rage against these perpetrators and in his mind is atomic bomb, but his heart is bulldozer; in the weariness of repenting the mind is carried out. That mind or destruction is allowing satan and his waste. Though Eagles or blues might delay, the orange unit, I would opt to say, can more likely undertake such a speedy job, as against allowing the position-less satan and the yellowrites; Michael, I surmise being the head of that unit - yet they work in harmony with true blues, probably somewhat seeminglessly. This section of the blues I would opt to replace satan and his rage against all beings.
So not that judgment is not needed, but administered less rage and with wisdom from above - as a child needs spanking sometimes. Not that the intent of the former court system of accusing you to God as guilty wasn't needed, but less the rage and with wisdom - whereby Christ says, omit all that, you are guilty now accept forgiveness/blamelessness and I'll give you the grace to stop.
So, this goes the trend. Satan was cast out of heaven, but through tricking Adam got an audience and made accusations even of Angels in the sky. Christ came and kicked him of that position to the earth (Rev 12:10) while on earth he still found a way to ensnare people's live through cause and effect of the all-you-can-eat-buffet created. ** When Christ returns he bounds him in the bottomless pit (Rev 20:3) where he cannot interfere with heaven or earth anymore. He was loose a little and then finally, permanently forever cast into the lake of fire.
** Asterisk denotes, POSSIBLY
before Christ return he might be kicked from the earth again and its system
and bounded in the netherworld, but once again found a way to manipulate things
on earth through representatives from Hell, Abaddon the King thereof and his
false prophet. Though if satan is cast down in the Netherworlds permanently,
there is still projection from there, I learnt, though that can be dealt with
as well. But more so what he did to replace himself was to send his friend Abaddon
on the earth to replace the avaricious killing he made Death and Hell do and
heighten them as well. Then to replace his all-you-can-eat-buffet deceiving
for this, he sent the false prophet.
I had gotten this concept while reading it encodly of what might be taking place.
"Thus hath the Lord GOD shewed unto me; and, behold, he formed grasshoppers in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth; and, lo, it was the latter growth after the king's mowings. And it came to pass, that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land, then I said, O Lord GOD, forgive, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD. Thus hath the Lord GOD shewed unto me: and, behold, the Lord GOD called to contend by fire, and it devoured the great deep, and did eat up a part. Then said I, O Lord GOD, cease, I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: This also shall not be, saith the Lord GOD. Thus he shewed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand. And the LORD said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more" (Amos 7:1-8).
After the King had planted and Mowed, then God send grasshoppers upon the latter growth. In the strictest sense, mowing and grasshoppers would seem to be doing the same thing, cutting the lawn. However, mowing does it meticulously to grow and fertilize after, whiles, grasshoppers eat up everything and pollute the fields and even prevent further growth. So mowing by the king and grasshoppers would seem to do the same thing, destructions and blastings in the camps of the evildoers. But the mowing takes off the top and trim the edges for growth and keeping. Whilst the grasshoppers defect and eat the plants, even to the ground and hence destroy the purpose. Mowing cut and heals, while grasshoppers cut and destroy. If the grass is destroyed, where will more grass come from in the Earth or as said encodly in the same chapter, "by whom shall Jacob arise" (Amos 7:2). Or where shall the grass come from in the Seas or as said encodly, "by whom shall Jacob arise" (Amos 7:5). So the destruction by satan is not needed, but should be administered by blues, especially the orange unit. As such, one who does is not destroying but building, as said, "I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more" (Amos 7:7-8). A plumline suggests "instruments used in building are mentioned as the plumb-line (Am 7:7)..." (Easton Bible Dictionary). Building and destructions cannot be together except to build, in the case of the grasshoppers or satan/yellowrites, he is not building and hence not needed. Christ said, "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt 16:18).
Hence, to stop the grasshoppers is to stop the all-you-can-eat-buffet, yes by this/your petition (prayer) to heaven, but more so by preaching of the truth of Christ to all men (gospel/doctrine which includes Justification) and hopefully that same truth to all beings.
However, though this is inherently motioned for the end of satan's reign in the West and world, which seems to be solidified by the encoded "I will not again pass by them any more" (Amos 7:7-8), there comes a time they will definitely arise again and even in his seemingly absence, destruction to build can look like destruction to destroy. However, the time they will come to destroy will be when it's time to go home over yonder and hence no more building/receiving here, recorded in this verse, "And there came out of the smoke locusts [grasshoppers] upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power" (Rev 9:3).
The buffet alone might be set at nearly 1/2 the earth when it shouldn't have passed a quarter (Rev 6:8-9) and one might argue that within that number is the ¼. The 1/2 is just an estimate; more over, when a buffet is set if not eaten, it goes to waste. This wasting and avariciousness mentally is inherent in the beings and more than likely don't know what they do, just angry against God. However, the heavens do rule, and though it can't be said they are puppets on a strings, it sometimes seem so, for they are not willingly helping God to thresh the good from the evil, purge the hypocrites and press the true in the Kingdom of God, as they inherently do. Similarly, it was God who hardened Pharaoh's heart that caused the 10 plagues on Egypt, but to work his mystery. In other words, you either willing choose to follow God or by default seem like a puppet on a string and also end up in the Lake of Fire. As such, I put the motion forward that the wasting done by these three are too much, needless and a grace period of God's further grace be implemented. That is, if it be possible, such destruction be directly godly, in the hands of his destroyers, namely Michael. And the Justification of the saints, who can't be blame for anything, might be extended to all applicable beings; they all together might enjoy, enter/continue the Laodicean Church age, which though the church be rich, truth might spring up unhindered again. Upon fulfilling the mysteries of God, the hypocrites will be purged by the locusts, two witnesses, and last plagues leading up to Christ second return. Hence, all Kingdoms that has a tight hand on the people through persecution might fall, at least those Princes and the vehicle of the gospel might enter. If possible, ending Judeo-Christian persecution worldwide and persecution of the people among the people that have had their hope and domain crushed by the adversary several times over.
Far fetch this might be, but nothing shall be impossible to them that believe, nothing means nothing. To the only wise being, Yah our Father, I put forward this motion inherently, hoping if I so be lead by him to get this audience I might bring it forward to the furtherance of his Kingdom; plus, true joy, happiness, goodwill and fraternity to all! If not, that all who know thereof might join hands and heart in prayer, through FAITH, to fulfill this last push of God!
To understand this section I would have to give the revelation on the patterns of 5 to me (decoded in Daniel, Revelations and other books), it is kind of personal so I opt not to say, teach or blog it; at least for long times to come. But I'll try to mention how the prayer might already be answer with Michael taking control of any destructions in the earth and satan retiring. It would seem that Michael would fit this new destroyer role as led to it from Jeremiah 1 to Jeremiah 6, mostly encodly. Jeremiah 6:27-30 put out the 5 on the table. Verse 27 would be the preacher, "I have set thee for a tower and a fortress among my people, that thou mayest know and try their way." Verse 29, "The bellows are burned," bellows are organs that fuel fire; with an "s" so two of them or the two witnesses (Zech 4:12). They enhance the burning and burn, but "the lead is consumed of the fire." The fire is Michael, who consumes, as against just burn it. That would be the difference between the two and he, the two destroys, but he destroys utterly - but all in building, threshing and spreading the kingdom of God. The next clause of verse 29 says, "the founder melteth." This speaks of encoded Jeshurun or the great Eagle; founded America, Great Britain, Israel, etc., and a liberator of nations. However, this "founder" in this encodings seems to pertain to the Red Sea. Notice the next clause, "the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away." In other words, bringing out the teaching of the need for a godly destroy, as against having no destroyer if and when satan is put to silence. He is often used but my argument is a replacement. If the wicked are not destroyed, this verse says, the founder would have built in vain. So the position is needed and this encoding seem to back me up as it being Michael, the angel with power over fire in Rev 14:18, the five mentioned from verses 14 to 18 and verse 6.